ESPE Abstracts (2016) 86 LBP2

Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo SP, Brazil

Background: Outcomes related to sexual life are poorly explored in 46,XY DSD patients and most studies focus only in 46,XX DSD (CAH). In 46,XY DSD the observations of sexual outcomes are scares, but they overall indicate that the SexQoL is impaired, particularly regarding sexual function and sexual satisfaction.

Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate sexual outcomes in a cohort of patients with 46,XY in adulthood and compare these observations with the results described in adulthood Brazilian population

Method: We evaluated the sexual outcomes by applying a questionnaire with 137 questions on social, sexual and psychological aspects. We invited 155 patients with 46,XY DSD from different aetiologies to participate in this study. These outcomes were compared between male and female patients, patients who change with those who maintained their social sex and DSD patients with the normal Brazilian population data.

Results: DSD patients due to different etiologies (testosterone synthesis defects (n=33), androgen insensitivity syndrome (n=34) gonadal dysgenesis (n=33), 5αRD2 deficiency (n=30) and unknown etiologies (n=10) accepted to answer the questionnaire. Among these patients 115 maintained their assigned sex and 25 Individuals changed their assigned sex. At adulthood, the social sex was female in 89 patients and male in 51 patients. Patients from both social sexes showed adequate sexual performance, but male social sex showed better results than female social sex in terms of satisfactory intercourse, masturbation and orgasm (p<.05). Patients who changed the social sex demonstrated similar rates of sexual outcomes compared to those who maintained the social sex, except for the frequency of intercourse and self sexual life satisfaction (p<.05). Comparing with Brazilian population data, DSD patients starts sexual life later, have more steady partners and the same rate of heterosexuality.

Conclusion: DSD patients presented adequate sexual activities. Male social sex demonstrated better sexual outcomes than female social sex. In male social sex, sexual outcomes were similar between patients who changed their social sex and who maintained.

Volume 86

55th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2016)

Paris, France
10 Sep 2016 - 12 Sep 2016

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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