hrp0097p1-60 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Clinical usefulness of bioimpedance analysis in children and adolescents with severe obesity. Preliminary results of the Polish-German study project on severe early-onset obesity.

Kostrzeba Ewa , Bik-Multanowski Mirosław , Brandt Stephanie , Flehmig Bertram , Małecka-Tendera Ewa , Mazur Artur , B. Ranke Michael , Wabitsch Martin , Wójcik Małgorzata , Zachurzok Agnieszka , Petriczko Elżbieta

Aim: Childhood obesity has become extremely important issue worldwide. The aim of this study was to determine associations between data from bioimpedance analysis with the antrophometric measurements and biochemical results obtained from children and adolescents with severe obesity.Study population and Methods: Study group consisted of 128 children recruited in four regional reference centers including 70 girls (54.7%) a...

hrp0097p1-464 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors in Polish children and adolescents with severe obesity. Preliminary results of the Polish-German study project on severe early-onset obesity

Stępniewska Anna , Szczudlik Ewa , Bik-Multanowski Mirosław , Brandt Stephanie , Flehmig Bertram , Małecka-Tendera Ewa , Mazur Artur , Petriczko Elżbieta , B. Ranke Michael , Zachurzok Agnieszka , Wójcik Małgorzata

It is estimated that 1-5% of children and adolescents in Europe suffer from severe obesity (corresponding to an adult BMI > 40 kg/m2). However, in risk stratification, the occurrence of metabolic complications is more important than BMI itself. The study aimed to assess the occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors in a cohort of children and adolescents with severe obesity.Patients and Methods: The analysis included 140 patients (75 ...

hrp0086p1-p614 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Serum α-Klotho Levels are not Informative for the Evaluation of GH Secretion in Short Children

Elsedfy Heba , Meazza Cristina , Radetti Giorgio , Khalaf Randa I. , Pagani Sara , Sessa Nicodemo , Albertini Riccardo , De Stefano Anna Maria , Navarra Antonella , Lupi Fiorenzo , El Kholy Mohamed , Bozzola Mauro

Background: α-klotho is a transmembrane protein which can be cleaved and act as a circulating hormone. Since low α-klotho levels were found in organic GH deficiency (GHD) and high levels in acromegaly, an interaction between α-klotho, GH and linear growth has been suggested.Objective and hypotheses: We investigated the role of α-klotho protein as a reliable marker of GH secretion in short children and the factors influencing its secre...

hrp0095fc9.1 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

COVID-19 and increased prevalence of female precocious puberty in Germany

Sonja Baehr , Dirk Schnabel , Joachim Woelfle , Felix Schreiner , Bettina Gohlke

Background: Several studies observed a positive secular trend for the occurrence of earlier puberty. Genetic background, weight gain, and environmental factors are assumed as contributors. In March 2020, WHO declared a worldwide pandemic of COVID-19. To reduce transmission, Germany and many other countries imposed regulations of social distancing and lockdowns leading to significant changes in daily life for children followed by an increase in obesity but also...

hrp0092rfc8.6 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty Session 1 | ESPE2019

Growth, Pubertal Course and Long-Term Outcome of 46,XY Boys Born with Atypical Genitalia and Low Birthweight

Tack Lloyd , Straaten Saskia van der , Cools Martine , consortium On behalf of the I-DSD

Introduction: Boys born small for gestational age (SGA) often have undermasculinized genitalia. Little is known about the pubertal development and gonadal function on a longer-term in this specific group of males.Aims: To determine the (pubertal) development and long-term urological and endocrine outcome of undermasculinized boys born SGA compared to undervirilized boys born appropriate for gestational age (AGA).<p c...

hrp0084ha2 | A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) | ESPE2015

A New Syndrome Associated with Mutations in the Gene for Pregnancy-Associated Plasma Protein A2 (PAPP-A2) Causing Proportionate Short Stature, High Circulating IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and ALS, Mild Microcephaly, thin Long Bones and Decreased Bone Mineral Density in two Unrelated Families

Dauber Andrew , Munoz-Calvo Maria T , Barrios Vicente , Desikan Vardhini , Pozo Jesus , Muzumdar Radhika , Martos-Moreno Gabriel A , Hawkins Federico , Domene Horacio , Jasper Hector G , Kloverpris Soren , Yakar Shoshana , Conover Cheryl A , Kopchick John J , Hwa Vivian , Chowen Julie A , Oxvig Claus , Rosenfeld Ron G , Perez-Jurado Luis A , Argente Jesus

Background: PAPP-A2 is a metalloproteinase that specifically cleaves IGFBPs 3 and 5. Papp-a2 knock-out (KO) mice show a reduction in body size and skeletal abnormalities.Objective and hypotheses: Our objective is to report two affected families from Spain and USA. The Spanish family presents a homozygous frameshift mutation in exon 3 of the PAPP-A2 gene (c.1927_ 1928insAT, p.D643fs25X) resulting in a premature stop codon, with 2 of 4 si...

hrp0092p1-157 | Adrenals and HPA Axis (1) | ESPE2019

Influence of Salt Supplementation on Drug Therapy in Children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Aged 0-3 Years: Update on a Retrospective Multicentre Analysis Using the I-CAH Registry

Neumann Uta , van der Linde Annelieke , Krone Ruth , Guven Ayla , Güran Tülay , Elsedfy Heba , Darendeliler Feyza , Bachega Tania , Balsamo Antonio , Hannema Sabine , Birkebaek Niels , Vieites Ana , Acerini Carlo , Cools Martine , Milenkovic Tatjana , Bonfig Walter , Costa Eduardo , Atapattu Navoda , de Vries Liat , Filho Guilherme , Korbonits Marta , Mohnike Klaus , Bryce Jillian , Ahmed Faisal , Voet Bernard , Blankenstein Oliver , van der Grinten Hedi Claahsen

Introduction: Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) caused by 21-hydroxylase deficiency results in impaired synthesis of gluco- and often also of mineralocorticoids. Early treatment with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids prevents life-threatening crises. In some centres, additional salt is prescribed in the first year. However, until now the use of salt is controversial and not proved to result in better outcome in studies.<s...

hrp0092p3-165 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) | ESPE2019

Final Adult Height in a Patient with Turner Syndrome {46, X, i(Xq)} Treated with Growth Hormone for 10 Years Compared to her Normal Dizygotic Twin Sister and Mid-Parental Height

Soliman Ashraf , Hamad Noor , Alhumaidy Noora , Osman Ahmed Shayma , Adel Ashraf

Anthropometric somatotype components show significant resemblance in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic twins (DZ) twins within each sex with a greater resemblance within MZ twin pairs than within DZ twin pairs. In many studies a significant positive correlation was found between the parental height and the height of girls with TS.This girl with Turner syndrome {46, X, i(Xq) presented at the age of 7.5 years for evaluation of her short stature. Her clinical ...

hrp0089p1-p192 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P1 | ESPE2018

Final Adult Height, Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-I) Concentration in Adolescents and Young Adults with β-Thalassemia Major (BTM) with and Without Growth Hormone Deficiency

Soliman Ashraf , Yassin Mohamed , Sanctis Vincenzo De

Background: Relatively little is known about endocrine function, bone mineral health, and growth during oral iron chelation therapy (OIC) in β-thalassemia major patients (BMT) on treatment with deferasirox.Aims of the study: To measure the final adult standing height (FA-Ht) and the frequency of endocrine complications in relation to their liver iron content (LIC) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) concentration. Patients were grouped into two...

hrp0082p1-d2-1 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis | ESPE2014

Allelic Frequencies of CYP21A2 Variants and Genotype–Phenotype Correlations in a Cohort of 660 CAH Patients from Germany and Austria*

Riedl Stefan , Rohl Friedrich-Wilhelm , Empting Susann , Bonfig Walter , Dorr Helmuth-Gunther , Holl Reinhard , Mohnike Klaus

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to a CYP21A2 defect (autosomal recessive) leads to salt wasting (SW), simple virilizing (SV), or non-classical (NC) phenotypes basically depending on residual 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) function on the least affected allele.Objective and Hypotheses: To test prediction of CAH phenotype based on genotype classification.Method: Patient data from 37 centers were retrieved from a...