hrp0092p3-327 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Severe Hypercalcaemia After Years on The Ketogenic Diet: A Novel Case Report

Sandy Jessica , Cocca Alessandra , Cheung Moira , Lumsden Daniel , Sakka Sophia

Introduction: An association between the ketogenic diet (KD) and hypercalcaemia has been suggested in one case series of three children1, where hypercalcaemia occurred within 12 months of starting KD. We describe a case where severe hypercalcaemia occurs after four years on KD.Case: A 5.5-year-old boy is referred for hypercalcaemia in context of early sepsis and a background of Dynamin-1 gene mutation causing ...

hrp0089p3-p181 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Population Screening of Hypophosphatasia. A Metabolopathy to Consider. National Multicentric Study

Aldamiz-Echevarria Koldo , Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Arranz Leonor , Garcia-Barcina MJ

Hypophosphatasia is a congenital disease, characterized by a defect in bone and dental mineralization, secondary to a deficiency in the biosynthesis of the non-specific tissue isoenzyme of bone, liver and kidney alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP). Clinical phenotype varies with age and its clinical expression is sometimes very latent. There is a small but significant number of pediatric patients NOT diagnosed with hypophosphatasia. The values of low phosphatases may go unnoticed in...

hrp0086p1-p638 | Growth P1 | ESPE2016

Retrospective Analysis of Growth Hormone (GH) Treatment Results in Children with Idiopathic Growth Hormone Deficiency (IGHD), Turner Syndrome (TS) and Small for Gestational Age (SGA) using iGRO* in a Pediatric Endocrine Practice

Partsch Carl-Joachim , Jakisch Bele , Ostendorf Anne , Stahnke Nikolaus , Wusthof Achim

Background: Quality management of GH treatment in children is important to ensure optimal treatment outcome and to save resources in the health care system. iGRO is a new internet based Medical Device to compare treatment results with predicted results according to published prediction models.Objective and hypotheses: Growth data were analyzed by iGRO for 1st and 4th year prediction in comparison to treatment results. All eligible patients of our practic...

hrp0082p2-d1-286 | Bone | ESPE2014

Musculoskeletal Health in Children with Crohn’s Disease at Diagnosis: Dynamic Muscle Function, Tibia Cortical and Trabecular Bone Density and Vertebral Fracture Prevalence

Ward Leanne M , Rauch Frank , Ma Jinhui , Scharke Maya , Cosgrove Heather , Matzinger Mary Ann , Shenouda Nazih , Benchimol Eric I , Mack David R

Background: The bone mass deficit in pediatric Crohn’s disease (CD) is associated with low total body lean mass and suppression of bone turnover.Objective and hypotheses: We examined at diagnosis whether the sarcopenia is associated with leg muscle hypofunction, changes in tibia muscle–bone indices as well as overt bone strength loss (vertebral fractures, VF).Method: 70% children with CD were studied within 2 weeks of dia...

hrp0084p2-557 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Potentially Excessive Levothyroxine Doses in Cases of Congenital Hypothyroidism with Eutopic Thyroid Gland

Satoh Hidetoshi , Nagasaki Keisuke , Ogawa Youhei , Saitoh Akihiko

Background: The intelligence prognosis of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is remarkably improved by early detection and optimal levothyroxine (LT4) treatment. Some groups have reported that initial LT4 overtreatment results in a subsequent decrease of cognitive function. In universal guidelines, an initial dose of 10–15 μg/kg per day of LT4 is recommended. However, there are cases of LT4 overdosing.Obj...

hrp0094p1-17 | Bone A | ESPE2021

Clinical Spectrum of Hypomagnesemia type 1 (HOMG1) due to Novel TRPM6 mutations

Aftab Sommayya , Anjum Muhammad Nadeem , Saeed Anjum , Shaheen Tahir , Cheema Huma Arshad ,

Background: Hypomagnesemia type 1 (HOMG1) is a rare autosomal recessive condition due to TRPM6 mutation, leading to decrease intestinal magnesium absorption.Objective: To determine the clinical spectrum of HOMG1 due to TRPM6 mutation at a tertiary centre.Case Series: Seven patients (all male) from six different families of hypomagnesemia type 1 due to homozygous TRPM6 mut...

hrp0094p2-105 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Recurrent episodes of hypoglycemia in an infant with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy after gene therapy: Beta oxidation defect exaggerated by hepatic dysfunction.

Alaaraj Nada , Hamed Noor , Soliman Ashraf , Omran Tawfeg Ben ,

Introduction: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease. In 2016, nusinersen (Spinraza) was approved by the FDA. The first AAV9-based gene therapy (Zolgensma), was approved by the FDA (2019) for the treatment of infants with SMA. We report an SMA case with recurrent hypoglycemic events after gene therapy.Case Report: A 22 months old boy, with SMA type 1 was born at term by CS for fetal bradycardia....

hrp0097t16 | Section | ESPE2023

Dose dependent risks of glucocorticoid treatment in classic CAH

Saragolou Kyriakie , Casteràs Anna , Will Charlton R , Barnes Chris , Thornton Paul

Introduction: In congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), glucocorticoid (GC) treatment must perform two functions – to replace cortisol deficiency and to suppress the excess production of adrenal androgens. Unfortunately, androgen suppression usually requires supraphysiologic GC doses, which are associated with serious comorbidities. Our study examined the exposure or dose-dependent relationships between GCs and GC-related adverse events (GCRAEs) and comor...

hrp0097p1-194 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Predicting variables associated with transient congenital hypothyroidism

Hwa Gwag Si , Hyun Park Kyu , Kang Eungu , Nam Hyo-Kyoung , Rhie Young-Jun , Lee Kee-Hyoung

Background: Increase in incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is explained by detection of transient CH (TCH), previously commonly underdiagnosed, due to neonatal screening programs. Current guidelines recommend that treatment be started immediately after diagnosis and that hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis be reevaluated after 3 years of age. We aimed to identify the factors associated with TCH, such as the perinatal history or L-thyroxine (LT4)...

hrp0097lb15 | Late Breaking | ESPE2023

Metabolic Status in children with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency

Huang Mengtian , Ma Huamei , Du Minlian , Chen Hongshan , Li Yanhong , Chen Qiuli , Zhang Jun , Guo Song

Objective: To summarize the metabolic status in children with classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD).Methods: Children with classic 21OHD from Pediatric Endocrinology Clinics at the First affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University from January 1990 to February 2023 were included in the study. The prevalence of overweight/obesity, dyslipidemia [high triglyceride (TG), high ...