ESPE Abstracts (2018) 89 P-P1-157

ESPE2018 Poster Presentations GH & IGFs P1 (18 abstracts)

EasypodTM Connect Observational Study: The Italian Experience

Sandro Loche* a & Chiara Centonze b

aSSD Endocrinologia Pediatrica e Centro Screening Neonatale, Ospedale Pediatrico Microcitemico ‘A. Caro’, AO Brotzu, Cagliari, Italy; bMedical Scientific Liaison, Merck Serono S.P.A., Rome, Italy

Objective: The Easypod Connect Observational Study (ECOS) is a prospective long-term observational study aimed at evaluating the level of adherence in patients receiving growth hormone via the easypod device. ECOS started in 2010 in 24 countries. The easypod auto-injector device enables accurate records of patients’ adherence to recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH) to be collected, providing real-world data for evaluation. We present three years prospective adherence data from the Italian cohort of ECOS patients naïve to treatment.

Patients and methods: The Italian cohort of naïve patients comprised 81 patients (41 boys and 40 girls aged 1-16 y, 74 GHD, 4 SGA, 3 Turner syndrome). All patients received hGH (Saizen®) via the easypodTM device.

Results: Adherence data were available for all patients after 1 year, for 51 after 2 years and for 23 after 3 years. The median level of adherence was maintained >80% over 3 years. Median change in height SDS after 1 year was 0.41. This level of adherence was not correlated with parameters of growth outcome by Spearman’s product-moment correlation likely due to adherence values being skewed towards high positive levels. Additional modelling is expected to provide further insights on correlations between adherence and outcomes.

Conclusions: The majority of patients starting GH treatment with easypodTM maintained adherence >80% up to 3 years. ECOS has produced accurate, robust, and real-time adherence data in patients receiving Saizen® via easypodTM and provided useful insights into growth response to Saizen® treatment. Using easypodTM and easypodTM connect, physicians can identify patients with inadequate adherence, and with poor response to treatment, and help them maximize the benefits of recombinant human GH treatment.

*On behalf of the ECOS Italian Investigators: C. Angeletti, F. Antoniazzi, S. Bernasconi, G.M. Cardinale, M. Caruso-Nicoletti, L Cavallo, S. Cianfarani, G. Citro, F. De Luca, S. Della Casa, M. Di Pietro, P. Garofalo, C. Giordano, N.A. Greggio, M.R. Licenziati, M. Maghnie, M. Parpagnoli, L. Persani, S. Pesce, M. Sacco, M. Salerno, L. Tafi,

Volume 89

57th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2018)

Athens, Greece
27 Sept 2018 - 29 Sept 2018

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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