hrp0095fc5.1 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Transcriptome profiling of adrenocortical tumors from children with unfavorable disease presentation.

Bueno Ana C , da Silva Jr Rui M P , Stecchini Mônica F , Cardinalli Izilda A , Junqueira Thais , A Scrideli Carlos , AF Molina Carlos , Tucci Silvio , Coeli-Lacchini Fernanda B , Moreira Ayrton C , Ramalho Leandra NZ , Brandalise Silvia R , Yunes José A , Vêncio Ricardo ZN , de Castro Margaret , Antonini Sonir R

Children diagnosed with adrenocortical tumors (ACT) have variable prognosis depending on disease presentation at diagnosis. Available therapeutic options render excellent outcome for a subset of patients, but limited improvement in the survival of those diagnosed with non-localized/advanced disease. ACT DNA methylation was recently demonstrated to be a robust and independent prognostic biomarker. Aiming to identify potential therapeutic targets for these children, we compared ...

hrp0089p1-p224 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

The ‘ExternalGenitaliaScore’ to Describe External Genitalia in Male and Female Infants: A Europeanmulticenter Validation Study

van der Straaten Saskia , Springer Alexander , Hebenstreit Doris , Zezic Aleksandra , Tonnhofer Ursula , Gawlik Aneta , Baumert Malgorzata , Szeliga Kamila , Debulpaep Sara , Desloovere An , Tack Lloyd , Smets Koen , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Corica Domenico , Calafiore Mariarosa Calafiore , Ljubicic Marie Lindhardt , Busch Alexander Siegfried , Juul Anders , Nordenstrom Anna , Sigurdsson Jon , Fluck Christa E , Haamberg Tanja , Graf Stefanie , Hannema Sabine E , Wolffenbuttel Katja P , Ahmed S Faisal , Cools Martine

Background: The ‘External Masculinization Score’ (EMS) is an objective method of scoring undervirilized genitalia in infants but may require further adaptation to capture the appearance of the genitalia more comprehensively across the phenotypic spectrum.Objective: To develop and validate a non-binary, standardized score that describes the range of appearance of external genitalia.Method: The external genitalia score (EGS...

hrp0097p1-101 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Withdrawing growth hormone treatment at mid-puberty in idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency: baseline characteristics in patient-preference design study

Vliegenthart Joeri , Wit J.M. , Bakker B. , Boot A.M. , de Bruin C. , Finken M.J.J. , van der Heyden J.C. , Houdijk E.C.A.M. , van der Kamp H.J. , van Mil E.G.A.H. , Reedijk A.M.J. , Sas T.C.J. , Schott D.A. , van Setten P. , Straetemans S. , van Tellingen V. , Touwslager R.N.H. , van Trotsenburg A.S.P , Voorhoeve P.G. , van der Kaay D.C.M.

Background: The majority of children diagnosed with idiopathic isolated growth hormone deficiency (IIGHD) show a normal growth hormone (GH) secretion (assessed by GH stimulation tests) when retested at near adult height (NAH). It appears plausible that if normal stimulated GH secretion is observed in mid-puberty, continuing recombinant human GH (rhGH) treatment may only have a minor effect on NAH. The effect on NAH has never been investigated in a prospective ...

hrp0092p1-410 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (2) | ESPE2019

Sertoli Cell Function after Chemotherapy in Boys with Hematologic Malignancies

Grinspon Romina P. , Arozarena Maria , Prada Silvina , Bargman Graciela , Sanzone María , Morales Bazurto Marjorie , Kanneman Ana , Bedecarrás Patricia , Gutiérrez Marcela , Gottlieb Silvia , Berenstein Ariel J. , Gabriela Ropelato María , Bergadá Ignacio , Aversa Luis , Rey Rodolfo A.

Introduction: Gonadotoxicity associated with chemotherapy of hematologic malignancies has been described mainly in adults, focused on the sensitivity of germ cells. Little attention has been placed on Sertoli cells during childhood and puberty, even though Sertoli cell development is essential for adult spermatogenesis.Objective: To assess function of the pituitary-testicular axis, with emphasis on Sertoli cell function,...

hrp0084p2-523 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Copy Number Variants in Patients with Congenital Hypopituitarism Associated with Complex Phenotypes

Correa Fernanda A , Franca Marcela M , Canton Ana P M , Otto Aline P , Costalonga Everlayny F , Brito Vinicius N , Carvalho Luciani R , Costa Silvia , Arnhold Ivo J P , Jorge Alexander A L , Rosenberg Carla , Mendonca Berenice B

Background: The aetiology of congenital hypopituitarism (CH) is unknown in the majority of patients. In our cohort of 200 cases, it was possible to establish the genetic cause in only 13 patients (6.5%). Copy number variants (CNVs) have been implicated as the cause of genetic syndromes with previously unknown aetiology.Objective: To study the presence of CNVs and its relevance in patients with CH of unknown cause associated with complex phenotypes.<p...

hrp0092p3-99 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

"Influence of Eating Habits, Sleep Patterns and Physical Activity on Anthropometric Variables and Body Composition in Children with Obesity"

Gavela-Pérez Teresa , De Dios Olaya , Herrero Leticia , Pérez-Segura Pilar , Garcés Carmen , Soriano-Guillén Leandro

Objectives: The etiopathogenetic of childhood obesity is related to genetic and environmental factors: not only caloric intake or physical activity have an important influence, but also circadian rhythms, including healthy sleep.The objectives of this study were: a) to analyze the different patterns and duration of sleep, eating habits, meal schedules, time dedicated to exercise and screens of obesity children; b) to evaluate its possibl...

hrp0094p1-135 | Growth Hormone and IGFs A | ESPE2021

Long-term safety of growth hormone in adults and adolescents with growth hormone deficiency: An overview of the full-cohort in KIMS

Johannsson Gudmundur , Touraine Philippe , Feldt-Rasmussen Ulla , Pico Antonio , Vila Greisa , Carlsson Martin , Beek Andre P van , Wajnrajch Michael P , Gomez Roy , Yuen Kevin CY ,

Objective: KIMS (Pfizer International Metabolic Survey) was a postmarketing surveillance study of growth hormone (GH) replacement in adults and adolescents with GH deficiency (GHD) that concluded in October 2012. This analysis aimed to evaluate the overall safety outcomes from the full cohort of GH-treated patients of KIMS.Methods: Data were collected on adults and adolescents with confirmed GHD and closed epiphyses trea...

hrp0095p1-339 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2022

Treatment-resistant hypokalemia and arterial hypertension: a prismatic case of low renin childhood hypertension

Rakicioglu H. , Kamrath C. , Genthner N. , Karatsiolis P. , Reincke M. , A. wudy S.

We report on a 17-year-old female patient with cramps in hands and legs since 6 months. She showed hypokalemia with high need of potassium substitution (128mmol K= 1.3 mmol/kg/d), arterial hypertension (mean 154.5/92 mmHg), polydipsia and polyuria without nocturia or salt craving. Her PMH revealed neuroblastoma stage III with high-dose chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation and obesity (36.8 kg/m2). Further investigation showed aldosterone 77.5 ng/dl (norm values: 2-10ng/dl),...

hrp0095p2-236 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Challenges in The Era of Covid-19: Starting from The Clinical Examination

Giza Styliani , Konstantinos Sidiropoulos Theodoros , Douma Stergiana , Regina Tsinopoulou Vasiliki , P Kotanidou Eleni , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina

Introduction: Physical examination remains the cornerstone of medical practice. However, its importance has been underestimated during COVID-19 pandemic because of concerns related to exposure risk and use of personal protective equipment. Solitary median maxillary central incisor (SMMCI) may be an isolated clinical trait or associated with other anomalies and endocrine pathologies including hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, isolated growth hormone (GH) deficie...

hrp0092p1-395 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty (2) | ESPE2019

Presentation and Diagnosis of Childhood Onset Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency: A Single Center Experience from Over 30 Years.

Hietamäki Johanna , Miettinen Päivi J. , Hero Matti , Tarkkanen Annika , Raivio Taneli

Background: We describe the incidence, etiologies and clinical features of combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD) in pediatric patients from a single tertiary center.Methods: The cohort comprised of patients with CPHD, treated in the Helsinki University Hospital between 1985 and 2018. They were identified through an ICD-9/ICD-10 code search, and the clinical data were recorded from the patient charts.<p class="...