hrp0094p2-271 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

Linear growth of prepubertal children born small for gestational age on growth hormone therapy for 3 years

Al Shaikh Adnan , Daftardar Hadeer , Aziz Alghamdi Abdul , Jamjoom Majd , Awidah Saniah , Ahmed Mohamed E , Soliman Ashraf ,

Introduction: Recombinant growth hormone (GH) is an effective treatment for short children who are born small for gestational age (SGA). Short children born SGA who fail to demonstrate catch-up growth by 2-4 years of age are candidates for GH treatment initiated to achieve catch-up growth to a normal height in early childhood, maintain a normal height gain throughout childhood, and achieve an adult height within the normal target range. However, some children ...

hrp0094p2-331 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Final and Near-final Adult Height and BMI after Long-term Growth Hormone Treatment in Patients with Turner Syndrome (TS)

Al Shaik Adnan , Daftardar Hadeer , Aziz Alghamdi Abdul , Jamjoom Majd , Awidah Saniah , E Ahmed Mohamed , Soliman Ashraf ,

Objectives: To assess the long-term effect of growth hormone (GH) therapy in children with Turner Syndrome (TS)Patients and methods: We evaluated retrospectively the anthropometric data of 10 girls with TS short children (height SDS <-2) who were diagnosed and treated with GH (0.05 mg/kg/day) between January 2007 till 2018 in our tertiary care center. Before and during GH treatment, auxological and biochemical parameters including He...

hrp0097t11 | Section | ESPE2023

The serum steroid signature of PCOS hints at the involvement of novel pathways for excess androgen biosynthesis

Murat Altinkilic Emre , du Toit Therina , Sakin Onder , Attar Rukset , Grössl Michael , E. Flück Christa

Context: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is defined by androgen excess and ovarian dysfunction in the absence of a specific physiological diagnosis. The best clinical marker of androgen excess is hirsutism, while the best biochemical parameter is still a matter of debate. Current consensus guidelines recommend serum free testosterone as the most sensitive serum parameter to measure androgen excess. Recently, however, novel active androgens and androgen metabo...

hrp0097p1-470 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Evaluation of the Frequency and Time Course of Side Effects Asscociated With Metformin Use In Obese Adolescents As Related to Weight Loss: A Prospective Single-Centre Observational Study

Mısırlı Özdemir Ebru , Dağdeviren Çakır Aydilek , Bilge Özakçe Mehmet , Uçar Ahmet

Background: Metformin is a well-known biguanide approved for treatment of Type2 Diabetes. Metformin is not considered as an anti-obesity drug despite its common off-label use. Currently, there are no data regarding the profile of metformin related gastrointestinal side effects (MRGSE) in obese adolescents.Aim: To identify the frequency and time course of MRGSE in obese adolescents and assess the presence of any associati...

hrp0095p2-3 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

A Rare Cause of Peripheral Precocious Puberty

Çakır Gündoğan Seçil , Kılınç Uğurlu Aylin , Özdemir Gökçe Ayşe , Özyörük Derya , Yardımcı Gönül , Kasap Yusuf , Karakuş Esra , Sarı Neriman , Seçil Ekşioğlu Ayşe , Ölçücüoğlu Erkan , Boyraz Mehmet

Introduction: Peripheral precocious puberty is a non-gonadotropin-dependent early pubertal development. Exogenous intake of sex steroids, gonadal or adrenal pathologies, ectopic hCG-secreting lesions play a role in the etiology. Adrenal tumors is a rare cause of heterosexual precocious puberty.Case: An eight-year-old female patient was admitted with the complaints of genital hair growth and breast enlargement. The patien...

hrp0092rfc14.6 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD): Assessing Burden of Disease in Children and Adolescents: The Growth Hormone Deficiency – Child Impact Measure (GHD-CIM)

Brod Meryl , Højby Rasmussen Michael , Vad Knud , Alolga Suzanne , Bedoin Jacques

Background: Children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may have to deal with practical, emotional, and functional difficulties. Unfortunately, to date, there is no condition specific measure of the impact of GHD for these children. The Growth Hormone Deficiency – Child Impact Measure (GHD-CIM) was developed according to FDA/EMA guidances to address this gap. There are two GHD-CIM versions: child self-report (PRO) for ages 9 to <13 years and observe...

hrp0092p1-371 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD): Assessing Parent Burden for Child Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment: The Growth Hormone Deficiency - Parent Treatment Burden Measure (GHD-PTB)

Brod Meryl , Rasmussen Michael Højby , Vad Knud , Alolga Suzanne , Bedoin Jacques

Background: Treatment for child GHD requires daily injections, which can be painful and disruptive. For most children, these injections are administered by an adult, usually their parent. Unfortunately, little is known about the burden that a child's treatment places on a parent. The GHD-PTB was developed according to FDA/EMA guidances to address this gap. Items were based on qualitative interviews of 31 parents of children with GHD, ages 4 to <13 year...

hrp0086p2-p671 | Growth P2 | ESPE2016

Assessing Disease and Treatment Burden for Young Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD)

Brod Meryl , Wilkinson Lars , Alolga Suzanne Lessard , Hojbjerre Lise , Beck Jane , Rasmussen Michael Hojby

Background: Children with GHD, in addition to short stature, may experience physiological symptoms as well as social and emotional problems. Assessing these impacts is critical for understanding the extent of GHD burden and assessing treatment benefit. Since many children initiating treatment are too young to self-report information, we must rely on adult reporters. However, according to FDA guidelines and established measure development principles, adult reporter information ...

hrp0086p1-p749 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Age of Onset of Puberty in Yaounde, Which Normative Reference Data?

Sap Suzanne , Komba Darelle , Sobngwi Eugene , Obama Marie Therese , Koki Paul Olivier , Mbanya Jean Claude

Background: The age of onset of puberty varies from country to another and, within every country, from one socioeconomic group to another. In Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Cameroon, there is paucity of data on this topic.Objective and hypotheses: To determine clinically meaningful normative reference data that describe the timing of sexual maturity indicators among Cameroonian children and to determine factors that influence the onset of this matur...

hrp0084p1-84 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2015

Disease and Treatment Burden in Children and Adolescents with Growth Hormone Deficiency

Brod Meryl , Hojbjerre Lise , Alolga Suzanne , Nacson Alise , Nordholm Lars , Rassmussen Michael Hojby

Background: Children with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) may experience physiological symptoms as well as social and emotional problems.Objective and hypotheses: This qualitative study explored the burden of GHD and treatment for children and their parents.Method: 70 interviews were conducted with 39 children (age 8–12) and 31 parents of children with GHD (age 4–12) in Germany, UK and USA. Interviews were analysed using ...