hrp0092p1-264 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2019

Regulation of CBX2 Transcription in Human Development

Hart Dirk , Biason-Lauber Anna

Background: The process of sexual differentiation is critical for reproduction in nearly all metazoan. Defects in any of the genes involved in either testicular or ovarian development can result in disorders of sex development (DSD). CBX2/M33 is a chromatin modifier that plays an important role in sexual development and its disorders, highlighted by the fact that M33-deficient mice have male-to-female sex reversal and loss-of-function of CBX2 causes 46, XY DSD...

hrp0089p1-p213 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Insights in Promoter Transactivation of CBX2 Expression

Hart Dirk , Biason-Lauber Anna

Background: The process of sexual differentiation is critical for reproduction in nearly all metazoan. Defects in any of the genes involved in either testicular or ovarian development can result in disorders of sex development (DSD). CBX2/M33 is a chromatin modifier that plays an important role in sexual development and its disorders, highlighted by the fact that M33-deficient mice have male-to-female sex reversal and loss-of-function of CBX2 causes 46, XY DSD in humans. Human...

hrp0092p1-369 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Detection and Referral of Children with Short Stature in Serbia - the Impact of Electronic Growth Charts

Panic Sanja , Rade Vukovic , Milenkovic Tatjana , Mitrovic Katarina , Todorovic Sladjana , Soldatovic Ivan

Introduction: in countries with highly developed health information systems (HIS), early detection of short stature (SS) is facilitated by automated anthropometric calculations, with warning alarms and automated referrals when prespecified conditions are met (poor growth velocity etc.). In countries where available HIS resources are insufficient for implementation of complex automated systems for growth supervision, much simpler, graphical-based growth electro...

hrp0089rfc4.4 | GH & IGFs | ESPE2018

A Longitudinal Study on miRNAs Circulating Levels in a Cohort of SGA and AGA Subjects, Evaluated During Childhood and Young Adulthood

Inzaghi Elena , Kistner Anna , Deodati Annalisa , Germani Daniela , Legnevall Lena , Vanpee Mireille , Berinder Katarina , Cianfarani Stefano

Background: Low birth weight is associated with increased cardio-metabolic diseases in adulthood. Specific circulating miRNA seem to be predictive of cardio-metabolic risk.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the circulating levels of mir-122, mir-16, mir-126, and mir-486 in a cohort of SGA and AGA subjects, evaluated longitudinally in childhood and early adulthood.Method: Anthropometric and biochemical-metabolic evaluations were ...

hrp0089p2-p127 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P2 | ESPE2018

Pediatric Continuous Metabolic Syndrome Score (PsiMS score): Use in Everyday Clinical Practice

Vukovic Rade , Soldatovic Ivan , Milenkovic Tatjana , Mitrovic Katarina , Todorovic Sladjana , Plavsic Ljiljana

Introduction: Dichotomous nature of current definition of metabolic syndrome (MS) in youth results in loss of information. On the other hand, the complex calculation of continuous MS scores using standardized residuals in linear regression (Z scores) or factor scores of principal component analysis (PCA) is demanding and highly impractical for clinical use. Recently, a novel, easily calculated continuous MS score called Pediatric siMS score (PsiMS score) was developed based on...

hrp0089p2-p302 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Triptorelin Test in Idagnosing Central Precocious Puberty

Vukovic Rade , Milenkovic Tatjana , Mitrovic Katarina , Todorovic Sladjana , Plavsic Ljiljana , Soldatovic Ivan

Introduction: GnRH test is standard in confirming the diagnosis of central precocious puberty (CPP). However, GnRH (Relefact) is not always readily available in Serbia and several other countries. Two studies so far have assessed use of triptorelin in diagnosing CPP, with different sampling protocols, and in only one of these studies were triptorelin test findings compared to GnRH test findings.Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of triptoreli...

hrp0086p1-p219 | Diabetes P1 | ESPE2016

Impact of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System on Therapy of Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes in Children and Young Adults

Todorovic Sladjana , Milenkovic Tatjana , Minic Predrag , Mitrovic Katarina , Sovtic Aleksandar , Rodic Milan , Vukovic Rade , Plavsic Ljiljana

Background: Cystic fibrosis related diabetes (CFRD) is one of the most common complications of CF. CFRD has great impact on progressive deterioration of lung function, poor growth and increased mortality. The need for early detection of disturbance in glucose metabolism was recognized long ago. Current recommendations include screening that begins at age of 10 by performing oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) but it cannot reveal the initial glucose disturbances. Many centres a...

hrp0086p1-p729 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Clinical and Mutational Spectrum in Slovenian Patients with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

Stefanija Magdalena Avbelj , Obreza Tamara , Pfeifer Marija , Kovac Jernej , Battelino Tadej , Podkrajsek Katarina Trebusak

Background: Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) is a rare but clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by an absent or incomplete puberty and infertility. The association of HH with hyposmia or anosmia is defined as Kallmann syndrome. Molecular genetic testing of HH is valuable, as it can prompt the treatment in adolescence.Objective and hypotheses: To identify causative variants in genes associated with HH in a cohort of ...

hrp0086p1-p917 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Hypercholesterolemia in Two Siblings with THRB Mutation

Jakic Maja , Groselj Urh , Stefanija Magdalena Avbelj , Tansek Mojca Zerjav , Podkrajsek Katarina Trebusak , Battelino Tadej

Background: Resistance to thyroid hormones (RTH) is a rare disease, characterized by reduced sensitivity of target tissues to thyroid hormones. Pathognomonically, thyroid hormones are moderately elevated, whereas TSH levels are inappropriately normal or elevated. Over 100 thyroid hormone receptor beta (THRB) mutations have been reported, which are found in around 85% of RTH cases. Hypercholesterolemia was not previously reported in RTH patients....

hrp0084p3-602 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

The First Case of Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance in Serbia in an 8-Year-Old Boy with G679S Mutation of the NR3C1 Gene

Mitrovic Katarina , Vukovic Rade , Milenkovic Tatjana , Todorovic Sladjana , Plavsic Ljiljana , Zdravkovic Dragan

Background: Primary generalized glucocorticoid resistance (PGGR) is a rare genetic condition characterised by generalised, partial target-tissue insensitivity to glucocorticoids owing to inactivating mutations of the NR3C1 gene.Case presentation: An 8.5-year-old boy was hospitalized because of precocious puberty and arterial hypertension. Over the last year, the appearance of pubic hair and gynecomastia were noted. At the local centre, high leve...