ESPE Abstracts (2018) 89 P-P3-355

ESPE2018 Poster Presentations Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 (43 abstracts)

The Republic of Colombia Has a Constitutional Jurisprudential Precedent Identified as T622 of 2014,1 This Sentence Reaffirms the Importance of the Accurate Diagnosis of Intersexual Patients and Updates How the State Looks at Them2

Silvia Cristina Chahin Ferreyra a, & Federico Mejia Alvarez a

aClínica de Trastornos de Diferenciación Sexual, Bogotá, Colombia; bSociedad de Cirugía de Bogota Hospital de San José, Bogotá, Colombia

Cause: The Colombian Society of Urology published in May 1993; A Modern Approach to Sexual Ambiguity Syndromes which discuses sexual differentiation and sexual disorders associated with sexual development to determine a binary gender with surgical reconstruction.

Objective: Gather the members of ACEP (Colombian Association for Pediatric Endocrinology) to clarify, update and create an approach of human sexuality from a biosociocultural perspective on genito-urinary normoconficuration and expose genotypic effects from the sexual differentiation process of conception, gestation and embryo inside the uterus. However, it only starts to exist in the legal system once its separated from the umbilical cord and takes it first breath with complete autonomy. All of this in regard to the civil legislation of the Republic of Colombia.

Materials: T-622 OF 2014 constitutional court of colombia.

Conclusions: RECOGNIZE the safeguarding of all the fundamental rights affecting the patients’ sexual identity, noble life, health, human diagnostics, sexual and reproductive rights in favor of the pro-child rule (Pro-infancia). PROTEC the right to privacy. DEMAND to both public and private health insurance institutions to inform, educate and raise awareness of all consequences regarding genital readjustment surgery and sex allocation treatments. All with informed consent of the patient and his parents about the final decision with an interdisciplinary team present for any assistance. RESTRUCTURE the official protocols for the management in health institutions regarding patients’ that desire sexual readaptation with a leading medical crew from ACEP.

S. Chahín; Paediatric Endocrinologist; Bogotá, Colombia

F, Mejia. Lawyer; Specialist in administrative law; Magister in political studies; Colombia



Volume 89

57th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2018)

Athens, Greece
27 Sept 2018 - 29 Sept 2018

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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