hrp0089p2-p390 | Thyroid P2 | ESPE2018

Multinodular Goiter in Childhood: Look for DICER1 Mutation

Suteau Valentine , Isabelle Souto , Natacha Bouhours-Nouet , Maryam Azgal , Justine Bailleul , Marie-Neige Campas , Aurelie Donzeau , Patrice Rodien , Regis Coutant

Introduction: Multinodular goiter (MNG) is a common disorder of the thyroid gland, characterized by thyroid enlargement due to the development of multiple hyperplastic nodules. It is infrequent in children. Here, we present the case of two families with novel DICER1 mutations and familial history of nodules in adolescence.Observations: A 10-year-old female presented a MNG. TSH, Free T3, Free T4 were in the normal range and thyroid autoantibodies were neg...

hrp0094fc10.2 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

Prevalence and outcome of Congenital Central Hypothyroidism: A Multicenter Study

Lucie Levaillant , German , Almashanu , De Vries Liat , Gil Merav , Halloun Rana , Haim Alon , Eyal Ori , Magid Yael , Levi Floris , Pivko-Levi Dikla , Nir Judith , Pinhas-Hamiel Orit , Tenenbaum-Rakover Yardena , Natacha Bouhours-Nouet , Frederic Illouz , Nathalie Bouzamondo , Patrice Rodien , Delphine Prunier-Mirebeau , Regis Coutant

Background: More than half of newborns with central congenital hypothyroidism (C-CH) have moderate-to-severe hypothyroidism in the neonatal phase, requiring immediate thyroxine therapy to prevent brain damage. The Israeli newborn screening for CH is based on the measurement of total T4 (TT4) followed by TSH measurement. However, when TSH is within the normal range the physicians are not informed of the results and therefore the diagnosis of C-CH and initiation...