hrp0084p2-338 | Fat | ESPE2015

A Novel Melanocortin-4-Receptor Gene Mutation Associated with Early Onset Severe Obesity

Toumba Meropi , Shammas Christos , Neocleous Vassos , Phelan Marie , Skordis Nicos , Phylactou Leonidas , Mantzoros Christos

Background: The melanocortin-4-receptor gene (MC4R) is a key regulator for appetite and satiety. MC4R mutations account for 6–8% of severe obesity in children with variable expression and penetrance.Case presentation: A 3-year-old girl is presented with severe early onset and progressive obesity. She was born full-term with appropriate of gestational age weight by non-consanguineous parents. She had normal psychomotor milestones an...

hrp0084p3-1107 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Between 3 to 4 Years after Severe Traumatism Brain Injury 22% at Least of Children and Adolescents do have Persistent Pituitary Dysfunction

Dassa Yamina , Personnier Claire , Crosnier Helene , Chevignard Mathilde , Bourgeois Marie , Viaud Magali , Polak Michel

Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common in childhood but long-term endocrine consequences are yet to be documented by prospective data.Objective and hypotheses: We have previously demonstrated in prospective study that, 1 year after severe accidental TBI (ATBI) or inflicted TBI (ITBI), children and adolescents may present pituitary and growth hormone (GH) dysfunction. We present here the follow-up of this population to determine whether or not...

hrp0094p1-88 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Pituitary microadenomas in childhood – is follow-up with diagnostic imaging necessary?

Borghammar Camilla , Tamaddon Askan , Erfurth Eva-Marie , Sundgren Pic C , Siesjo Peter , Nilsson Margareta , Elfving Maria ,

Aim: We aimed to investigate the growth potential of pituitary microadenomas and cystic lesions < 10mm in children, and to evaluate how reproducible the measurements were on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).Design: Retrospective observational study.Methods: 74 children were included < 18 years at first pituitary MRI, and diagnosed with a microadenoma (microadenoma producing ACTH, GH or TSH ...

hrp0094p2-304 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Impact of estrogen therapy on pubertal growth in Turner syndrome

Trouvin Marie-Agathe , Thomas-Teinturier Cecile , Bouvattier Claire , Duranteau Lise , Linglart Agnes ,

Short stature and hypogonadism are frequent symptoms in Turner syndrome (TS). In most cases, puberty must be induced but pubertal induction modalities are not consensual. Moreover, pubertal induction impact on final height and pubertal growth spurt has not been studied in depth. Our aim was to study factors influencing final height during pubertal induction in TS. Retrospective cohort of 45 TS girls followed in a single center: Bicetre hospital. We recorded auxological paramet...

hrp0097p1-430 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2023

What do they eat? Calculation of carbohydrate, fat and protein intake in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D) by use of an image based analysis by smartphone.

Bachmann Sara , Steiner Gioia , Claude Fabien , Hess Melanie , Szinnai Gabor , Burckhardt Marie-Anne

Background: Carbohydrate counting is essential in diabetes management to match insulin doses to carbohydrate intake. Though recommendations concerning macronutritient composition exist (ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines 2022: Nutritional management in children and adolescents with diabetes), fat and protein intake is usually not calculated. Therefore, little is known if these recommendations are followed. Lower carbohydrate intake is reported to be ...

hrp0097p1-104 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Healthcare professionals’ perceptions on the quality and evolution of digital health devices to support paediatric growth hormone therapy: Results of a French participatory study

Rivera-Romero Octavio , Perge Kevin , Cochet Solenn , Trouvin Marie-Agathe , Koledova Ekaterina

Background: Treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD) requires daily injections over many years. Connected digital health devices can facilitate GH treatment by automating the injection process, which reduces anxiety, and collecting injection data in real-time so that accurate adherence information is available to healthcare professionals (HCPs). In developing new digital health solutions, HCP perspectives should be considered.<strong...

hrp0084p2-221 | Bone | ESPE2015

Evidence of a Link Between Resting Energy Expenditure and Bone Remodelling, Glucose Homeostasis and Adipokine Variations in Adolescent Girls with Anorexia Nervosa

Maimoun Laurent , Guillaume Sebastien , Lefbvre Patrick , Philibert Pascal , Bertet Helena , Picot Marie-Christine , Gaspari Laura , Paris Francoise , Sennec Maude , Dupuys Anne-Marie , Courtet Philippe , Thomas Eric , Mariano-Goulart Denis , Bringer Jacques , Renard Eric , Sultan Charles

Purpose: Low areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is a well-known consequence of anorexia nervosa (AN). However, the impact of reduced energy expenditure on bone metabolism is unknown. This study assessed the effects of energy deficiency on bone remodelling and its potential interactions with glucose homeostasis and adipose tissue-derived hormones in AN, a clinical model for reduced energy expenditure.Methods: 50 women with AN and 50 age-matched controls (m...

hrp0092p1-49 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

Gut Microbiome of North-American Children with and without Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)

Afhami Shima , Tun Hein , Peng Ye , Liang Suisha , Deehan Edward , Madsen Karen , Gantz Marie , Triador Lucila , Walter Jens , Haqq Andrea

Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a common syndromic form of childhood obesity, is characterized by failure-to-thrive during infancy followed by progressive hyperphagia and obesity in childhood. The pathogenesis of hyperphagia and weight-gain in PWS is poorly understood and management strategies have had variable and limited success. Several studies support an etiological contribution of dysbiotic gut microbiota in the metabolic derangements of obesit...

hrp0092p3-238 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Bilateral Testicular Atrophy and Normal Inhibin B level: A Paradoxal Clinical Finding For A Rare Biochemical Cause !


Background: Testicular atrophy is a rare complication following inguinal hernia repair particularly in children<2 years and those with an undescended testis at highest risk> with an undescended testis. Inhibin B is secreted from the testis as a product of Sertoli cells, and has been suggested as a good marker for spermatogenesis. Its value is expected to be very low in children with bilateral testicular atrophyCase Report...

hrp0089p2-p099 | Diabetes &amp; Insulin P2 | ESPE2018

Metabolic Improvement Offered by Medtronic Minimed 640 G Associated to Transient Insulin Perfusion Suspension before Hypoglycemia in Young Patients with Type 1 Diabetes

Al Hage Chehade Ghada , Godot Cecile , Jourdon Isabelle , Lepage Nadine , Eve Schmidt Marie , Polak Michel , Beltrand Jacques

Objective: Fear of hypoglycemia interferes frequently with metabolic control of type 1 diabetes especially in patients under 5 years of age who are at high risk of hypoglycemia and low metabolic control. Medtronic Minimed 640 G insulin pump with Smart Guard technology (suspension of insulin perfusion in predictive hypoglycemia situations) appears to be an adequate system for these patients by reducing the risk of hypoglycemia.Research design and methods:...