hrp0084p1-78 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2015

Influence of Genetic Variation on the Response to Recombinant Human Growth Hormone Treatment in Children with GH Deficiency: An Analysis of 13 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and the GH Receptor Exon 3 Deletion

Jung Anna-Maria , Hoffmann Paul Francois , Monz Dominik , Lissewski Christina , Schanze Denny , Zenker Martin , Rohrer Tilman Robert

Background: Growth hormone deficiency (GHD) is the most common endocrine cause of impaired growth. Recombinant human GH (rhGH) therapy does not always achieve complete catch-up growth or final height within the genetic target height despite standardised treatment guidelines. The factors causing the considerable variability in responsiveness to rhGH have not yet been fully elucidated. Apart from a number of auxological and clinical parameters, genetic factors also appear to pla...

hrp0084p1-100 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Atypical Features in Patients with Leprechaunism Suggesting a Wide Clinical Spectrum of Disease

Katugampola Harshini , Improda Nicola , Shah Pratik , Gordon Hannah , Amin Rakesh , Peters Catherine J , Semple Robert K , Dattani Mehul T

Background: Donohue syndrome (DS) is the most severe form of insulin-resistance due to autosomal recessive mutations in the insulin receptor gene. Typical features include pre-/postnatal growth impairment, hyperinsulinaemic hyperglycaemia with fasting hypoglycaemia, nephrocalcinosis, recurrent sepsis, little adipose tissue, soft tissue overgrowth, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans and facial dysmorphism. However, additional comorbidities may be present, affecting prognosis.<...

hrp0084p2-250 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Recombinant Human IGF1 Treatment in Patients with Insulin Receptor Mutations Resulting in Donohue Syndrome: A 10-Year Experience in a Tertiary Centre

Improda Nicola , Katugampola Harshini , Shah Pratik , Gordon Hannah , Amin Rakesh , Peters Catherine J , Semple Robert K , Dattani Mehul T

Background: Donohue syndrome (DS) is the most severe form of insulin-resistance due to autosomal recessive mutations in the insulin receptor gene. Previous reports demonstrate a role for recombinant human IGF1 (rhIGF1), however optimal treatment strategy remains unclear.Case series: Four males with DS have been treated with bolus rhIGF1 (see table below). They had no IGF1 response on an IGF1 generation test. No long-term side effects of rhIGF1 were repor...

hrp0097fc9.1 | Diabetes and insulin 2 | ESPE2023

Reference values for the insulin response to glucose challenge enable the early detection of emerging (pre)diabetes in children and young adults with obesity

Stein Robert , Vogel Mandy , Stanik Juraj , Kratzsch Jürgen , Stumvoll Michael , Blüher Matthias , Kiess Wieland , Körner Antje

Background: The course of type 2 diabetes is more severe among children with obesity than among adults. Therefore, children at high risk for glycemic deterioration should be detected early enough to guide preventive (and interventional) clinical management.Methods: We established age- and puberty-specific reference values for 7 different indexes addressing the insulin response during oral glucose tolerance testing upon 4...

hrp0094fc7.1 | Fetal Endocrinology and Multisystem Disorders | ESPE2021

The Use Of e-REC For Capturing The Occurrence Of COVID-19 Infections In People With Rare Endocrine Conditions

Bryce Jillian , Di Guisto Vicki , Ali Salma R. , Alexandraki Krystallenia , Badiu Corin , Baronio Federico , Biermasz Nienke R. , Brandi Maria Luisa , Castinetti Frederic , Ceccato Filippo , Chifu Irina-Oana , Cools Martine , Danne Thomas , Druce Maralyn , Esposito Daniela , Falhammar Henrik , Fugazzola Laura , Gan Hoong-Wei , Giordano Roberta , Isidori Andrea M. , Johannsson Gudmundur , Karavitaki Niki , Linglart Agnes , Luger Anton , Maffei Pietro , Marazuela Monica , Jaksic Vladka Pandzic , Paschou Stavroula A. , Persani Luca , Domingo Manuel Puig , Reisch Nicole , Schalin-Jantti Camilla , Akker van den Erica L.T. , Vassiliadi Dimitra , Young Jacques , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha , Grozinsky-Glasberg Simona , Pereira Alberto M. , Ahmed S. Faisal ,

Introduction: Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in early spring 2020, there was a need to identify the burden of this infection on people with rare endocrine conditions. The European Registries For Rare Endocrine Conditions (EuRRECa) was launched in 2018 in collaboration with Endo-ERN, ESPE and ESE to support the needs of the wider endocrine community. The project consists of an e-reporting (e-REC) platform that allows monthly reporting of new clini...

hrp0094p1-8 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Long-term Cardiometabolic Morbidity In Young Adults With Classic 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Righi Beatrice , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Tomlinson Jeremy W , Bonfig Walter , Baronio Federico , Costa Eduardo C , Filho Guilherme Guaragna , T’Sjoen Guy , Cools Martine , Markosyan Renata , Bachega Tania A S S , Miranda Mirela C , Iotova Violeta , Falhammar Henrik , Ceccato Filippo , Stancampiano Marianna R , Russo Gianni , Vukovic Rade , Giordano Roberta , Mazen Inas , Guven Ayla , Darendeliler Feyza , Poyrazoglu Cukran , Vries Liat de , Ellaithi Mona , Daniel Eleni , Johnston Colin , Hunter Steven J , Carroll Paul V , Adam Safwaan , Perry Colin G , Kearney Tara , Abraham Prakash , Rees D Aled , Leese Graham P , Reisch Nicole , Stikkelbroeck Nike M M L , Auchus Richard J , Ross Richard J , Ahmed S Faisal ,

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and long-term glucocorticoid treatment may be associated with an increased risk of developing cardiometabolic sequelae such as abnormal glucose homeostasis, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular (CV) disease, obesity and osteoporosis.Objectives: To study the current practice amongst expert centres for assessing cardiometabolic outcomes in adult patients with 21-hyd...

hrp0095ha1 | Development of Anorexigenic and Glucoregulatory Chimeric Peptides | ESPE2022

Development of Anorexigenic and Glucoregulatory Chimeric Peptides

Roth Christian , Salameh Therese , Kamat Varun , Milliken Brandon , Doyle Robert , Chichura Kylie S. , Sweet Ian , Carmen L. De Cunto , Elfers Clinton

Designing monomeric dual or triple agonists based on glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 with glucagon, and/or glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) are promising novel approaches for anti-obesity drugs tackling different weight-regulatory pathways, albeit such developments continue to suffer from significant gastrointestinal illnesses. Our own studies have focused instead on the combination of GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1RAs) with neuropeptide Y1- and Y2-receptor (Y1...

hrp0095p1-82 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Cardiometabolic Health in Adolescents Conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Preliminary Results from the Munich heARTerY-Study

Langer Magdalena , Vilsmaier Theresa , Kramer Marie , Sciuk Franziska , Kolbinger Brenda , Jakob André , Rogenhofer Nina , Dalla-Pozza Robert , Alexander Haas Nikolaus , Sebastian Oberhoffer Felix

Background: Since its introduction in 1978, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have been widely used to treat infertility. Worldwide, over 8 million children have been conceived by ART. Literature suggests that ART-adolescents potentially display altered vascular function. However, data concerning the cardiometabolic impact on the vascular function in ART-adolescents is limited. This study aimed to investigate the effects of blood lipids and HbA1c-levels...

hrp0092p1-110 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2019

References for Testicular Volume Measured by Ultrasound and for Pubic Hair in 6-16 Year-Old Norwegian Boys

Oehme Ninnie B. , Roelants Mathieu , Bruserud Ingvild S. , Madsen André , Eide Geir Egil , Bjerknes Robert , Rosendahl Karen , Júlíusson Pétur B.

Objective: Recent studies have suggested earlier onset of pubertal development in boys. As assessment with orchidometer tends to overestimate true testicular volume (TV), and measurements based on ultrasound (US) have been proposed as a more reliable method, we present US based references in 6-16 year-old Norwegian boys. Our results are compared with data from Europe and the United States (U.S.) in order to establish evidence for an ongoing secular trend in ma...

hrp0089s6.1 | Molecular Mechanisms of Tissue Sensitivity to Glucocorticoids: Potential Clinical Implications | ESPE2018

Cardiomyocyte Glucocorticoid and Mineralocorticoid Receptors Antagonistically Regulate Heart Disease

Oakley Robert H , Cruz-Topete Diana , He Bo , Foley Julie F , Myers Page H , Willis Monte S , Gomez-Sanchez Celso E , Chambo Pierre , Cidlowski John A

Stress is increasingly associated with cardiac disease. Glucocorticoids are primary stress hormones that regulate homeostasis through two nuclear receptors, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). Cardiomyocytes express both receptors but little is known concerning their specific and coordinated actions in heart physiology and pathology. To examine the in vivo function of glucocorticoid signaling in the heart, we generated mice with cardi...