hrp0084fc12.1 | Obesity - Clinical | ESPE2015

Evaluation of Cardiovascular Risk in Childhood: Data from a Survey of Dyslipidaemic Children

Bruzzi Patrizia , Colombini Giulia , Lucaccioni Laura , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo

Background: Dyslipidaemia is a well-known risk factor in developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) already in childhood.Objective and hypotheses: To investigate the clustering of cardiovascular risk-factors (anthropometric parameters, blood pressure and metabolic abnormalities) in different type of dyslipidaemia in children and adolescents.Method: All the subjects aging 2–18 years referred for dyslipidaemia to our endocrine outp...

hrp0084p3-1131 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Growth Outcomes in Childhood Craniopharyngioma: A Longitudinal Assessment of 21 Cases at a Single Centre

Michaelidou Maria , Losa Laura , Ederies Ashraf , Spoudeas Helen

Background: Craniopharyngiomas are rare suprasellar tumours with good survival but high endocrine morbidity. The commonest endocrinopathy is GHd which can precede diagnosis. Later obesity (BMI >+2SDS) may be treatment or tumour related.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate endocrinopathy, height, weight and BMI outcomes after a conservative surgical treatment strategy with pre-treatment pituitary provocation tests for children diagnosed between 2009 ...

hrp0084p3-1232 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Malabsorption of Levothyroxine in a Child Affected by Short Bowel Syndrome

Paone Laura , Marini Romana , Diamanti Antonella , Cappa Marco

Background: Hypothyroidism is a common problem during childhood generally due to autoimmune thyroid disease. It can also occur in case of severe loss of serum proteins, as well as in the case presented. The most accepted practice in the treatment of hypothyroidism consists in the oral administration of LT4. Many conditions may affect the absorption of LT4.Case presentation: We report an original case of LT4 malabsorption ...

hrp0094p2-372 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the UK National Hypothalamic-pituitary Axis Tumour (HPAT) multidisciplinary meeting

Bosch i Ara Laura , Spoudeas Helen , Wei Gan Hoong ,

Background: The HPAT multi-disciplinary meeting (MDT) was set up in 2011 with the aim to improve collaboration with other hospitals treating children with rare paediatric suprasellar brain tumours. It is a monthly remote meeting conducted virtually.Objective: To evaluate the impact of COVID19 pandemic by comparing the number of meetings, cases (news/previously discussed), diagnosis, attendees, specialties, centres and ou...

hrp0097fc11.3 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Analysis of a large panel of genes in a cohort of patients with severe short stature: detection rate and genotype-phenotype correlations

Guazzarotti Laura , Mozzato Chiara , Meneghin Alice , Nicolucci Antonio , Cassina Matteo

Short stature is a frequent reason for referral to pediatric endocrinologists and this phenotype has been associated with a large number of gene variations during the last decades, highlighting its complex and heterogeneous etiology. We evaluated the detection rate of the analysis of a selected gene panel in a cohort of patients with short stature defined as height below -2 standard deviations (SD). Overall, 134 patients were included in the study: 73 with GH deficiency (GHD),...

hrp0097p2-56 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Monogenic Diabetes (MODY) in Adolescents and Personalized Treatment.

Mozzato Chiara , Meneghin Alice , Monti Elena , Trevisson Eva , Guazzarotti Laura

Pathologically elevated serum levels of fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF23), a bone-secreted hormone that regulates phosphorus homeostasis, result in renal phosphate wasting leading to rickets or osteomalacia. Patterns leading to FGF23 excess are still unknown. Recently, FGF23 elevated rickets has been associated with epidermal nevus syndrome, designating the cutaneous skeletal hypophosphatemia syndrome (CSHS). The clinical picture is not completely defined as, to date, only a...

hrp0097p2-174 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

HIgh variability of phenotypic expression of the same genotype in X linked hypophosphatemic rickets (XLH)

Meneghin Alice , Mozzato Chiara , Monti Elena , Guazzarotti Laura

X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is a dominant disorder caused by mutations in PHEX (located at Xp22.1), associated with rickets, lower limb deformities, pain, poor mineralization of the teeth and disproportionate short stature in children. The characteristics and severity of XLH vary between patients. Early diagnosis and specific treatment is usually decisive to improve short and long term patient outcomes. We describe the variability of phenotype in two sisters carrying the ...

hrp0089p3-p084 | Diabetes & Insulin P3 | ESPE2018

Diabetic Capilaropathy: A Case Report

Andres Carlos , Tabuenca Laura , Sanchez Idoia , Diaz Laura , Chueca Maria J , Berrade Sara , Dura Teodoro , Compains Esther

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is a disease with a wide range of systemic complications. Eye complications may seriously threaten quality of life. Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequent diabetic ocular complication. However, diabetic capilaropathy is a little known condition of diabetic retinopathy. It is an acute optic disc edema and/or macular edema; due to an acute hyperglycaemia.Method: We present a case of a diabetic 14-years-old female with diab...

hrp0084p1-110 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Neonatal Screening Program for Central Congenital Hypothyroidism

Braslavsky Debora , Prieto Laura , Keselman Ana , de Papendieck Laura Gruneiro , Enacan Rosa , Mendez Virginia , Bergada Ignacio , Chiesa Ana

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders that includes diseases of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system. The latter are missed on TSH based screening programs leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Additional T4 determinations, allows an early detection of CH of central origin (CH-C).Objective and hypotheses: To report the findings of a neonatal screening program based on determination of TSH...

hrp0084p2-502 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Auxological Parameters, Endocrine Growth Factors and Insulin Resistance from Birth to 12 Months of Life in Children Born Small for Gestational Age

Guazzarotti Laura , Mauri Silvia , Occhipinti Federica , Petruzzi Mariangela , Sonnino Micol , Tenconi Andrea Angela , Pogliani Laura , Zuccotti Gian Vincenzo

Background: At present, literature regarding postnatal growth in small for gestational age (SGA) subjects and its’ correlation with growth factor levels is still controversial. A relation between IGF1 and IGFBP3 levels at birth and weight and length catch up growth has been demonstrated. In the first months of life a rapid weight catch-up growth has also been associated to an increase of leptin, basal insulin and insulin resistance.Objective and hyp...