hrp0089p2-p038 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2018

The Effect of Vitamin D Receptor Polymorphism on Bone Mineral Density in Egyptian Patients with Beta Thalassemia Major

Aly Abbassy Hadeer , Abdel Haleem Abo Elwafa Reham , Magdy Omar Omneya , Emadeldin Nassar Aliaa

Background: Beta thalassemia major (BTM) is considered a major health problem. Despite optimal conventional treatment, bone disease comprising of low bone mineral density (BMD), bone pain, and fractures is still a characteristic feature of thalassemia. The etiology of bone disease in thalassemia is multifactorial. vitamin D receptor (VDR) mediates the action of 1,25(OH)2D, The VDR genetic variations may be responsible for modifying the activity of VDR protein.<p class="abs...

hrp0086p1-p378 | Gonads &amp; DSD P1 | ESPE2016

Randomized Controlled Study Comparing Vitamin D and Omega 3-Fatty Acids Supplementation in Adolescents with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Bacopoulou Flora , Kolias Evangelia , Aravantinos Leon , Mantzou Aimilia , Doulgeraki Artemis , Spanoudi Filio , Deligeoroglou Efthimios , Charmandari Evangelia

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine genetic disorder, which is associated with increased metabolic and cardiovascular morbidity. Vitamin D or omega-3 fatty acids supplementation may alleviate the metabolic and reproductive complications of PCOS.Objective and hypotheses: To compare clinical, psychometric, biochemical, endocrine, bone and sonographic markers in vitamin D sufficient adolescents with PCOS, pre- and post- 6 mon...

hrp0082p3-d1-665 | Bone | ESPE2014

Survey of Vitamin D Status in Breastfeeding Infants Under the Age of 6 Months Attending the Growth Monitoring Clinic at Rubaga Hospital

Cissy Nalunkuma , Paul Laigong , Edison Mworozi , Fox Larry

Background: Vitamin D deficiency has been found to occur in peoples of all ages worldwide, including those living in sunny climates. Sun exposure is the main source of this vitamin for many people but its utilization is influenced by many factors such as lifestyles and availability of sunlight. The breastfeeding infant is particularly at increased risk of deficiency because of its dependence on maternal stores.Objective and hypotheses: The hypothesis for...

hrp0092p3-34 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Study of Response to Vitamin D Replacemet in North Korean Refugee Children and Korean Children

Hee Chung Myung , Hup Song Jung

Study of response to vitamin D replacemet in North Korean refugee children and Korean childrenMyung Hee Chung, MD., Ph.DDaegu Medical Center, Daegu Metropolitan city, KoreaJung Hup Song, MD., Ph.DKyungpook National university hosptal,Occupational Medicine, Public Health Dept.,Daegu, KoreaPurpose: It is well known that obesity and ...

hrp0089p2-p198 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P2 | ESPE2018

Neonatal Hypocalcemia Due to Maternal Hypovitaminosis D: A Cohort of Children in a Region of Northern Spain

Zuber Maria Laura Bertholt , Martin Concepcion Freijo , Arias Pilar Gortazar , Fernandez Sonia Vilanova , Santos Ana Belen Perez , Amunarriz Maria Garmendia , Revuelta Inmaculada Palenzuela

Background: Neonatal hypocalcemia is defined when the total calcium levels are under 8 mg/dl (Ionic Ca < 1.1 mmol/l) in the full-term newborn, and under 7 mg/dl (Ionic Ca < 1 mmol/l) in the preterm. The fetus entirely depends on the maternal contributions of 25-OH-vitamin D, whose levels are directly correlated with diet and solar exposure. The largest transfer in calcium and vitamin D occurs in the third trimester of gestation, so prematurity is an important risk fact...

hrp0095p2-34 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2022

Optimal 25-OH-Vitamin D level in children derived from metabolic parameters

Gillis David , Hefter Ari , Edri Edri Shalom , Strich David

Context: Optimal levels of 25-OH-Vitamin D (25OHD) for children are unknown. Prevalent population levels of 25OHD are likely to be sub-optimal since sun exposure is reduced in modern living.Objective: To deduce recommended levels of 25OHD by testing, in children, the level at which 25OHD optimally effects calcium, phosphate and parathyroid hormone levels in a population-based data.Design:</...

hrp0084p3-1153 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Effects of Nutrition and Vitamin D Deficiency on Central Puberty Precocious

Bayraktar Hatice Asli , Kirmizibekmez Heves , Koksal Eda

Background: Puberty is a dynamic period of physical growth. Genetic factors, increasing prevalence of adiposity, environmental factors and the widespread presence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals are suspected to contribute to the trend of earlier pubertal onset.Method: The study group consists of 32 girls diagnosed with central puberty precocious. The eating habits and physical activity status were evaluated with a detailed questionnaire. Daily calorie...

hrp0084p3-673 | Bone | ESPE2015

Successful Treatment of Severe Hypercalcemia in an Infant with Williams Syndrome Using a Single Infusion of Pamidronate Followed by Low Calcium Diet

Odeh Rasha , Albaramki Jumana , Alassaf Abeer

Background: 15% of patients with Williams syndrome develop hypercalcemia that is described as mild and transient. There are, however, reported cases with severe hypercalcemia that did not respond to traditional therapy. Pamidronate was used in the treatment of this condition, and was successful in the few reported cases in the literature.Case presentation: We report a 9 month old female who presented with failure to thrive, polyuria and polydipsia. She h...

hrp0089p2-p031 | Adrenals and HPA Axis P2 | ESPE2018

The Relationship Between Vitamin D Status and Metabolic Abnormalities in Females with Classical Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Pilot Study

Hassan Mona , Ibrahim Amany , Abdou Marise , Atty Sahar Abdel , Nabil Diana

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) patients have a higher frequency of obesity, visceral adiposity, hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and hyperandrogenism. There is increasing evidence that low vitamin D status is associated with impaired β-cell function, insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance.Objectives: This pilot aimed to determine the status of serum 25 (OH) D levels in CAH female patients who are followed up in Diabetes Endocrine...

hrp0086p2-p162 | Bone &amp; Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Effects of Socioeconomic Status on Bone Mineral Density and Vitamin D Concentrations in Healthy Female College Students

Ersoy Betul , Kizilay Deniz Ozalp , Gumuser Gul , Taneli Fatma

Background: Skeletal mass approximately doubles at the end of adolescence. Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Vitamin D status may play a role in the development of bone mass.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the present study is to examine the effects of different socioeconomic conditions on bone mineral density (BMD) and vitamin D status in healthy female college students and to determine the possible association between Vitamin D status and BMD.<p ...