hrp0094p2-41 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2021

Corticotropin-independent Cushing’s Syndrome in toddlerhood: a challenging diagnosis and treatment

Simoes Joana , Crisostomo Mafalda , Costa Durval , Galhardo Julia , Lopes Lurdes ,

Background: Endogenous Cushing’s Syndrome (CS) is a rare disease in children, and corticotropin-independent forms are even scarcer. In childhood it carries a significant burden, resulting from both prolonged hypercortisolism long-term effects and treatment-associated morbidity.Case Report: A 23-month-old girl presented with irritability, central obesity with rapid weight gain and arrested linear growth, cushingoid facies with facial...

hrp0092p1-157 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Influence of Salt Supplementation on Drug Therapy in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Aged 0-3 Years: Update on a Retrospective Multicentre Analysis Using the I-CAH Registry

Neumann Uta , van der Linde Annelieke , Krone Ruth , Guven Ayla , Güran Tülay , Elsedfy Heba , Darendeliler Feyza , Bachega Tania , Balsamo Antonio , Hannema Sabine , Birkebaek Niels , Vieites Ana , Acerini Carlo , Cools Martine , Milenkovic Tatjana , Bonfig Walter , Costa Eduardo , Atapattu Navoda , de Vries Liat , Filho Guilherme , Korbonits Marta , Mohnike Klaus , Bryce Jillian , Ahmed Faisal , Voet Bernard , Blankenstein Oliver , van der Grinten Hedi Claahsen

Introduction: Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency results in impaired synthesis of gluco- and often also of mineralocorticoids. Early treatment with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids prevents life-threatening crises. In some centres, additional salt is prescribed in the first year. However, until now the use of salt is controversial and not proved to result in better outcome in studies.<s...

hrp0084fc3.4 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Wolfram Syndrome: Natural History and Genotype–Phenotype Correlation Based on EURO-WABB Registry Show Gender Differences in Disease Severity

Dias Renuka , Richens Caitlin , Astuti Dewi , Nightingale Peter , Ayme Segolene , Heredia Miguel Lopez de , Nunes Virginia , Maffei Pietro , McCafferty Susan , Młynarski Wojciech , Parkinson Kay , Paquis-Flucklinger Veronique , Rohayem Julia , Sinnott Richard , Tillmann Vallo , Tranebjaerg Lisbeth , Barrett Timothy

Background: Wolfram syndrome (WS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder, characterised by early-onset diabetes and optic atrophy. It is caused by mutations in WFS1.Objective and hypotheses: This study aimed to comprehensively review the natural history of WS in a large cohort of patients from the EURO-WABB registry.Method: Data from EURO-WABB patients with WS was analysed in conjunction with the Leiden Open Variation Data...

hrp0084p3-1190 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Two Patients with Allen–Herndon–Dudley Syndrome: a Novel Mutation on MCT8 Gene

Mutlu Gul Yesiltepe , Kirmizibekmez Heves , de Souza Elaine C Lima , Hatun Sukru , Visser Theo J

Background: Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a specific transporter of triiodothyronine (T3). MCT8 gene mutations cause a rare X-linked disorder known as Allan–Herndon–Dudley syndrome, characterized by thyroid dysfunction (high T3, low T4, and normal/high TSH) and psychomotor retardation.Case report: A 4-year- and 9-month-old boy, who was already having L-T4 treatment fo...

hrp0097p1-300 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Assessment of the rhGH treatment compliance in children with growth hormone deficiency.

Scheuring Dorian , Walczak Mieczysław , Nowak Katarzyna , Dragan Wojciech , Starzyk Jerzy , Wędrychowicz Anna , Kapusta Alicja , Bossowski Artur , Sawicka Beata , Gawlik Aneta , Błaszczyk Ewa , Gieburowska Joanna , Beń-Skowronek Iwona , Trwoga Aleksandra , Sokół Martyna , Kołtowska-Häggström Maria , Kolasa-Kicińska Marzena , Łupińska Anna , Stawerska Renata , Lewiński Andrzej , Dudek Adam , Mazur Artur , Zachurzok Agnieszka , Mierzwa Magdalena , Wikiera Beata , Pyrżak Beata , Witkowska-Sędek Ewelina , Witkowska-Krawczak Ewa , Szewczak-Matan Bogumiła , Kędzia Andrzej , Moszczyńska Elżbieta , Kot Karolina , Birkholz-Walerzak Dorota , Myśliwiec Małgorzata , Petriczko Elżbieta

Aim: To identify factors affecting compliance to treatment with recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) in children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).Study population and Methods: The following data were collected during standard visits in 8 endocrine clinics in Poland: medical history, auxological measurements, laboratory tests and the numbers of empty and full rhGH ampoules dispensed and returned by the patients. The obse...

hrp0097p1-574 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Gonadal histopathology in 17beta-HSD deficiency and 5alpha-reductase deficiency

Boogers L.S. , Brüggenwirth H.T. , van Bever Y. , Hersmus R. , Bryce J. , Ahmed S.F. , Lucas-Herald A.K. , Baronio F. , Cools M. , Ellaithi M. , Globa E. , Güran T. , Hiort O. , Holterhus P.M. , MсElreavey K. , Niedziela M. , Stancampiano M.R. , Tosun B.G. , Wolffenbuttel K.P. , Oosterhuis J.W. , Looijenga L.H.J. , Hannema S.E.

Introduction: In various forms of XY disorders/differences of sex development (DSD) the risk of germ cell cancer is increased. In the 2006 DSD consensus statement this risk was estimated to be intermediate in 17beta-HSDtype3 deficiency (HSD17B3D) and low in 5alpha-reductasetype2 deficiency (SRD5A2D) but based on very few cases. Few studies have been performed since; therefore we aimed to review gonadal pathology in an international cohort with these conditions...

hrp0094p1-8 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Long-term Cardiometabolic Morbidity In Young Adults With Classic 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Righi Beatrice , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Tomlinson Jeremy W , Bonfig Walter , Baronio Federico , Costa Eduardo C , Filho Guilherme Guaragna , T’Sjoen Guy , Cools Martine , Markosyan Renata , Bachega Tania A S S , Miranda Mirela C , Iotova Violeta , Falhammar Henrik , Ceccato Filippo , Stancampiano Marianna R , Russo Gianni , Vukovic Rade , Giordano Roberta , Mazen Inas , Guven Ayla , Darendeliler Feyza , Poyrazoglu Cukran , Vries Liat de , Ellaithi Mona , Daniel Eleni , Johnston Colin , Hunter Steven J , Carroll Paul V , Adam Safwaan , Perry Colin G , Kearney Tara , Abraham Prakash , Rees D Aled , Leese Graham P , Reisch Nicole , Stikkelbroeck Nike M M L , Auchus Richard J , Ross Richard J , Ahmed S Faisal ,

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and long-term glucocorticoid treatment may be associated with an increased risk of developing cardiometabolic sequelae such as abnormal glucose homeostasis, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular (CV) disease, obesity and osteoporosis.Objectives: To study the current practice amongst expert centres for assessing cardiometabolic outcomes in adult patients with 21-hyd...

hrp0092p2-252 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Clinical Evaluation of Newly Developed Scoring System for DSD (DSD-SS): Association of DSD-SS With Assigned Gender in 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism

Kawai Masanobu , Nagamatsu Fusa , Shoji Yasuko , Matsumoto Fumi , Sato Hiroyuki , Hasegawa Yukihiro , Ida Shinobu

Background: We have proposed a simple and comprehensive scoring system to evaluate clinical features of differences/disorders of sexual development (DSD); however, its clinical evaluation has not been performed.Aim: To evaluate the association between this newly proposed DSD scoring system (DSD-SS) and assigned gender in patients with 45,X/46,XY mosaicism.Methods: DSD-SS involves e...

hrp0097fc12.6 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

TSH screening in premature newborns: a critical appraisal of the value of a second sample.

Boros Emese , Van Vliet Guy , Heinrichs Claudine , Ulgiati Fiorenza , Vicinanza Alfredo , Marcelis Lionel , Brachet Cécile

Introduction: Consensus guidelines (2021) state that a second dry blood spot (DBS) should be considered for newborn screening (NBS) in preterms (delayed TSH rise).Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of an NBS strategy including a second DBS at 14 days in preterms.Material and Methods: Retrospective study of 2 cohorts. Cohort 1: live births <37 weeks of gestational age (G...

hrp0089p2-p246 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Poor Weight Gain in Prader-Willi Syndrome – Not Always Over-restriction Consider Coeliac Disease

Lateva M , Kassim A , Meade C , Maher R , McCrann A , Roche E

Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a complex genetic condition associated with feeding difficulties, hypotonia, developmental delay in infancy; hyperphagia leading to extreme obesity, growth failure and behavioral problems in childhood. Coeliac disease (CD), is an autoimmune disease characterized by gluten intolerance and a variety of symptoms most commonly diarrhea or constipation and failure to thrive. In PWS the challenge is to optimize growth while avoiding obesi...