Previous issue | Volume 97 | ESPE2023

61st Annual ESPE (ESPE 2023)

The Hague, Netherlands
21 Sep 2023 - 23 Sep 2023

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The 61st ESPE Annual Meeting will now be taking place in The Hague, The Netherlands


Diet, nutrients and the environment

hrp0097s11.1 | Diet, nutrients and the environment | ESPE2023

Timing of eating and exercise to improve metabolic health in humans

Schrauwen Patrick

Recently our 24-hour culture has been identified as another lifestyle factor that can cause type 2 diabetes. Technological and societal advances such as electric lighting and digital screens – leading to light exposure that is too dim during the day and too bright during the evening –, shift work, time zone transfers, and round-the-clock food availability disrupt our intrinsic and evolutionarily preserved 24-hour rhythms resulting in a desynchronization between lig...