ESPE2014 Free Communications Puberty (6 abstracts)
aDepartment of Paediatric Endocrinology and INSERM CIE-5, Paris, France; bINSERM Hôpital Bicêtre, Le Kremlin Bicêtre, France; cIpsen Pharma, Paris, France
Introduction: There are few published large-cohort studies examining the long-term impact of GNRH analogue treatment for precocious puberty (PP) on fertility in women. The PREFER study analysed fertility in a large cohort of women treated during childhood for PP with triptorelin.
Methods: PREFER was a longitudinal, descriptive, non-comparative, epidemiological study conducted in 23 centres in France between February 2007 and November 2009. Women aged ≥18 years (in 2006) treated during childhood for PP with triptorelin were included, and their fertility was examined during the 2 years prior to inclusion and during the 12-month follow-up period. Primary endpoints were the proportion of women wanting a pregnancy but not pregnant 6 and 12 months after stopping contraception, and waiting time to pregnancy (WTP; time between stopping contraception and becoming pregnant). Secondary endpoints will also be presented. Endpoints were measured via self-reported questionnaires.
Results: 212 women aged (mean±S.D.) 24.2±3.0 years were included. They had received triptorelin therapy for 2.4±1.2 years during childhood. At least 57 (26.9%) women were pregnant before or during the study; 64 pregnancies were described, of which 60% were wanted pregnancies. In the 2 years before inclusion, the proportion of pregnancies with a <1-year WTP (32/37, 86.5%59.5% and 45.9% occurred within 6 and 3 months, respectively) was similar to that published for couples without PP trying to conceive (~85%). At 12-month follow-up, 108/109 (99.1%) respondents had not consulted a physician in the preceding 6 months regarding difficulties conceiving; one (1/107; 0.9%) woman received treatment to become pregnant.
Conclusion: PREFER is a large cohort study looking at the long-term effects on fertility of triptorelin treatment for PP. The pregnancy rate for women treated during childhood for PP with triptorelin suggests that PP or its treatment do not impact subsequent fertility in adulthood.