hrp0084p2-399 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Is Retesting in GH Deficient Children Really Useful?

Pagani Sara , Meazza Cristina , Gertosio Chiara , Donati Chaira , Scavuzzo Francesca , Pilotta Alba , Buzi Fabio , Larizza Daniela , Bozzola Mauro

Background: Patients with childhood-onset GH deficiency (GHD) are usually retested in late adolescence or young adulthood, after achievement of final height, to verify whether they need to continue GH treatment. Most of the patients found to have idiopathic GHD when tested as children have normal GH responses when retested in the early or late adolescence. Indeed, the 2007 Consensus guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of GHD adults recommended that idiopathic GHD patien...

hrp0084p2-401 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

GRB10 Knockdown in Zebrafish is Associated with Decreased Weight-to-length Ratio without Alterations in AKT and ERK Activity: A Model to Study Human Growth Regulation

De Leonibus Chiara , Broadbent Jack , Murray Philip , Whitehead Joseph , Hurlstone Adam , Shiels Holly , Clayton Peter , Stevens Adam

Background: In humans GRB10 negatively regulates GH and IGF1 signaling predominantly via altering phosphorylation of PI3K/mTOR/AKT and MEK/ERK pathways which relate to both growth and metabolic function. We have previously shown that Grb10 knockdown in Zebrafish results in overgrowth with an increase in length and head size. However the impact on weight in relation to length has not been assessed.Objective: To develop a model t...

hrp0084p2-456 | Growth | ESPE2015

The Effect of Inhaled Glucocorticoid Therapy on Growth Patterns in Pre-Pubertal Children with Asthma Compared to Controls

De Leonibus Chiara , Roze Zane , Attanasi Marina , Marcovecchio Maria Loredana , Di Pillo Sabrina , Chiarelli Francesco , Mohn Angelika

Background: Controversial data exist on the possibility that inhaled glucocorticoids (IGs) affect growth in children with mild-to-moderate asthma. The majority of these studies are short-term reports lacking long-term assessment until the achievement of final height (FH).Objectives: To assess whether IGs affect growth and FH in asthmatic children compared to controls.Methods: 113 asthmatic (57/56 (males/females)) were compared to 6...

hrp0084p3-970 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Growth Hormone Therapy in Children: Predictive Factors and Short-Term and Long-Term Response Criteria in an Italian Cohort

Partenope Cristina , Pruccoli Giulia , Damia Chiara Maria , Ferrarello Maria Piera , Garbetta Gisella , Osimani Sara , Weber Giovanna , Pozzobon Gabriella

Background: The correct diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) and the definition of growth response in the management of growth hormone (GH)-treated children is controversial.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate: i) short-term and long-term efficacy of GH treatment; ii) various criteria commonly used to define poor response to GH therapy and compare them in the same cohort of GHD patients.Method: Our study includes 94 child...

hrp0084p3-979 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

The Assessment of Quality of Life and New Technologies for Therapeutic Monitoring in a Cohort of Paediatric Patients Treated with GH

Pruccoli Giulia , Partenope Cristina , Ferrarello Maria Piera , Damia Chiara Maria , Osimani Sara , Garbetta Gisella , Weber Giovanna , Pozzobon Gabriella

Background: Short stature may represent a significant psychosocial problem. The rationale for GH treatment has traditionally rested upon the clinical improvement in terms of growth and well-being. Great importance is also associated with the adherence to the therapy.Objective and hypotheses: We have investigated the benefits obtained by GH treatment, the factors that positively influence growth, the differences between ‘objective’ and ‘sub...

hrp0094p1-180 | Growth Hormone and IGFs B | ESPE2021

The miRNA network and the interplay between growth and cancer regulating pathways in prepubertal patients with idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) on growth hormone (GH) treatment

Catellani Cecilia , Ravegnini Gloria , Sartori Chiara , Righi Beatrice , Poluzzi Silvia , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo , Angelini Sabrina , Elisabeth Street Maria ,

GH and IGF1 regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis playing a key role in growth, and leading to consider potential oncogenic effects of GH. To evaluate possible oncogenic risks in GHD patients who underwent GH replacement therapy, the SAGhE consortium was created. The data collected have not yielded definite conclusions and continuous surveillance is yet required. MiRNAs are regulators of gene expression, and are involved in many biological processes. We ai...

hrp0097p1-480 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Grb10a Knockdown in Early Life Permanently Alters Growth, Cardiometabolic Phenotype, and the Co-ordination of the Whole Transcriptome in Zebrafish

Evans Bridget , Garner Terence , De Leonibus Chiara , Wearing Oliver , Shiels Holly , Hurlstone Adam , Clayton Peter , Stevens Adam

The ‘Developmental Origins of Health and Disease’ (DOHaD) hypothesis encapsulates the relationship between pre- and perinatal exposures causing altered growth and the development of later life disease. Mediators of this relationship have not been fully defined. We have used zebrafish [ZF] (Danio rerio) as a potential model for DOHaD, modifying expression of grb10a, an adapter protein that interacts with the insulin and IGF receptors, to act as a negative r...

hrp0092fc3.2 | Multi-system Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2019

CFTR Loss-of-Function has Effects on microRNAs (miRNAs) that Regulate Genes Involved in Growth, Glucose Metabolism and in Fertility in in vitro Models of Cystic Fibrosis

Cirillo Francesca , Catellani Cecilia , Graziano Sara , Montanini Luisa , Smerieri Arianna , Lazzeroni Pietro , Sartori Chiara , Marmiroli Nelson , Amarri Sergio , Gullì Mariolina , Elisabeth Street Maria

Cystic Fibrosis (CF), is due to CF-transmembrane-conductance-regulator (CFTR) loss-of-function. Significant heterogeneity exists between patients, suggesting potential epigenetic regulation, and comorbidities develop with time. MiRNAs are non-coding RNAs that act as epigenetic regulators. Although many studies have focused on the role for miRNAs in regulating CFTR gene expression, little attention has been given to how CFTR influences their expression and how this affects grow...

hrp0092rfc14.3 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

MicroRNAs Change and Target Key Regulatory Genes Involved in Longitudinal Growth in Patients with Idiopathic Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency (IGHD) on Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment

Cirillo Francesca , Catellani Cecilia , Lazzeroni Pietro , Sartori Chiara , Ravegnini Gloria , Bonvicini Federico , Predieri Barbara , Amarri Sergio , Iughetti Lorenzo , Angelini Sabrina , Elisabeth Street Maria

The growth response in patients undergoing GH treatment is variable depending both on the patient's basal conditions and on personal innate sensitivity to therapy. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are epigenetic regulators of gene expression, and are recognised as important regulators of biological and metabolic processes. It is unknown at present whether miRNAs could be early biomarkers of response to GH treatment in a perspective of individualised medicine, and whether they could disc...

hrp0092p1-106 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

Management and Treatment Outcome of Craniopharyngiomas in Young Children Before 4 Years of Age in Italy: Multicentre Collection of 16 Cases

Baronio Federico , Zucchelli Mino , Aversa Tommaso , Driul Daniela , Guzzetti Chiara , Iughetti Lorenzo , Matarazzo Patrizia , Parpagnoli Maria , Pedicelli Stefania , Pozzobon Gabriella , Salerno Mariacarolina , Zucchini Stefano

Introduction: Craniopharyngiomas (CP) are rare pediatric intracranial tumors (1.2-4%) with a peak of incidence between 5-14 years . We retrospectively reviewed data of 16 cases (M/F 4/12) diagnosed before 4 years of age (median follow up 7.2 years) from a cohort of 117 patients (pts) (M/F 56/41) diagnosed after 01/01/2000, followed-up in 14 Italian centres of pediatric endocrinology belonging to the Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetolo...