hrp0082p1-d1-204 | Reproduction | ESPE2014

The Influence of GH Treatment on the Oral Disposition Index in Turner Syndrome Girls and in GH Deficient Children: 8 Years of Follow-Up

Baronio Federico , Lupi Fiorenzo , Siroli Benedetta , Longhi Silvia , Tamburrino Federica , Scarano Emanuela , Mazzanti Laura , Radetti Giorgio

Background: GH has been shown to influence glucose homeostasis through a negative effect on insulin sensitivity followed by a compensatory increase of insulin secretion. However it has been recently reported, in animals and in humans, that GH might stimulate insulin secretion also through a direct effect on the growth and on the function of the pancreatic β cell.Objective and hypotheses: To study longitudinally the insulin sensitivity (HOMA-S), the ...

hrp0095fc7.5 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Population-based assessment of cardiometabolic-related diagnoses in youth with Turner Syndrome: A PEDSnet Study

Davis Shanlee , Furniss Anna , Pyle Laura , Nokoff Natalie

Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of premature death among women with Turner syndrome (TS). Studies in youth with TS suggest that cardiometabolic-related dysfunction is present in childhood, however these small convenience samples may not be generalizable to the whole TS population. PEDSnet, the largest pediatric Health Learning System in the United States (US) representing >6 million children, offers a unique opportunity to examine ...

hrp0086wg3.3 | ESPE Turner Syndrome Working Group (TS) | ESPE2016

The Added Value of Experience Based Coaching and the Outcomes for Women with Turner Syndrome in the Netherlands

Mijnarends Helen

To support people with chronic diseases in labour, reïntegration or participation, the Dutch Centre of Chronic Illness and Work developed a certification programme for professional experienced based coaching for patient support organisations. This 8-month during programme combines professional aid and peer-support for a diversity of chronic diseases. Experience based coaching is innovative and can assist patients emotionally by supporting them with coping and accepting th...

hrp0084p3-1242 | Turner | ESPE2015

To Predict Ovarian Function is a Single Determination of AMH Useful in Patients with Turner Syndrome?

Piona Claudia Anita , Cavarzere Paolo , Gaudino Rossella , Ben Sarah Dal , Ramaroli Diego , Gelati Matteo , Guidi Gian Cesare , Salvagno Gian Luca , Antoniazzi Franco

Background: Different studies have underlined the role of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and inhibin B as markers of the ovarian function in paediatric and adolescent patients with Turner syndrome (TS).Objective and hypotheses: Our study aims to verify the role of AMH in a cohort of patients affected by TS.Method: We analysed 23 TS patients, aged 2–34 years, describing their auxological parameters and the pubertal developme...

hrp0092t19 | Top 20 Poster | ESPE2019

Urinary Gonadotrophins in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Boncompagni Alessandra , McNeilly Jane , Murtaza Mohammed , Iughetti Lorenzo , Mason Avril

Background: Girls with Turner Syndrome (TS) are at an increased risk of primary ovarian failure. Oestrogen replacement is commenced at around the age of 12 years, in girls who do not enter puberty spontaneously, with incremental changes to the dose over the next 3 years until adult replacement doses are achieved. We have previously shown good correlation between serum and urinary LH (uLH) and FSH (uFSH) in children being assessed for disorders of puberty.<...

hrp0089p2-p242 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Unusual Clinical Manifestations in Turner Syndrome

Akulevich Natallia , Makarava Yulia , Ershova Larissa , Kunavitch Irina

Turner syndrome (TS) is characterized by partly or completely missing of an X chromosome and variability of clinical signs. We present tree Caucasian mosaic TS girls with unusual clinical course and discuss some literature.Case 1: A girl referred first to paediatric endocrinologist at the age of 8.5 y. for metabolic problems (an excessive weight gain, acanthosis nigricans, impaired glucose tolerance, hyperinsulinemia). The height was not a concern (Media...

hrp0089p2-p244 | Growth &amp; Syndromes P2 | ESPE2018

Familial Turner Syndrome: Case Report

Dacal Jimena Lopez , Villanueva Mercedes , Enacan Rosa , Brunetto Oscar , Figueroa Veronica

Introduction: Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the most common chromosomic disorders characterized by partial or complete lack of one of X chromosomes. It presents variable phenotypic spectrum. Isochromosome of long arm (iXq10) is the third most frequent karyotype and could be in mosaicism in 10-15% of TS. The phenotypic manifestation are similar than girls 45X. It is described a higher incidence of thyroid autoimmunity (even though is currently under discussion) and of diabetes...

hrp0082p1-d1-208 | Reproduction | ESPE2014

GH Therapy in Turner Syndrome Patients: the Effects on Nutritional Status, Adipokines, and Aortic Dilatation

Magnuszewska Hanna , Gnacinska-Szymanska Maria , Wisniewski Piotr , Potaz Piotr , Birkholz-Walerzak Dorota , Korpal-Szczyrska Maria , Sworczak Krzysztof

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) patients are at increased obesity risk. Additionally body composition in TS is distinctly altered. The percentage of body fat mass (BFM) is higher. Also adipokine dysregulation is observed. TS is associated with aortic dilatation, which is seen not only in patients with congenital aortic defects but also in patients without underlying pathology. Considering different co-morbidities common in TS, it’s extremely important to evaluate wide sp...

hrp0082p3-d3-870 | Growth (4) | ESPE2014

Primary Amenorrhea with Normal Stature: Why Not Turner Syndrome?

Hristov Ioana , Hreniuc Ana , Gherasim Simona , Ungureanu Maria-Christina , Preda Cristina , Vulpoi Carmen , Mogos Voichita , Leustean Letitia

Background: Turner syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder in females and occurs in about 1/2500 newborn girls worldwide. On chromosomal analysis, the various karyotypes observed are: 45,X (50%); 45,X/46,XX (20%); 46,X, i(Xq) (15%); 46,X, r(X) or 46,X, del(X) (10%); and others (5%).Objective and hypotheses: We present the case of a 17-year-old girl referred to our service for primary amenorrhea. Clinical examination: height=163 cm (62nd perce...

hrp0086p2-p855 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

The Usefulness of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Heart and Aorta in the Diagnostic Work-up in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Obara-Moszynska Monika , Rozmiarek Szymon , Lanocha Magdalena , Kociemba Anna , Rabska-Pietrzak Barbara , Janus Magdalena , Siniawski Andrzej , Mrozinski Bartlomiej , Niedziela Marek , Pyda Malgorzata

Background: Congenital heart defects are found in 50% of girls with Turner syndrome (TS). The evaluation of cardiovascular system is an important element in the diagnostic work-up of TS and is of particular significance of cardiologic monitoring, safety aspects of rGH treatment and any pregnancy planning.Objective and hypotheses: Assess the cardiovascular system in TS girls with magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and aorta (CMR and angioMR).<p c...