hrp0084fc11.4 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2015

Idiopathic Multiple Pituitary Hormone Deficiency (IMPHD): Radiological and Perinatal Factors

Ginige Nimasari , Kirk Jeremy M W , MacPherson Lesley K R

Background: Most cases of multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD) are acquired and genetic aetiology is rare in the UK. We have investigated whether environmental factors are implicated in ‘idiopathic’ MPHD (IMPHD).Objective and hypotheses: In IMPHD to determine perinatal risk factors and radiological features; to identify the regional epidemiology.Method: Systematic analysis of paediatric IMPHD cases in the UK West ...

hrp0084p3-592 | Adrenals | ESPE2015

Atypical Prednisone-Metabolism: Pharmacological Studies in a Boy with Classical Adrenal Hyperplasia and Suspected Malcompliance

Hess Melanie , Derungs Adrian , Zumsteg Urs W , Szinnai Gabor

Background: We present a boy with classical adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and constantly increased 17-OH-progesterone (17-OH-P) values despite multiple dose adjustments of hydrocortisone up to 18 mg/m2 body surface and addition of fludrocortisone. After puberty, therapy was changed from hydrocortisone to prednisone without improvement of the 17-OH-P values. Non-compliance was suspected as cause of the inadequately controlled CAH. Alternatively, an atypical steroid metab...

hrp0084p3-790 | DSD | ESPE2015

Evaluation of Two New Anti-Müllerian Hormone Assays for the Investigation of Disorders of Sexual Development in Neonates

Ho Clement K M , Setoh Johnson W S

Background: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) inhibits the in utero growth of the Müllerian structures in female fetuses. In neonates with suspected disorders of sexual development (DSDs), the presence of testicular tissues and functioning Sertoli cells can be investigated by testing for serum AMH concentration.Objective: To evaluate the performance of two new AMH assays in a hospital laboratory.Method: The technical performan...

hrp0094p2-247 | Growth hormone and IGFs | ESPE2021

A girl with concurrent congenital adrenal hyperplasia, isolated growth hormone deficiency type II (IGHD II) and a new mutation in the GH 1 gene – an extremely unusual case

Genthner N , Blum W , Kamrath C , Wudy SA ,

Background: Classical salt wasting congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) is a rare disorder, as is isolated growth hormone (GH) deficiency Type II (IGHD II) due to mutation of the growth hormone gene GH1. Here we describe the unusual case of a girl with concurrent 21OHD and IGHD II and its complex diagnostic work up. A 15.3-year-old girl presented with classical salt wasting CAH due to 21OHD and short stature (height 148...

hrp0086fc1.4 | Adrenals | ESPE2016

Identification of Novel Central Nervous System Imaging Biomarkers Associated with Cognitive Abnormalities in Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Webb Emma , Elliott Lucy , Carlin Dominic , Wilson Martin , Hall Kirsty , Barrett Timothy , Salwani Vijay , Arlt Wiebke , Krone Nils , Peet Andrew , Wood Amanda

Background: Management of patients with CAH remains challenging. There is increasing evidence to suggest that failure to optimize treatment during childhood not only affects final height but also leads to psychological and psychiatric problems. Previous qualitative structural T2-weighted MRI studies have identified white matter hyper-intensities in up to 46% of CAH patients. The nature and functional relevance of these abnormalities remains unknown.Objec...

hrp0095p1-493 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Families' Experiences of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in The Management of Congenital Hyperinsulinism: A Thematic Analysis

Auckburally Sameera , Worth Chris , Salomon-Estebanez Maria , Nicholson Jacqueline , Harper Simon , W Nutter Paul , Banerjee Indraneel

Background and Aims: In patients with congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI), recurrent hypoglycaemia can lead to longstanding neurological impairments. At present, glycaemic monitoring is with infrequent fingerprick tests; a practice which can miss hypoglycaemic episodes between tests. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a promising alternative method which has the utility to identify risk and patterns of hypoglycaemia. Although CGM is well established in type 1...

hrp0092p1-370 | GH and IGFs (2) | ESPE2019

Challenges Experienced in Delivering Growth Hormone Therapy in Children's with Prader Willi Syndrome in Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Kollurage D Udeni Anuruddhika , Barrett Tim , Jayamanne B D W , Krone Ruth

Prader Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder inherited as a result of lack of expression in 15q11-13 gene and 70% are paternally inherited. Characteristic features are dysmorphism, behavioural problems, infantile hypotonia, short stature, hypothalamic dysfunction, hyperphagia and morbid obesity. The long-term morbidity and mortality depend on hypothalamic dysfunction and obesity. While multidisciplinary care is essential, growth hormone (GH) is a recognized...

hrp0092p3-279 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Relation between Levels of Atymullerian Hormone and Inhibin B and Spontaneous Puberty in Patients with Turner Syndrome – Preliminary Results

Ruszała Anna , Wójcik Małgorzata , Starzyk Jerzy B.

Introduction: Primary hypogonadism is stated as one of major features in patients with Turner Syndrome (TS), however it is not a constant finding. Variable markers of ovaries failure in TS patients are still missing. The present study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of atymullerian hormone and inhibin B assessment in predicting spontaneous puberty in patients with TS.Methods: The study included 35 TS patients. Gonadal a...

hrp0092p3-317 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Body Mass Index and Incident Type 1 Diabetes in Children from Lesser Poland Over an 11 Year Observation Period

Wasyl-Nawrot Barbara , Wójcik Małgorzata , Nazim Joanna , Skupień Jan , Starzyk Jerzy

Background: One of the speculated causes of the decreasing age of onset of type 1 diabetes is the increase in body weight in children. This so-called accelerator hypothesis is, however, controversial. The aim of the study was to test whether younger age of type 1 diabetes onset is associated with higher BMI-SDS at the time of diagnosis.Methods: Retrospective data analysis from medical records of all patients und...

hrp0089p1-p156 | GH & IGFs P1 | ESPE2018

The Effect of Growth Hormone Treatment in Children after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Hoekx CA , Bresters D , Le Cessie S , Scholte C , Oostdijk W , Hannema SE

Background: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has become more common in treating malignant and nonmalignant diseases in children. However, HSCT is associated with several late effects that can impair growth, like insufficient growth hormone (GH) secretion, hypogonadism and growth plate damage. Growth hormone treatment (GHRx) is offered but limited data are available on its effect on adult height.Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of GH...