ESPE Abstracts (2018) 89 P-P3-001

ESPE2018 Poster Presentations Adrenals and HPA Axis P3 (32 abstracts)

Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Patient’s Perspective, a Mother’s Story

Allison Landa

Self, Berkeley, CA, USA

Statement of the Problem: Studies suggest that psychosocial factors – in addition to physical barriers – work to impair fertility and successful childbirth in women with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. This includes a reluctance to consult medical professionals as to the scope of the problem and possible solutions. This was the case with Allison Landa, who was not even successfully diagnosed with CAH until the age of 30 due to parental negligence and the terror of discussing her symptoms with a doctor. When successful intervention finally took place, Landa was not only able to stabilize her condition but become pregnant at the age of 40 following a short-term disruption of birth control. Her son Baz was born on Sept. 6, 2015. Landa offers a personal perspective as both a patient and an advocate for fellow CAH sufferers.

Conclusion and Significance: Increased outreach to CAH sufferers on the part of the medical community is indicated in order to reach those who might otherwise not be served.

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