ESPE2023 Symposia Diet, nutrients and the environment (3 abstracts)
Department of Nutrition and Movement Sciences, NUTRIM School for Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands
Recently our 24-hour culture has been identified as another lifestyle factor that can cause type 2 diabetes. Technological and societal advances such as electric lighting and digital screens – leading to light exposure that is too dim during the day and too bright during the evening –, shift work, time zone transfers, and round-the-clock food availability disrupt our intrinsic and evolutionarily preserved 24-hour rhythms resulting in a desynchronization between light cues and behavior cues to our circadian system. This mistiming of cues is now thought to be a large contributor to the current metabolic health crisis, a concept known as circadian misalignment. Our internal biological clock sets circadian rhythmicity of a large range in bodily functions, including energy metabolism. We have shown that whole body energy expenditure and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function displays 24h rhythmicity in humans, a rhythm that is disturbed in prediabetic volunteers. Also, we have shown that a rapid day-night shift can lead to insulin resistance. More recently, we showed that also muscle metabolism shows 24h rhythmicity in healthy humans. Next to light, also food and activity can function as zeitgebers for the molecular clock. Therefore, timing of interventions can be used to improve metabolic health; we and others showed that exercise training in the afternoon may have more beneficial effects compared to exercise training in the morning. Also, time restricted feeding may improve rhythmicity of our metabolism and glucose homeostasis. In this lecture, our latest data on the effects of timing of food intake and exercise on metabolic health will be presented.