hrp0089p2-p361 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Towards an Integrated Approach to Diagnosis of 46,XY Disorder of Sex Development

Kolesinska Zofia , Acierno James Jr , Faisal Ahmed S. , Kapczuk Karina , Skorczyk-Werner Anna , Mikos Hanna , Rojek Aleksandra , Krawczynski Maciej , Pitteloud Nelly , Niedziela Marek

Background and objective: Given phenotype variability as well as limited utility of conventional endocrine investigations in reaching the diagnosis in a 46,XY patient suspected of a disorder of sex development (DSD), there is an increasingly stronger argument for considering targeted genetic sequencing at an earlier stage of the evaluation process. This study focused on identifying the relationship between clinical examination, endocrine and radiological assessment, as well as...

hrp0086fc5.1 | Management of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

The Anti-diabetic Drug, Metformin, Suppresses Adipogenesis through both AMP-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK)-dependent and AMPK-independent Mechanisms

Chen Suet Ching , Brooks Rebecca , Houskeeper Jessica , Bremner Shaun K , Dunlop Julia , Viollet Benoit , Salt Ian P , Ahmed S Faisal , Yarwood Stephen J

Background and aim: Metformin is widely used in Type 2 diabetes, with increasing reports of a potential bone protective role. We investigated the role of AMPK in mediating the effects of metformin on mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) differentiation to either osteoblasts or adipocytes.Methods: Confluent mouse MSCs (C3H10T1/2), wild type (WT) and AMPK knockout (KO) mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) were treated with metformin(500 μM), AMPK-activator A769662(...

hrp0086p1-p102 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Radiologically Confirmed Fractures in a Scottish Nationwide Cohort of Boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Joseph Shuko , Di Marco Marina , Abu-Arafeh Ishaq , Baxter Alex , Cordeiro Nuno , Horrocks Iain , MacLellan Linda , McWilliam Kenneth , Naismith Karen , O'Hara Ann , Faisal Ahmed S , Wong SC

Background: Published studies of radiologically confirmed fractures in sufficiently large cohorts of boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) are limited.Objective: To determine the incidence of fractures in a contemporary cohort of 91 boys with DMD managed in all Scottish centres.Method: Radiologically confirmed fractures were classified into vertebral fracture (VF) and non-VF in a retrospective audit of all boys currently mana...

hrp0086p1-p744 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

A Prospective Evaluation of Urinary Gonadotrophins for Assessment and Management of Pubertal Disorders

Lucaccioni Laura , McNeilly Jane , McMillan Martin , Kyriakou Andreas , Shaikh M. Guftar , Wong Sze Choong , Predieri Barbara , Iughetti Lorenzo , Mason Avril , Ahmed S. Faisal

Background: An increasing need for non-invasive, out-patient based investigations has necessitated a re-evaluation of urinary gonadotrophins (uGn) for assessing puberty.Objective: Prospective evaluation of the relationship between first morning uGn measured by immunoassay and corrected for creatinine (uLH:uCr; uFSH:uCr), and basal serum gonadotropins (sLH, sFSH) and in response to LHRH stimulation test. Prospective evaluation of uGn trend in patients rec...

hrp0082p1-d3-197 | Pituitary | ESPE2014

Congenital Nasal Pyriform Aperture Stenosis and Pituitary Abnormalities: Case Series of 20 Patients and a Management Guideline for Early Identification of Pituitary Insufficiency

Chen Suet Ching , McDevitt Helen , Clement W Andrew , Wynne David M , Mason Avril , Donaldson Malcolm , Ahmed S Faisal , Shaikh M Guftar

Introduction: Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) is an increasingly recognised cause of upper airway obstruction associated with holoprosencephaly, of which solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) is the least severe form. Studies have described pituitary abnormalities in up to 40%. We aimed to determine the use of baseline endocrine investigations and MRI brain in assessing endocrine dysfunction.Method: Retrospective casenote ...

hrp0084p1-61 | DSD | ESPE2015

Current Models of Practice & Professional Development of Clinicians in DSD Centres – Results from an International Survey of Specialist Care for DSD

Kyriakou Andreas , Dessens Arianne B , Bryce Jillian , Haraldsen Ira , Iotova Violeta , Juul Anders , Krawczynski Maciej , Nordenskjold Agneta , Rozas Marta , Sanders Caroline , Hiort Olaf , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: In the optimal care of children with DSD, it is considered good practice to work within a multidisciplinary team (MDT) and engage in opportunities for professional development.Method: To explore the current models of MDT practice and the extent of professional development in specialist DSD centres, an international survey of 124 paediatric endocrinologists, identified through DSDnet and the I-DSD Registry, was performed in 2014.<p class="...

hrp0084p2-307 | DSD | ESPE2015

Diagnostic Approach to a Newborn with Suspected DSD: Results From an International Survey of Specialist Care for DSD

Kyriakou Andreas , Dessens Arianne B , Bryce Jillian , Haraldsen Ira , Iotova Violeta , Juul Anders , Krawczynski Maciej , Nordenskjold Agneta , Rozas Marta , Sanders Caroline , Hiort Olaf , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: The approach to investigating a newborn with a suspected DSD is likely to vary between centres and may be influenced by local availability.Method: To explore the current diagnostic practice and needs, an international survey of 124 paediatric endocrinologists, identified through DSDnet and the I-DSD Registry, was performed in 2014.Results: A total of 77/124 (62%) clinicians, in 74 centres, from 38/42 (91%) countries res...

hrp0094p1-3 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Growth-Related Characteristics of Patients <18 Years of Age with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Due to 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency (21OHD): Real-World Evidence from the I-CAH Registry

Farrar Mallory , He Wei , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Lawrence Neil , Baronio Federico , Claahsen-van der Grinten Hedi L. , Bonfig Walter , Krone Nils , Yonan Chuck , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Background: Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive condition characterized by cortisol deficiency and elevated ACTH secretion, resulting in excess androgen production. This exposure to excess androgens contributes to advanced skeletal maturation and reduced growth in puberty. Data from the I-CAH registry were analyzed to identify growth-related characteristics of children and adolescents with...

hrp0097p2-79 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

Final Adult Height in Saudi patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Al Alwan Ibrahim , Shafaay Edi , Aldriweesh Mohammed , Aljahdali Ghadeer , Alomar Abdulrahman , Alharbi Khulood , Aldalaan Haneen , Alenazi Ahmed , Alsagheir Afaf , S. Alangari Abdulaziz , Babiker Amir

Introduction: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is a chronic disease that requires life-long hormonal replacement therapy. Growth of patients with CAH can be affected by this therapy or the hyperandrogenic effect of the disease. In this study, we aimed to assess the potential effect of CAH and its therapy on final height in Saudi affected patients.Methodology: This is a retrospective cohort study from two tertiary end...

hrp0082p1-d1-147 | Growth | ESPE2014

The Role of SHOX Gene in Idiopathic Short Stature: an Italian Multicenter Study

Minari R , Vottero A , Azzolini S , Barbaro D , Bindi G , Bozzola M , Burrai C , Cardinale G M , Cioffi D , Cisternino M , Coccioli M S , Delvecchio M , Fabbrizi E , Ferrari M , Gallarotti F , Gallo F , Ghizzoni L , Maggio M C , Mainetti B , Montinaro R , Municchi G , Panariello A , Parpagnoli M , Perrone L , Petraroli M , Radetti G , Radicioni A F , Rossodivita A , Salerno MC , Savasta S , Seminara S , Tafi L , Tomat M , Tummolo A , Wasniewska M , Iughetti L , Bernasconi S

Background: The short stature homeobox-containing (SHOX) gene, located in the telomeric pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) on the short arm of both sex chromosomes, is important for linear growth.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of our study was to evaluate the presence of SHOX gene deletions/point mutations in children with short stature in order to understand the role of SHOX gene in idiopathic short stature (ISS) and estimate its frequency.<p class=...