hrp0092p1-44 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Metabolic Complications After Paediatric Liver Transplantation: A 10-year Longitudinal Study in a South-East Asian Population

Beng Hui Ng Nicholas , Yijuan Lim Yvonne , Wei Li Ho Cindy , Anjian Sng Andrew , Aw Marion , Seng Lee Yung , Yin Loke Kah

Background: Improved patient and graft survival post-liver transplantation has led to a parallel increase in metabolic syndrome (MS) reported in multiple centres. We aimed to study the prevalence and risk factors of metabolic complications in our paediatric liver transplant (LT) cohort.Methods: This was a retrospective review of the LT database from 1995-2018. We studied the incidence of overweight, obesity (WHO BMI crit...

hrp0089p1-p177 | Growth & Syndromes P1 | ESPE2018

Genetic Investigation of Children with Syndromic Prenatal Onset Short Stature

Homma Thais , Freire Bruna , Ronjo Rachel , Dauber Andrew , Funari Mariana , Lerario Antonio , Arnhold Ivo , Canton Ana , Sugayama Sofia , Bertola Debora , Kim Chong , Malaquias Alexsandra , Jorge Alexander

Background: Patients born small for gestational age (SGA) with additional syndromic features to short stature are likely to present with genetic causes.Aim: To perform a clinical and genetic-molecular investigation of a group of syndromic SGA patients without catch-up growth.Methods: We selected 118 patients born SGA [birth weight and/or length standard deviation score (SDS) ≤−2 for gestational age] without catch-up gro...

hrp0086fc1.4 | Adrenals | ESPE2016

Identification of Novel Central Nervous System Imaging Biomarkers Associated with Cognitive Abnormalities in Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Webb Emma , Elliott Lucy , Carlin Dominic , Wilson Martin , Hall Kirsty , Barrett Timothy , Salwani Vijay , Arlt Wiebke , Krone Nils , Peet Andrew , Wood Amanda

Background: Management of patients with CAH remains challenging. There is increasing evidence to suggest that failure to optimize treatment during childhood not only affects final height but also leads to psychological and psychiatric problems. Previous qualitative structural T2-weighted MRI studies have identified white matter hyper-intensities in up to 46% of CAH patients. The nature and functional relevance of these abnormalities remains unknown.Objec...

hrp0086p2-p763 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

A Novel CHD7 Mutation in an Adolescent Presenting with Pubertal and Growth Delay

Antoniou Maria-Christina , Bouthors Therese , Xu Cheng , Phan-Hug Franziska , Elowe-Gruau Eglantine , Stoppa-Vaucher Sophie , Cassatella Daniele , Dwyer Andrew , Pitteloud Nelly , Hauschild Michael

Background: Mutations in the gene encoding the Chromodomain Helicase DNA-binding protein 7 (CHD7) are found in 60% of patients with CHARGE Syndrome (Coloboma, Heart Defects, Choanal Atresia, Retarded growth and development, Genital hypoplasia, Ear abnormalities and/or hearing problems) and in 6% of patients with Kallmann syndrome.Objectives and hypotheses: To describe a novel CHD7 mutation and its clinical presentation.<p class="abs...

hrp0082p1-d3-197 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis and Pituitary Abnormalities: Case Series of 20 Patients and a Management Guideline for Early Identification of Pituitary Insufficiency

Chen Suet Ching , McDevitt Helen , Clement W Andrew , Wynne David M , Mason Avril , Donaldson Malcolm , Ahmed S Faisal , Shaikh M Guftar

Introduction: Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) is an increasingly recognised cause of upper airway obstruction associated with holoprosencephaly, of which solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) is the least severe form. Studies have described pituitary abnormalities in up to 40%. We aimed to determine the use of baseline endocrine investigations and MRI brain in assessing endocrine dysfunction.Method: Retrospective casenote ...

hrp0082p2-d3-354 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

An Infant with a Novel Kir6.2 Mutation Causing Neonatal Diabetes and Unexplained Lack of Response to Sulphonylurea

O'Connell Susan M , Mc Donald Aoife , O'Toole Norma , Bradfield Anne , Bradley Maura , Hattersley Andrew , Ellard Sian , Proks Peter , Mattis Katia K , Ashcroft Frances , O'Riordan Stephen M P

Background: Neonatal diabetes (NDM) is defined as diabetes developing before 6 months of age, affecting one in 100 000 live births. Permanent NDM is diagnosed in the first 6 months of life with no remission. The majority have a mutation in the ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel (KCNJ11 in 31%, ABCC8 in 13%). Autosomal dominant and recessive forms are described. The majority of patients with NDM caused by KATP mutations respond to sulphonylureas.<p...

hrp0084fc4.2 | Growth | ESPE2015

A Recurrent Homozygous NDUFB3 Mutation, p.Trp22Arg Causes a Short Stature Disorder and Mitochondrial Protein Complex I Deficiency with a Variable Metabolic Phenotype

Murray Philip G , Alston Charlottle L , He Langping , McFarland Robert , Shield Julian PH , Morris Andrew A M , Crushell Ellen , Hughes Joanne , Taylor Robert W , Clayton Peter E

Background: Many children with short stature (defined as height SDS <−2S.D.) have no identified cause for their growth impairment and are classified as either small for gestational age or idiopathic short stature depending on birth size. Whole exome sequencing (WES) is a useful tool to identify new genetic diagnoses in this group. Here we describe a recurrent NDUFB3 mutation in children with intra-uterine growth retardation, short stature and ...

hrp0094p1-195 | Thyroid B | ESPE2021

DNA Methylation at a nutritionally sensitive region of the PAX8 gene is associated with thyroid volume and function in Gambian children

Candler Toby , Kessler Noah , Gunasekara Chathura , Ward Kate , James Phil , Dyer Roger , Elango Rajavel , Waterland Robert , Moore Sophie , Ludgate Marian , Prentice Andrew , Silver Matt ,

Background: Thyroid hormones contribute to a wide range of physiological processes and health outcomes. Epigenetic regulation of thyroid development and function has been little explored. PAX8 (Paired Box 8) is a thyroid transcription factor implicated in thyroid gland development and differentiation. PAX8 gene methylation appears to be sensitive to the environment in early pregnancy.Methods and Findings: Using a recall-by-epige...

hrp0097t2 | Section | ESPE2023

Effects of tiratricol treatment withdrawal in MCT8 deficiency: ReTRIACt Trial

Freund Matthijs , Chatterjee Krishna , van Geest Ferdy , van der Most Floor , Bowers Dominic , Persson Anders , J Bauer Andrew , Edward Visser W.

We introduce the ReTRIACt Trial (NCT05579327) of tiratricol (Triac) for MCT8-deficiency, a rare X-linked disease resulting from disordered thyroid hormone transport and characterized by profound neurodevelopmental delay and features of chronic peripheral thyrotoxicosis. The ReTRIACt Trial aims to verify the effects of tiratricol observed in previous studies. It is a double-blind, randomized, multicenter, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effects of tiratricol discontinu...

hrp0097p1-427 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

Quality Improvement Initiative to Improve Influenza Vaccination Uptake Rates in Paediatric Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Shan Carey Lim Yun , Yin Loke Kah , Seng Lee Yung , Andrew Sng Anjian , Su Annette , Yang Xiuji , Li Cindy Ho Wei , Yvonne Lim Yijuan , Hui Nicholas Ng Beng

Introduction: The annual incidence of severe influenza infections reaches 5 million cases globally. Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) are known to suffer more severe influenza infections, with increased mortality. Despite vaccination being recommended as standard of care, vaccination uptake rates have remained low for our DM patients. We undertook a quality improvement (QI) initiative to improve influenza vaccination uptake rates in our paediatric DM clinic...