hrp0095p1-115 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Validation of referral criteria for growth monitoring in Flanders based on height at the start of GH therapy in children with growth hormone deficiency and Turner syndrome

Klink Daniel , Logghe Karl , Thomas Muriel , Roelants Mathieu , Van Hoeck Katelijne , Lysy Philippe , Becker Marianne , Staels Willem , de Schepper Jean

Background/Aims: Length and weight of all children in Flanders are monitored every three years at school from the age of 3 years. The current criteria used for referral to specialized care are: height SDS < -2.5, height SDS between -2 and -2.5 SDS with a height SDS adjusted for parental height < -1.64, or a decrease in height SDS of more than 1 SDS in the past 3 years. The aim of this study is to investigate the sensitivity of the Flemish referral criter...

hrp0095p1-120 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Mosaic sex chromosomal abnormalities in male individuals with short stature: a new role for non-conventional techniques (whole exome sequencing, genome wide array analysis, SHOX MLPA) in making the genetic diagnosis

Westra D. , Rinne T.K. , Oud M.S. , Ruiterkamp-Versteeg M.H.A. , de Leeuw N. , van der Velden A.A.E.M. , Kempers M.J.E.

The phenotype in male individuals with a mosaic sex chromosomal abnormality is heterogenous, but ambiguous genitalia, delayed puberty, disturbed spermatogenesis, and short stature are frequently seen. Genetic investigation in boys with idiopathic/isolated short stature usually includes SHOX gene analysis (sequencing and copy number detection by MLPA), genome wide array analysis, and/or whole exome sequencing (WES). In the Netherlands, conventional karyotyping is not part of th...

hrp0095p2-76 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Fibroblast growth factor 23 in relation to calcium-phosphate metabolism and cardiovascular risk factors in patients with type 1 diabetes.

Vermeulen Stephanie , E.A. Scheffer-Rath Mirjam , T.P. Besouw Martine , van der Vaart Amarens , H. de Borst Martin , M. Boot Annemieke

Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Recent studies implicated deregulated phosphate homeostasis in the etiology of CVD. The objective of this study is to address the relationship between the phosphate-regulating hormone fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) and cardiovascular risk factors in adults with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D).Methods:...

hrp0092fc8.3 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 1 | ESPE2019

Absence of Central Adrenal Insufficiency in Adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Rosenberg Anna , Davidse Kirsten , Pellikaan Karlijn , Donze Stephany , Hokken-Koelega Anita , van der Lely Aart Jan , de Graaff Laura

Introduction: Individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) suffer from hyperphagia, hypotonia and hypothalamic dysfunction, leading to a variety of pituitary hormone deficiencies. Central adrenal insufficiency (CAI) has been reported in PWS, while each of these studies used different testing modalities and cut-off values. Therefore, reported prevalence of CAI ranges from 0% to 60%. It has been speculated that CAI might be responsible, at least in part,...

hrp0089rfc5.6 | Thyroid | ESPE2018

DUOX2 Deficiency in Quebec: From Life-Threatening Compressive Goiter in Infancy to Lifelong Euthyroidism

Dufort Gabrielle , Larrivee-Vanier Stephanie , Eugene Dardye , De Deken Xavier , Heinimann Karl , Szinnai Gabor , Van Vliet Guy , Deladoey Johnny

Background: Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) caused by DUOX2 deficiency has a wide range of clinical presentations and phenotype-genotype correlations are not always straightforward.Objective: To describe four children from Quebec with biallelic DUOX2 variants and widely variable phenotypes.Design/Methods: Case series of four children seen for evaluation of thyroid function at the endocrinology service of two university hospitals in ...

hrp0086p1-p48 | Adrenal P1 | ESPE2016

Cardiac Function in Pediatric Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Mooij Christiaan F. , Pourier Milanthy S. , Weijers Gert , de Korte Chris L. , Claahsen - van der Grinten Hedi L. , Kapusta Livia

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is characterized by cortisol deficiency and hyperandrogenism. Both hyperandrogenism and treatment with supraphysiological doses of glucocorticoids may cause unfavorable changes in the cardiovascular risk profile of CAH patients. Data on the cardiac function in CAH patients is scarce.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate the cardiac function in pediatric CAH patients.Method: The cardi...

hrp0082fc14.1 | Puberty | ESPE2014

Brain Structure and Function in Gender Dysphoric Adolescents

Hannema Sabine , Schagen Sebastian , Hoekzema Elseline , Kreukels Baudewijntje , Veltman Dick , Cohen-Kettenis Peggy , Bakker Julie , Delemarre-van de Waal Henriette

Background: Gender dysphoria is characterised by an incongruency between the perceived gender identity and the biological sex. The cause of gender dysphoria is unclear and environmental as well as genetic factors may be important. It is well known that during sexual differentiation sex steroids control not only the differentiation of the internal and external genitalia but also the sexual differentiation of the brain. Structural as well as functional differences have been show...

hrp0097p1-127 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Effects and safety of growth hormone (GH) treatment in 6 children with pycnodysostosis

Renes Judith , Sas Theo , Clement-de Boer Agnes , Zwaveling-Soonawala Nitash , van der Kaay Danielle , Hokken-Koelega Anita

Background: Pycnodysostosis is a very rare autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia caused by cathepsin K deficiency. It is characterized by extreme short stature resulting in an adult height in males typically <150 cm and in females <134 cm. Bone-fragility and frequent fractures are present. There are few case-reports on the effects of GH treatment.Objective: To evaluate the effect and safety of GH in 6 patients wit...

hrp0084p2-515 | Pituitary | ESPE2015

Contrasting Central Diabetes Insipidus due to preproAVP Mutations: Earlier Onset of Symptoms in Recessive than in Dominant Forms

Bourdet Karine , Valette Sophie , Deladoey Johnny , Vliet Guy Van

Background: Central diabetes insipidus may result from mutations in the preproAVP gene, most often heterozygous and occurring de novo or inherited in an autosomal dominant mode; in these cases, intracellular accumulation of the misfolded product of the mutated allele slowly destroys the AVP-producing neurons, so that the onset of symptoms may be delayed for up to 28 years by which time the posterior pituitary hyperintense signal is no longer visible on magnetic resonance imagi...

hrp0092p1-228 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (1) | ESPE2019

Broadening of the Phenotypic Spectrum of Coats Plus Syndrome: A Patient Presenting with Extreme Short Stature as a Hallmark Feature

Riquelme Joel , Mericq Veronica , Pena Fernanda , Boogaard Merel W. , van Dijk Tessa , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine A. , Wit Jan-Maarten , Losekoot Monique

Background and Aims: Coats plus syndrome (MIM # 612199) is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting brain, eye, bone and gastrointestinal tract. We describe the phenotype of a patient with severe growth failure where whole exome sequencing (WES) revealed compound heterozygosity for two mutations in the CTC1 gene.Patient and Methods: The patient, the fourth child of healthy non-consanguineous parents, was born...