ESPE2021 ePoster Category 2 Sex differentiation, gonads and gynaecology or sex endocrinology (52 abstracts)
OLOL, Drogheda, Ireland
Term male baby delivered by elctive c- section.On examination found to IUGR, hypotonic and microphallus less then 2 cms (stretched).Both testis were palpable. No other dysmorphic features noticed. Cranial ultrasound showed sub-ependymal cysts in the frontal region. Parents were concerned regarding his small penis. He was referred to physiotherapy for his low tone and had genetic and metabolic work up done for his persistent low tone. The testosterone levels were found to be low for his age. A diagnosis of 49xxxxy syndrome has been done by the genetics. Started on testesterone i.m injections on monthly basis for three months at the age of six months with a very good response. Testesterone were re checked and found to be within the normal range for his age. At ten months of age the child tone has improved with normal growth.