hrp0098fc3.4 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 1 | ESPE2024

The spectrum of Endocrinopathies in Children with Ectopic Posterior Pituitary (EPP) correlates with the severity of associated hypothalamo-pituitary abnormalities on imaging: a decade long experience from two tertiary centers.

Malhotra Neha , Camia Tiziana , Cerbone Manuela , Di Iorgi Natascia , Maghnie Mohamad , Dattani Mehul

Introduction: Ectopic posterior pituitary (EPP) is a neuroimaging diagnosis frequently identified together with other hypothalamo-pituitary (H-P) abnormalities [hypoplastic anterior pituitary and thin interrupted stalk -Pituitary Stalk Interruption Syndrome (PSIS)] and associated with variable endocrine phenotypes evolving over time. We aim to describe the spectrum of hormonal deficiencies and neuroimaging abnormalities in a large cohort of children with EPP.<...

hrp0097fc10.3 | Fetal, neonatal endocrinology and metabolism (to include hypoglycaemia) &amp; Multisystem endocrine disorders | ESPE2023

ROHHAD syndrome, thrombotic risk and endothelial damage: a single center experience.

Marcenaro Silvia , Napoli Flavia , Pistorio Angela , Angelelli Alessia , Fava Daniela , Susca Francesco , Giordano Benedetta , Caporotondi Benedetta , Tantari Giacomo , Camia Tiziana , d'Annunzio Giuseppe , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: ROHHAD/ROHHADNET syndrome (rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, central hypoventilation, autonomic dysregulation with or without neural tumor - NET) – has been reported in association with cerebral venous thrombosis events, as reported also in central hypoventilation syndrome. It is not clear whether thrombotic risk represents a cause or a consequence of hypoventilation and hypothalamic dysfunction. Aim of our study was to chara...

hrp0097p1-263 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Evaluating genotype-phenotype relations in pediatric obesity: a single centre experience.

Giordano Benedetta , Caporotondi Benedetta , Susca Francesco , Napoli Flavia , Fava Daniela , Casalini Emilio , Pistorio Angela , Tantari Giacomo , Camia Tiziana , d'Annunzio Giuseppe , Maghnie Mohamad

Background: Childhood-onset obesity is a multifactorial disease with a lifelong health burden. In many cases, obesity is the result of the interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Aim of our study was to define phenotypic features of obese children and adolescents and to find possible associations between clinical phenotype and genetic variants.Patients and Methods: We recruited obese childre...

hrp0098p1-183 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty 3 | ESPE2024

Arginine-stimulated copeptin for Central Diabetes Insipidus diagnosis in children.

Napoli Flavia , Casalini Emilio , Pisati Angelica , Balsamo Mirna , Camia Tiziana , Bianchin Silvia , Zucconi Alice , Spacco Giordano , Simiele Giulia , Marcenaro Silvia , Fava Daniela , Elsa Maria Allegri Anna , Angelelli Alessia , Patti Giuseppa , Di Iorgi Natascia , Maghnie Mohamad

Introduction: Central diabetes insipidus (CDI) diagnosis is challenging, since water deprivation test has sub-optimal sensitivity and specificity and carries an important burden for patients and care-givers. Several authors have investigated arginine as a stimulus for AVP secretion – evaluated by dosing copeptin, a pre-pro AVP cleavage product - and normal values for adult patients have already been established.Aims and Met...