hrp0082p3-d2-721 | Diabetes (1) | ESPE2014

Glycemic Variability and Metabolic Control in Pediatric Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Martin-Frias Maria , Roldan M Belen , Alonso M Milagros , Oyakawa Yoko Patricia , Alonso Daniel , Barrio Raquel

Introduction: Recently, the impact of glycemic variability in the development of chronic complications of diabetes has been put in question. The gold-standard method to quantify glycemic variability is not well established.Objective: To analyze the relationship between HbA1c and glycemic variability as determined from self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) in type 1 diabetes (T1D) pediatric population.Patients/methods: Cross-sectiona...

hrp0084p2-277 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Psychosocial Screening in Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Ireland

Hennessy Elena , Gallagher Patricia , Butler Triona , O'Toole Norma , O'Connell Susan M , O'Riordan Stephen M P

Background: Psychosocial factors may be fundamental explaining poor glycaemic control in children with type 1 diabetes (T1DM). Anxiety, depression are well described in children with T1DM. According to Kauffman (2012), diabetes management can only be successful if psychosocial needs are assessed and addressed.Objective and hypotheses: To examine the association between glycaemic control and scores on two screening tools measuring psychosocial risk and em...

hrp0084p2-430 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Analysis of CD133+CD45+ Hematopoietic Progenitor/Stem Cells and CD133+/CD45- Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cells in Children with GH Deficiency Subjected to GH Therapy

Bossowski A , Singh P , Grubczak K , Radzikowska U , Sawicka B , Miklasz P , Dabrowska M , Bossowska A , Moniuszko M

Background: GH deficiency (GHD) is an endocrine condition, caused by problems arising in the pituitary gland that does not produce sufficient quantities of GH. GHD is treated by replacing GH with one daily injections. Recent studies suggested that GH could be involved in regulation of certain stem cell subset potential and function. However, the exact effects of GH therapy on biology of stem cells in paediatric patients were not studied in detail.Methods...

hrp0084p3-715 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Prevalence of Vascular Complications in Children with Type 1 Diabetes in Ireland

Butler Triona , Hennessy Elena , Gallagher Patricia , O'Toole Norma , O'Connell Susan M , O'Riordan Stephen M P

Background: Screening guidelines for vascular complications in children with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) are based on results from Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) and its follow-up, the Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) trial. These studies established conclusively that early and intensive diabetes care improves long-term outcomes.Objective and hypotheses: To establish screening practices and prevalence of vascula...

hrp0084p3-861 | Fat | ESPE2015

Decreased Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion in Obese Youth with High OGTT Derived 1 h Blood Glucose

Loredana M Loredana M , Marisi Elsa , Di Giovanni Ilaria , De Leonibus Chiara , Chiarelli Francesco , Mohn Angelika

Background: Obese adults with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) but 1-h post load glucose (1 hPG)≧155 mg/dl have an increased cardiometabolic risk. In children, preliminary data suggest that 1hPG≧132.5 mg/dl might identify those at higher risk of type 2 diabetes.Objective and hypotheses: To assess whether NGT obese youth with 1hPG ≧132.5 mg/dl (High-NGT) have worse insulin sensitivity and secretion compared to obese youth with 1hPG &#60...

hrp0082p1-d2-216 | Reproduction (1) | ESPE2014

IGSF1 Variants in Boys with Familial Delayed Puberty

Joustra Sjoerd , Wehkalampi Karoliina , Oostdijk Wilma , Biermasz Nienke , Howards Sasha , Bernard Daniel , Maarten Wit Jan , Dunkel Leo , Losekoot Monique

Background: The immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 (IGSF1) gene encodes a plasma membrane glycoprotein enriched in pituitary and testes. Loss-of-function mutations in IGSF1 cause an X-linked syndrome of central hypothyroidism (CeH), macroorchidism, and delayed pubertal rise of testosterone despite normal timing of testicular growth. This syndrome was discovered in patients with CeH; therefore, it is presently unknown whether IGSF1 mutations also cau...

hrp0082fc13.1 | Thyroid | ESPE2014

Massive Sequencing of Thyroidal Genes Reveals Unexpected Polygenic Defects in Dyshormonogenic Hypothyroidism

Iglesias A , Garcia M , Ventura P , Pozo J , Clemente M , Audi L , Corripio R , Garikano K , Polak M , del Pozo A , Visser T J , Moreno J C

Background: Dyshormonogenic hypothyroidism is classically a monogenic disease with recessive inheritance. Thyroid dysgenesis showed a multigenic origin in a mouse model of double-heterozygous deletions of Nkx2.1/Pax8 transcription factor genes, suggesting a possible polygenic nature of certain cases of human hypothyroidism.Objective and Hypotheses: To investigate genetic traits of polygenic involvement in dyshormonogenic hypothyroidism,...

hrp0084p1-11 | Adrenal | ESPE2015

Steroid 11β-Hydroxylase Deficient Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia with a Reversible Cardiomyopathy Caused by a Novel CYP11B1 Mutation: Report of Three Cases

Alqahtani Mohammad Ahmad Awwad , Shati Ayed A , Zou Minjing , Alsuheel Ali M , Alhayani Abdullah A , Al-Qahtani Saleh M , Gilban Hessa M , Meyer Brain F , Shi Yufei

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to steroid 11β-hydroxylase deficiency is the second most common form of CAH, resulting from a mutation in the CYP11B1 gene. Steroid 11β-hydroxylase deficiency results in excessive mineralcorticoids and androgen production leading to hypertension, virilisation, and ambiguous genitalia of genetically female infants.Objective: The aim of the study was to identify the molecular detect ca...

hrp0097p1-300 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Assessment of the rhGH treatment compliance in children with growth hormone deficiency.

Scheuring Dorian , Walczak Mieczysław , Nowak Katarzyna , Dragan Wojciech , Starzyk Jerzy , Wędrychowicz Anna , Kapusta Alicja , Bossowski Artur , Sawicka Beata , Gawlik Aneta , Błaszczyk Ewa , Gieburowska Joanna , Beń-Skowronek Iwona , Trwoga Aleksandra , Sokół Martyna , Kołtowska-Häggström Maria , Kolasa-Kicińska Marzena , Łupińska Anna , Stawerska Renata , Lewiński Andrzej , Dudek Adam , Mazur Artur , Zachurzok Agnieszka , Mierzwa Magdalena , Wikiera Beata , Pyrżak Beata , Witkowska-Sędek Ewelina , Witkowska-Krawczak Ewa , Szewczak-Matan Bogumiła , Kędzia Andrzej , Moszczyńska Elżbieta , Kot Karolina , Birkholz-Walerzak Dorota , Myśliwiec Małgorzata , Petriczko Elżbieta

Aim: To identify factors affecting compliance to treatment with recombinant growth hormone (rhGH) in children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).Study population and Methods: The following data were collected during standard visits in 8 endocrine clinics in Poland: medical history, auxological measurements, laboratory tests and the numbers of empty and full rhGH ampoules dispensed and returned by the patients. The obse...

hrp0095p1-352 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Random Luteinizing Hormone Concentrations for Monitoring Central Precocious Treatment Efficacy

Zeitler Philip , M. Boldt-Houle Deborah , N. Atkinson Stuart

Background: A decrease in random LH concentration is observed after initiation of treatment for central precocious puberty (CPP), but the suitability of random LH concentrations for assessing efficacy is controversial. Although Neely et al. reported that random LH values frequently fail to demonstrate suppression to prepubertal levels,1 Lee et al. demonstrated that a cutoff of random LH <0.6 IU/l may be adequate for monitoring s...