hrp0084p3-1139 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Multicentre Study of Early Screening and Prevention of Prader–Willi Syndrome

Lu Wei , Xi Li , Cheng Ruo-Qian , Li Xiao-Jing , Zhang Miao-Ying , Zheng Zhang-Qian , Ye Rong , Zhao Zhu-Hui , Shen Shui-Xian , Luo Fei-Hong

Background: The current diagnostic criteria for Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS) although widely accepted, is challenging to be implemented in Chinese population.Objective and hypotheses: The present study collected PWS cases from 12 centres across China. By analysing the clinical manifestation during early infancy, we aimed to provide data for clinical characteristics, screening strategy and effect of GH treatment in Chinese PWS patients.<p class="a...

hrp0094p2-379 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

An Observational, Retrospective Study to Evaluate Long Term Safety and Effectiveness of Leuprorelin in the Treatment of Central Precocious Puberty

Fu Junfen , Dong Guanping , Li Pin , Gong Yan , Yang Yu , Yang Li , Gu Wei , Yuan Xuewen , Luo Xiaoping , Hou Ling , Zhong Yan , You Cheng , Wang Winston , Guo Ziheng ,

Objectives: To describe safety and effectiveness of high (≥90-180 µg/kg) and low (<90-30 µg/kg) dose leuprorelin in treating central precocious puberty (CPP).Methods: In this observational, retrospective study, effectiveness was evaluated based on regression or no progression of Tanner staging as the primary outcomes. LH, FSH, estradiol or testosterone suppression, and decrease in bone age to chronolo...

hrp0095p1-239 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Why understanding hemoglobin glycated measurement can be important: Santa Juana hemoglobin variant and falsely elevated HbA1c

Lorand Juan , Boutsen Laure , Gueulette Emmanuelle , Maisin Diane , Closset Mélanie , Mouraux Thierry , Beckers Dominique

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease. The risk of microvascular complications is correlated with hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level [1] Educating the diabetic patient to keep an HbA1c below 7% reduce the risk of long-term complications. We report the case of a 15 years old teenager, with chronical headache, referred for diabetes mellitus with a fasting glycemia of 83 mg/dl (normal < 100) and an HbA1C of 8.3% using an Ion-exchange High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC, Ad...

hrp0095lb5 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Incidence and Severity of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during COVID-19 Pandemic

Dieguez Abigayil , DeLacey Sean , Lado Juan , Levin Laura , Ranganna Adesh , Wu Margaret , E. Bianco Monica

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact healthcare overall particularly in relation to diabetes. Initial studies showed delays in emergent healthcare utilization, decreased preventative care visits, and more severe presentations of new onset diabetes. However, the pathophysiologic relationship between COVID-19 and type 1 diabetes is not yet well understood.Objectives: Our primary objective was to compare th...

hrp0089fc4.3 | GH &amp; IGFs | ESPE2018

The Reduction in Longitudinal Growth Induced By PAPP-A2 Deficiency is Associated with Reduced Body Weight, Increased Energy Expenditure and Behavior Modification

Suarez Juan , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Rubio Leticia , de Fonseca Fernando Rodriguez , Chowen Julie , Argente Jesus

Background: Pregnancy associated plasma protein (PAPP)-A2 is an insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein (BP) protease that regulates IGF-1 availability, affecting postnatal growth. We have recently reported the first mutations in human PAPP-A2 causing short stature and changes in bone size and mineral density. However, the IGF system is involved in diverse physiological functions and to date it is unknown how mutations in PAPP-A2, which significantly reduce f...

hrp0089p2-p310 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Can Basal Levels of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Replace the GnRH Test in the Diagnosis of Precocious Puberty in Girls?

Llano Juan , Morales William , Pineda Catherine , Ortiz Teresa , Gil Nayibe , Laverde Gladys , Castro Sonia , Llano Mauricio

Aim: To determine the sensitivity, specificity of basal LH measurement compared to the GnRH test in patients with Central precocious puberty (CPP) and determine the cut off point for basal LH to diagnose CPP.Methods: 680 female patients were referred for presumptive diagnosis of central precocious puberty in the city of Bogota. All patients went through a GnRH test, using a Roche immunoassay for Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (...

hrp0086p1-p738 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Oxytocin Deficiency is Associated with Hyperphagia and Weight Gain in Hypothalamic and Common Obesity: A First-in-Humans Proof-of-Concept Study

Gan Hoong-Wei , Leeson Clare , Aitkenhead Helen , Spoudeas Helen , Martinez-Barbera Juan Pedro , Dattani Mehul

Background: Hypothalamic obesity (HyOb) is a rare form of treatment-resistant morbid obesity associated with congenital or acquired hypothalamic damage. Its pathophysiology has been attributed to hyperphagia and hyperinsulinaemia. The wider roles of oxytocin (OXT) in regulating appetite and weight have recently emerged in animal and human studies, but there is no human evidence that hypo-oxytocinaemia contributes to weight gain.Hypothesis: Hypo-oxytocina...

hrp0082fclb2 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2014

Sonic Hedgehog is Required for Cell Specification of Rathke’s Pouch Progenitors During Normal Development and is Over-Expressed in Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngioma

Carreno Gabriela , Andoniadou Cynthia , Heywood Wendy , Mills Kevin , Dattani Mehul , Martinez-Barbera Juan Pedro

Background: Mouse studies have demonstrated the necessity of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) for normal proliferation of Rathke’s pouch (RP) precursors. However, the possible function of SHH in pituitary cell specification remains to be assessed. Additionally, evidence suggests that SHH may be relevant in human adamantinomatous craniopharyngioma (ACP), a histologically benign, but clinically aggressive childhood tumour associated with high morbidity.Objective ...

hrp0094p1-169 | Growth B | ESPE2021

Safety of growth hormone and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with Noonan syndrome enrolled in NordiNet® International Outcome Study (IOS) and the ANSWER Program

Romano Alicia , Kaski Juan Pablo , Dahlgren Jovanna , Kelepouris Nicky , Pietropoli Alberto , Rohrer Tilman R. , Polak Michel ,

Introduction: Growth hormone (GH) treatment has been shown to increase height velocity and adult height in patients with Noonan syndrome (NS). NS is also associated with cardiovascular (CV) anomalies, namely pulmonary stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Concerns persist about the role of GH in progression of CV conditions despite data, albeit limited, showing low rates of CV events and left ventricular wall thickness remaining normal. This pooled analysi...

hrp0094p2-316 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Determining factors of a good response to treatment with growth hormone for the first 2 years

de Arriba Antonio , Cancela Vanesa , Juan Alcon Jose , Beisti Anunciacion , Ferrer Marta , Labarta Jose Ignacio ,

Objectives: - To establish the main factors on which a good response to GH treatment depends. - To study the optimum adherence values. - To study the impact of the loss of adherence in the treatment with GH.Materials and Methods: This is a non-interventional, retrospective observational study, by reviewing medical records of patients undergoing GH treatment for at least 2years due to GHD or SGA. Patients received treatment with Saizen&#1...