ESPE Abstracts (2022) 95 P2-44

Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus

Background: in our days the case of reduction of bone mineral density becomes more common. This pathology can be detected in children and adolescents with obesity with the help of densitometry.

Aim: to reveal the dynamics of body composition indicators in obese children.

Methods: we examined 32 children with obesity in the University Hospital (Minsk) in 2020-2022 yrs. Their anthropometric parameters (height, weight, body mass index (BMI)) were determined. Body composition with evaluating of mineral component were made by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry with calculation of total fat mass (TFM) (kg, %), free fat mass (FFM) (kg), bone mineral density (BMD) (g/cm2), abdominal (A) and gynoid (G) distribution, A/G coefficient. In the biochemical blood test, the parameters of Ca2+, Mg2+, P were evaluated. All children were divided into 2 groups: group 1 - children with obesity early (stage 2-3 according to Tanner) (11 boys(B)/9 girls(G)) 13,7±0,9 years and 10,6±0,2 years accordingly) and late (stage 4-5 according to Tanner) (7 B/5 G 15,8±0,2 years and 13,8±0,6 years accordingly) groups of puberty.

Results: an increase in BMI indicators was revealed with the development of puberty: in group 1 it made up to B 31,8±0,6 kg/m2 and G 32,5±0,4 kg/m2, in group 2 B 34,9±0,3 kg/m2 and G 35,8±1,2 kg/m2. Body weight in group 1 was B 84,9±5,2 kg and G 67,2±3,5 kg, in group 2 it was B 110,1±1,7 kg and G 89,2±6,3 kg (P<0,001). A decrease in the level of ionized calcium 1,03±0,02 mmol/l and ionized magnesium 0,52±0,09 mmol/l relative to the norm for boys in group 1, phosphorus values were within the normal range 1,2±0,08 mmol/l. Indicators of bone mineral density (BMD) in group 1 were B 1,42±0,05 g/cm2 and G 1,07±0,04 g/cm2, in group 2 the indicators were B 1,59±0,02 g/cm2 and G 0,96±0,08 g/cm2 (P<0,001). An increase in BMD indicators was revealed with the development of puberty for boys and decrease in indicators for girls. There were no age and gender differences. With the development of puberty boys showed a percentage decrease in fat depot with SM increase, in girls - an increase in the indicators of TFM and FFM (P<0,001).

Conclusions: There was a decrease in the level of Ca2+, Mg2+ in obese boys with BMI>30.0 kg/m2 without changes in BMD.

Volume 95

60th Annual ESPE (ESPE 2022)

Rome, Italy
15 Sep 2022 - 17 Sep 2022

European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology 

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