ESPE Abstracts (2016) 86 P-P2-686

ESPE2016 Poster Presentations Growth P2 (47 abstracts)

Neonatal Characteristics of GH Deficiency in 107 Children

Nora Soumeya Fedala a , Ali El Mahdi Haddam b & Djamila Meskine b

aDepartment of Endocrinology, Bab El Oued Hospital, Algiers, Algeria; bDepartment of Endocrinology, Bologhine Hospital, Algiers, Algeria

Background: GH deficiency (GHD) rarely reveals at birth. Pregnancy is proceeding normally. The size and weight are generally normal and the birth occurs at terms. In some cases, neonatal markers and other pituitary deficits are present and allow early diagnosis.

Objective and hypotheses: Report neonatal characteristics of GHD.

Method: 107 children GHD were followed. The interrogation noted the progress of pregnancy, childbirth, weight and size and the presence of signs for other hormone deficiencies: hypoglycemia, jaundice, micropenia, cryptorchidism. Clinical examination sought other neonatal GHD markers as midline abnormalities (MA).

Results: 94.4% are born at term. The percentage of prematurity is not different from general population 5.6% vs 11.2 P=0.07. The delivery was normal in 84.1%. Neonatal dystocia was observed in 15.9%. It is not different from general population 15.9 vs 15.34% P=0.87. In 47.05% dystocia is associated with a breech delivery. This percentage is not different from general population 7.74% vs 6.29 P=0.63. The average size at birth is 50.3±2.05 cm for males 49.7±1.05 cm for girls. It is not different of theoretical normal size for gestational age. It is the same for the average birth weight: 3, 5±0.72 kg and 3, 3±0.75 kg. 57.94% showed signs for a congenital GH deficiency: Abnormalities of the external genitalia in 66.12% of boys : micropenia isolated or associated with cryptorchidism : 24.2%;MA: 37.38%; Craniofacial and visceral malformations : 0.84%. In 7.47%, other anomalies were reported during neonatal period: jaundice (n=4) hypoglycemia (n=4).

Conclusion: GHD rarely is rarely revealed to the neonatal period. The existence of signs of other hormone deficiencies and MA should evoke it precociously.

Volume 86

55th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2016)

Paris, France
10 Sept 2016 - 12 Sept 2016

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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