hrp0084p3-1002 | Gonads | ESPE2015

Leydig-Cell Tumour, a Rare Cause of LH-Independent Sexual Precocity in Boys

Gerard Maxime , Thomas-Teinturier Cecile , Bouvattier Claire , Mantel Anne , De Lambert Guenolee , Beaudoin Sylvie , Mussini Charlotte , Pierre Bougneres

Background: Leydig-cell tumours in children are rare, comprising only 4 to 9% of all primary testis tumours in prepubertal males. These boys present with isosexual precocious pseudopuberty characterized by increased testosterone and low gonadotropin levels. We describe two cases and will discuss differential diagnosis and pathogenesis.Case 1: C. was first referred at 8 years old for pubertal development with accelerated growth since 4 years of age. His v...

hrp0094fc6.3 | Bone and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2021

Off-label use of cinacalcet in pediatric primary hyperparathyroidism: a French multi-centre experience

Bernardor Julie , Flammier Sacha , Salles Jean-Pierre , Castanet Mireille , Martinerie Laetitia , Lienhardt-Roussie Anne , Amouroux Cyril , Linglart Agnes , Bacchetta Justine ,

Background: For adult patients who do not meet indications to surgery, the calcimimetic cinacalcet is approved for primary hyperparathyroidism (HPT), decreasing calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels. This drug is largely used in adults, but may be a challenge in daily practice in children, because of the risk of hypocalcemia, increased QT interval and drug interactions. A few pediatric cases have highlighted its potential interest in children with HPT; ...

hrp0097rfc2.5 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Growth in young children with X-linked hypophosphatemia treated with burosumab

Ertl Diana-Alexandra , Sala Elisa , Trabado Séverine , Audrain Christelle , Berkenou Jugurtha , Rothenbuhler Anya , Lambert Anne-Sophie , Linglart Agnes

Background: Disproportionate short stature is seen in most individuals with X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH). Vitamin D and phosphate supplementation can improve growth slightly. Burosumab showed minimal improvement of growth in older children. No growth data of XLH children that started burosumab at a very young age, i.e., between 1 and 4 years, are available.Methods: We included 17 XLH children (11 boys) who started bur...

hrp0095ha2 | The genetic landscape of children born small for gestational age with persistent short stature | ESPE2022

The genetic landscape of children born small for gestational age with persistent short stature

Toni Ledjona , Plachy Lukas , Dusatkova Petra , Anne Amaratunga Shenali , Elblova Lenka , Sumnik Zdenek , Kolouskova Stanislava , Snajderova Marta , Obermannova Barbora , Pruhova Stepanka , Lebl Jan

Background: Approximately 10% of children born small for gestational age (SGA) fail to catch-up nd remain short (SGA-SS). Although several mechanisms causing SGA-SS have been elucidated, the primary cause remains speculative in most cases.Aim: To decipher genetic causes of SGA-SS defined as birth length and/or birth weight <-2 SD for gestational age, and body height <-2.5 SD after the 3rd year of life within a larg...

hrp0095rfc7.5 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

A relevant cellular model to study imprinting disorders: dental pulp stem cells

Giabicani Eloïse , Pham Aurélie , Sélénou Céline , Sobrier Marie-Laure , Linglart Agnès , Poliard Anne , Chaussain Catherine , Netchine Irène

Parental imprinting is an epigenetic process leading to monoallelic expression of certain genes depending on their parental origin. Imprinting disorders are a set of rare diseases that mainly affect growth and metabolism from birth to adulthood. These disorders are mainly due to methylation defects in imprinting control region that drive the abnormal expression of imprinted genes. Moreover, patients with imprinting disorders may present overlapping clinical features that can b...

hrp0095rfc8.4 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Developing a regional Southeast Asia diabetes healthcare professional network and webinars programme initiative during the pandemic

Sze May Ng , Lek Ngee , Sahakitrungruang Ngee , Pheng Chan Siew P , Yong Lai Mee , Yazid Jalaludin Muhammad , Thao Bui Muhammad , Nyi Nyi Soe , Ficheroulle Anne-Charlotte , Toomey Charles

Background: In 2020, the average glycaemic index of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in Southeast Asia (SEA) countries were reported to be at around 83mmol/mol. In many low-middle-income countries (LMICs) in SEA, insufficient infrastructure, lack of universal health coverage and professional knowledge are factors that affect T1D outcomes that adversely affect mortality and morbidity. Action4diabetes (A4D) currently provides comprehensive partnership programmes with defin...

hrp0095rfc10.6 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors Treated with Irradiation

Marie Baunsgaard Mette , Sophie Lind Helligsoe Anne , Tram Henriksen Louise , Stamm Mikkelsen Torben , Callesen Michael , Weber Britta , Hasle Henrik , Birkebæk Niels

Introduction: Brain tumors are the most common solid neoplasm in children, and treatment often includes high-dose irradiation of the central nervous system (CNS). Although not universal, growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is a very common endocrine late effect after CNS irradiation in childhood. The consequences of GHD in adults are many e.g., reduced bone mineral density, fatigue, decreased lean body mass and adiposity, which implies that adults with severe GHD ...

hrp0095p1-100 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Aetiology of familial short stature in children diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency: what do the genes tell us?

Anne Amaratunga Shenali , Dusatkova Petra , Maratova Klara , Petruzelkova Lenka , Zemkova Dana , Kolouskova Stanislava , Snajderova Marta , Obermannova Barbora , Sumnik Zdenek , Lebl Jan , Pruhova Stepanka , Plachy Lukas

Introduction: The diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is complex, involving the combination of auxological, laboratory, and radiological findings. This includes growth hormone (GH) stimulation tests, which are done to confirm the diagnosis. It has been discussed that these tests have low specificity, potentially leading to false positive results. Therefore, children with GHD are regarded as a heterogeneous group with varied causes of short stature. Ne...

hrp0095p1-327 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

A comprehensive assessment of patient-reported outcome measures in children and parents of children with achondroplasia: Results from a qualitative research and mapping exercise.

D. Mathias Susan , Hoover-Fong Julie , Savarirayan Ravi , Crews Chandler , Alves Inês , Noval Susan , Haider Amer , Cho Terry , Lee Anne , H. Colwell Hilary , Muslimova Elena

Objectives: Individuals with achondroplasia (ACH) experience medical, emotional and functional detriments during their lifetime. A comprehensive research initiative was conducted to include combined concept elicitation (CE) and cognitive debriefing (CD) interviews and mapping of concepts to identify the most relevant available patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures for inclusion in studies of ACH.Methods: Combined CE/CD...

hrp0092fc7.2 | Diabetes and Insulin Session 2 | ESPE2019

Copeptin Kinetics and its Relationship to Osmolality During Rehydration for Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children: An Observational Study

Burckhardt Marie-Anne , Beglinger Svetlana , Gotta Verena , Renggli Luzia , Bachmann Sara , Hess Melanie , Rentsch Katharina , Koch Gilbert , Zumsteg Urs , Jones Timothy , Pfister Marc , Szinnai Gabor

Background: Copeptin is a surrogate marker for arginine vasopressin (AVP) release in response to hyperosmolal stimuli such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). We aimed to characterize the temporal course (kinetics) of serum osmolality and copeptin during rehydration and insulin therapy in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and DKA, and the relationship between both (dynamics).Methods: An observational multi-center study was...