hrp0098p3-9 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2024

Early Diagnosis and Management of Aldosterone Synthase Deficiency in Infancy: A Case Report

Mihai Pascu Bogdan , Stan Emanuela

Aldosterone synthase deficiency (ASD) is a rare cause of hyponatremia, commonly found in infancy and if diagnosed early it has a good prognosis. ASD has been classified into 2 types, type 1, which is the rarest form, and type 2. Patients with ASD usually present with salt-wasting, insufficient release of potassium in the urine and failure to thrive in early infancy. This paper reports on one ASD case of a 6-week-old female who presented with a salt-wasting crisis, hyperkalemia...

hrp0097p1-585 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Papillary thyroid carcinoma incidentally discovered in young patients - a case series

Grosu Iustina , Dumitrache Sabina-Maria , Zubaci Ana , Stan Raluca , Cima Luminita-Nicoleta , Vasilache Simona , Martin Sorina-Carmen , Sirbu Anca-Elena , Soare Iulia , Barbu Carmen-Gabriela , Miron Adrian , Terzea Dana , Fica Simona

Introduction: Thyroid carcinoma in pediatric and young adult population presents contradictory features: it has higher rates of multifocal disease, local and distant metastasis and reccurence compared to the adult population, yet the 5-year survival rate is 98%. The rising incidence seen recently cannot be entirely explained by overdiagnosis, as increasing rates of advanced-stage disease are also observed. The rise consists primarily of papillary thyroid carci...