hrp0097p1-507 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Identification and characterisation of novel HMGA2 variants expand the clinical spectrum of Silver-Russell syndrome

Vickram Maharaj Avinaash , Cottrell Emily , Thanasupawat Thatchawan , D. Joustra Sjoerd , Triggs-Raine Barbara , Fujimoto Masanobu , G. Kant Sarina , van der Kaay Danielle , Clement-de Boers Agnes , Brooks A.S. , Amador Aguirre Gabriel , Martín del Estal Irene , Inmaculada Castilla de Cortázar Larrea María , Massoud Ahmed , A. Van Duyvenvoorde Hermine , De Bruin Christiaan , Hwa Vivian , Klonisch Thomas , Hombach-Klonisch Sabine , L. Storr Helen

Background: Silver Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterised by intrauterine and post-natal growth retardation, relative macrocephaly, protruding forehead, feeding difficulties and body asymmetry. Variants in HMGA2 are a rare cause of SRS and despite strong evidence for the crucial role of HMGA2 in growth regulation, its functional role in human linear growth is unclear.Methods: Patients w...

hrp0092p1-162 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Evaluation of Molecular Characteristics and Steroid Metabolomics in a Large Cohort of Children with 3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 2 Deficiency

Guran Tulay , Kara Cengiz , Yildiz Melek , Bitkin Eda C. , Haklar Goncagul , Lin Jen-Chieh , Gilligan Lorna C. , Barnard Lise , Keskin Mehmet , Anik Ahmet , Catli Gonul , Guven Ayla , Kirel Birgul , Tutunculer Filiz , Onal Hasan , Turan Serap , Akcay Teoman , Atay Zeynep , Baranowski Elizabeth S. , Yilmaz Gulay C. , Mamadova Jamala , Akbarzade Azad , Sirikci Onder , Aghayev AghaRza , Alkan Afra , Shackleton Cedric H.L. , Storbeck Karl H. , Baris Tugba , Arlt Wiebke , Chung Bon-Chu , Bereket Abdullah

Context: Deficiency of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (3βHSD2) causes a very rare form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) known as 3βHSD2 deficiency, which is a consequence of biallelic HSD3B2 gene defects. The estimated prevalence is less than 1/1,000,000 live births. Knowledge of comprehensive steroid metabolome patterns in 3βHSD2 deficiency is scarce.Objective: We aimed...

hrp0084p1-144 | Miscelleaneous | ESPE2015

Primary Adrenal Insufficiency in Children without Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Molecular and Clinical Characterisation of a Nationwide Cohort

Guran Tulay , Buonocore Federica , Saka Nurcin , Ozbek Mehmet Nuri , Aycan Zehra , Bereket Abdullah , Bas Firdevs , Darcan Sukran , Bideci Aysun , Turan Serap , Guven Ayla , Tarim Omer , Agladioglu Sebahat Yilmaz , Atay Zeynep , Ozen Samim , Demir Korcan , Akinci Aysehan , Aydin Banu Kucukemre , Buyukinan Muammer , Yuksel Bilgin , Yildiz Metin , Akcay Teoman , Kara Cengiz , Ozgen Tolga , Catli Gonul , Isik Emregul , Bolu Semih , Ozhan Bayram , Gurbuz Fatih , Ucar Ahmet , Demirbilek Huseyin , Abali Zehra Yavas , Doger Esra , Eren Erdal , Berberoglu Merih , Hacihamdioglu Bulent , Achermann John C.

Background: Primary adrenal insufficiency (PAI) is a potentially life-threatening condition that requires accurate diagnosis and urgent treatment. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is the most common cause of PAI in children. Non-CAH causes of PAI are relatively rare. Although several molecular causes have been found, it is emerging that considerable overlap in the clinical and biochemical features of these conditions exists.Objective and hypotheses: We inv...

hrp0094fc1.2 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Variation of glucocorticoid dose and biomarkers in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia – longitudinal analysis of real world data from the I-CAH registry

Lawrence Neil , Bacila Irina , Dawson Jeremy , Bryce Jillian , van den Akker Erica LT , Aparecida Sartori Tania , Bachega Sanchez , Baronio Federico , Holtum Birkebaek Niels , Bonfig Walter , Claahsen Hedi , Costa Eduardo Correa , Devries Liat , Elsedfy Heba , Guvan Ayla , Hannema Sabine , Iotova Violeta , van der Kamp Hetty J , Leon Maria Clemente , Lichiardopol Corina Raducanu , Milenkovic Tatjana , Neumann Uta , Nordenstrom Anna , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Probst-Scheidegger Ursina , Sanctis Luisa De , Thankamony Ajay , Vieites Ana , Yavas Zehra , Ahmed Faisal , Krone Nils ,

Aim: Recommendations for replacement glucocorticoids in CAH suggest a dose per body surface area (BSA) of glucocorticoids of 10-15mg/m2/day to maintain a 17-OH Progesterone (17OHP) level of 12-36 nmol/l across all ages. We used longitudinal analysis to assess whether biomarkers and dose of hydrocortisone varied with age in children within the I-CAH registry .Method: This retrospective multi-centre study, inclu...

hrp0094p1-6 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

International practice of therapy monitoring in congenital adrenal hyperplasia – Real World data from the I-CAH registry

Lawrence Neil , Bacila Irina , Dawson Jeremy , Bryce Jillian , Akker Erica van den , Bachega Tania Aparecida Sartori Sanchez , Baronio Federico , Birkebaek Niels Holtum , Bonfig Walter , Claahsen Hedi , Costa Eduardo Correa , Devries Liat , Elsedfy Heba , Guven Ayla , Hannema Sabine , Iotova Violeta , Kamp Hetty J van der , Leon Maria Clemente , Lichiardopol Corina Raducanu , Milenkovic Tatjana , Neumann Uta , Nordenstrom Ana , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Probst-Scheidegger Ursina , Sanctis Luisa De , Thankamony Ajay , Vieites Ana , Yavas Zehra , Ahmed Faisal , Krone Nils ,

Aim: Recommendations for the management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) outline a target 17-OH Progesterone (17OHP) of 12-36nmol/l, but do not specify target concentrations for Androstenedione (D4). We aimed to study the temporal variations of these biomarkers in patients from different geographical regions.Method: This retrospective multi-centre study, including 21 centres (14 countries), analysed serum biomarke...

hrp0092p3-7 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Rare Case of Cortisol Producing Tumour in 14 Years Old Girl

Gärskog Helena , Mattsson Mattias , Lundberg Elena

Background: Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC) represents 0.16% of all pediatric neoplasm in children, 0-14.9 years, diagnosed between 1984-2010 according to Swedish Childhood Cancer Registry. ACC is most frequent in girls below 4 years of age.Case: A physically active 14 years old girl was referred due to growth velocity 0 cm over the last year. Her history revealed substantial weight gain (photos), pubertal arrest prem...

hrp0092p3-220 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

A Rare Cause of SRY (-) 46, XX DSD: Aromatase Deficiency

Buğrul Fuat , Güran Tülay

Introduction: Aromatase deficiency is a rare cause of autosomal recessive 46, XX disorders of sex development (DSD) due to CYP19A1 gene mutations. The affected patients cannot have a normal estrogen biosynthesis. It is characterized by low serum estrogen, increased gonadotropins, and ovarian cysts. Herein, we report a new case with aromatase deficiency.Case Report: A 1-month-old girl was referred due to cliterom...

hrp0086p2-p646 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Metabolic Parameters and Glucose Homeostasis in Childhood Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency at Time of Initial Evaluation and Retesting

Ahmid M , McMillan M , Ahmed S F , Shaikh M G

Background: It is well known that growth hormone (GH) brings about several effects, involving bone, body composition, lipids and glucose homeostasis. However, the complex interplay between these parameters is rather poorly studied in children with childhood-onset-GH deficiency (CO-GHD).Objective and hypotheses: To investigate lipids, adipokines (leptin- adiponectin- resistin) and glucose homeostasis and their relationship with bone and body composition i...

hrp0082fc14.4 | Puberty | ESPE2014

Development of Pubertal Gynaecomastia: a Longitudinal Cohort Study

Mieritz Mikkel G , Hagen Casper P , Juul Anders

Background: Pubertal gynaecomastia (PG) is considered a clinical sign of an oestrogen–androgen imbalance at the breast tissue level although little evidence exists. PG occurs in 40–60% of adolescent Caucasian boys, and in most cases however, no underlying endocrinopathy can be identified. Very few longitudinal studies on PG exist.Objective and method: As a part of the longitudinal COPENHAGEN Puberty Study we followed 110 healthy Danish boys (ag...