hrp0097p1-253 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Effect of growth hormone on thermogenic and endocrine activity of brown adipose tissue and on the lipidome of children born small for gestational age

Murillo-Vallés Marta , González-López Lorena , Valls-Llussà Aina , González-Riaño Carolina , Cereijo-Tellez Rubén , Jimenez-Pavón David , Barbas Coral , Villarroya Francesc , Sánchez-Infantes David

Introduction: Brown adipose tissue (BAT) secretes molecules capable of modulating systemic metabolism. Growth hormone (GH) has hyperglycemic action, produces lipolysis and increases muscle mass. However, there are no human studies on its effect on the BAT and lipidome.Aim: To evaluate the effect of GH on BAT and lipidome in small for gestational age (SGA) patients and its relationship with adherence to treatment.<p c...

hrp0095fc11.3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Dasiglucagon Significantly Reduces Requirement for Intravenous Glucose in Children with Congenital Hyperinsulinism ages 7 Days to 12 Months

De Leon Diva D. , Banerjee Indraneel , M Kendall David , Birch Sune , Bøge Eva , Ivkovic Jelena , Thornton Paul S

Background: Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare disease affecting neonates, infants, and children. CHI is characterized by dysregulated insulin secretion resulting in severe recurrent hypoglycemia. Early treatment is necessary to limit the risk of neurologic and developmental sequelae. Current treatment options are limited and inadequate. Dasiglucagon (DASI) is a glucagon analog suitable for continuous subcutaneous infusion which has been shown to raise...

hrp0092p2-146 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism (to include Hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2019

Severe Neonatal Hyperparathyroidism Due to a Novel Homozygous Mutation of the Calcium-Sensing Receptor (CaSR)

hacohen solovitz amir , Tenenbaum-Rakover Yardena , Spiegel Ronen , Weinberger Jeffrey , Gillis David , Goor Zamir Gershon , Levine Michael A. , Almagor Tal

Homozygous loss-of-function mutations of the calcium-sensing receptor gene (CaSR) are associated with neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism (NSHPT), a life-threatening condition with a challenging treatment approach.We report a 7-day-old-female infant who was admitted to our Pediatric Department due to poor sucking. On examination she was lethargic and hypotonic. Laboratory evaluation revealed extreme hypercalcemia of 23.54 mg/dL (N: 7.6–10.4...

hrp0089p3-p142 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Osse Registry for Patients with Lipodystrophy Run by the European Consortium of Lipodystrophy (ECLip)

von Schnurbein Julia , Schaaf Jannik , Cecarini Giovanni , Vantyghem Marie-Christine , Vatier Camille , Nagel Gabriele , Araujo-Vilar David , Wabitsch Martin

Introduction: The term lipodystrophy describes a rare disease subdivided into a heterogenous group of even rarer subforms. The rarity of this disease makes research in this area extremely difficult and international co-operation is mandatory to accumulate data sets of sufficient size. The European Consortium of Lipodystrophy (ECLip) consisting of an association of European experts in the field of lipodystrophy has therefore decided to set up a registry for patients with lipody...

hrp0089p2-p303 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Foot Length Growth is a Novel Marker of Early Puberty

Balzer Ben , Lun Cheng Hoi , Garden Frances , Luscombe Georgina , Paxton Karen , Hawke Catherine , Handelsman David , Steinbeck Katharine

Introduction: Pubertal growth is hormone dependent. The anthropometric (height, weight) and sexual (Tanner stage (TS)) changes are accompanied by growth in foot length. However, the relationship between changes in foot length and other anthropometry remains unclear. Our aim was to determine how changes in foot length relate to growth parameters (height and weight), self-rated TS and serum sex steroids.Methods: We used data from the Adolescent Rural Cohor...

hrp0086p2-p81 | Adrenal P2 | ESPE2016

Assessment of Cardiac Function in Children Followed up for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: A Case Control Study in Cameroon

Tony Nengom Jocelyn , Sap Ngo Um Suzanne , Chelo David , Carole Mbono Betoko Ritha , Olivier Koki Ndombo Paul

Background: Diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is delayed in developing countries and children are long exposed to high levels of androgens. These androgens have deleterious effect on heart.Objective and hypotheses: Evaluate cardiac function of children followed for CAH and compared it to a group of healthy children.Method: We carried out a case-control study, 1 case for 2 controls matched for age and genotypic sex, ...

hrp0086lbp12 | (1) | ESPE2016

An Analysis of Symptoms and Signs of Adrenal Insufficiency in Children with CAH Admitted to Hospital in Australia

Chrisp Georgina , Maguire Ann , Quartararo Maria , Falhammar Henrik , Hameed Shihab , King Bruce , Munns Craig , Torpy David , Rushworth R. Louise

Background: An adrenal crisis (AC) is a life-threatening complication of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Despite modern therapies, children with CAH still present with symptomatic adrenal insufficiency (AI) and AC.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study was to determine the spectrum of symptoms and signs of AI in children with diagnosed CAH who were admitted to hospital for an acute illness, as well as to evaluate the use of stress dosing an...

hrp0082p1-d3-22 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis (1) | ESPE2014

Clinical Utility of Urinary Steroid Metabolite Ratios in Children Undergoing Investigations for Suspected Disorders of Steroid Synthesis

Lucas-Herald Angela , Rodie Martina , Lucaccioni Laura , Rankin Karen , Shaikh Guftar , McNeilly Jane , Shapiro David , Ahmed Faisal

Background: Calculation of a urinary steroid metabolite ratio (uSMR) may be a useful method of improving diagnostic yield when investigating disorders of steroid hormone synthesis. Our aim was to investigate the range of uSMR in children with suspected disorders of steroid hormone synthesis.Methods: Ten ratios were calculated on steroid metabolite data analysed by GC-MS in urine samples collected between 2008 and 2010 from 94 children who were undergoing...

hrp0082p1-d3-83 | Diabetes (2) | ESPE2014

DKA During Diabetes Therapy: Multinational Comparison with 59 191 Pediatric Patients from England, Wales, The United States, Austria and Germany

Warner Justin , Hermann Julia , Kapellen Thomas , Hofer Sabine , Dubose Stephanie , Schatz Des , Beck Roy , Schweiger Claudia , Maahs David , Holl Reinhard

Background: DKA in children and adolescents with established type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a major problem with considerable cost to patients, families and health care systems. Many consider it as a quality of care indicator and a failure of relationship between the care provider and the family/patient. Considerable variability in rates are recognized. We analyzed multicenter registry and audit data from five countries with similarly advanced, yet differing, health care systems.</p...

hrp0082p1-d1-140 | Growth | ESPE2014

Severe Short Stature and GH Insensitivity Due to a De Novo Heterozygous STAT5B Missense Mutation

Klammt Jurgen , Neumann David , Andrew Shayne F , Drahosova Marcela , Stobbe Heike , Buckham Kyle , Rosenfeld Ron G , Pfaffle Roland , Hwa Vivian

Background: GH insensitivity is caused by disturbances of GH receptor function or inability to transduce the hormone signal. Affected children are severely growth retarded and may also present immune complications when the transducer STAT5B is defective. Only autosomal-recessive STAT5B mutations have been described to date.Clinical case: Two male 14.5 year monozygotic twins presented with heights of 131.5 cm (−5.3 SDS). Bone age of the ind...