hrp0089p3-p345 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P3 | ESPE2018

The Positive Effect of the Low-Dose Contraceptive on the Course of Cystic Fibrosis in the Adolescent Female

Ferenczova Juliana , Feketeova Anna , Urbanova Veronika , Vargova Veronika

Background: In female patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), female sex predisposes to the progression and worsening of lung function, which increases the incidence of acute exacerbations, and leads to the earlier bacterial colonization of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The negative effect of estrogens on the clinical course of CF in girls begins to manifest with the onset of puberty and the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. On the cellular-level estrogens affect: 1.) immu...

hrp0084p2-457 | Growth | ESPE2015

Low Plasma Ghrelin Levels in Children with Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition

Harikrishnan V , Kumar Rakesh , Sachdeva Naresh , Dayal Devi

Background: Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) is a catabolic state with altered energy balance and anorexia. Ghrelin is a peptide hormone, produced by neuro-endocrine cells in the stomach, which stimulates appetite, increases food intake and growth hormone release. Although many trials have shown short term efficacy of ghrelin to increase appetite in anorexic and cachectic patients, data on the children with PEM is scarce.Objective and hypotheses: The st...

hrp0094gped1.1 | The use of long-acting insulin analogues in low and middle income countries | ESPE2021

For the use of long acting insulin analogues in low and middle income countries

Sap Suzanne ,

Quality of care of children living with diabetes varies widely around the world. Since discovering of insulin a hundred years ago, it’s still unavailable for a large part of children living with diabetes in developing world. According to World Health Organisation (2019), less than 13% of people living with diabetes in these countries have access to long acting insulin analogues. Thus, primary challenges of management of type I diabetes is reduction of mortality especially...

hrp0095p1-415 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Basal cortisol measurements in the prediction of low-dose ACTH stimulation test outcomes

Gacemer Hazal , Gurpinar Tosun Busra , Yavas Abali Zehra , Helvacioglu Didem , Haliloglu Belma , Turan Serap , Bereket Abdullah , Guran Tulay

Background: Low-dose adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test (LDST) is widely used to assess patients for adrenal insufficiency. However, the predictive power of basal cortisol for the performance of LDST is not clear.Objective: To determine the appropriate basal serum cortisol cutt-off values that predict a positive or negative LDST.Design: A single-centre retrospective study...

hrp0095p1-288 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Growth of very low birth weight infants: one year follow-up

Brinkis Rasa , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Niklasson Aimon , Tamelienė Rasa , Šmigelskas Kastytis , Vanckavičienė Aurika , Rimdeikienė Inesa , Marmienė Vitalija , Verkauskienė Rasa

Background: Very low birth weight (VLBW) infants tend to have slower postnatal growth than the fetuses of the same gestational age (GA)1. Higher nutrient intake and better early growth are associated with better neurocognitive outcomes; excessive nutrient intakes may lead to metabolic consequences. Nutrient intakes for optimal growth, body composition and neurodevelopment are not known.Objectives: To assess gr...

hrp0082p1-d2-34 | Bone | ESPE2014

High Prevalence of Low Bone Mass in Adolescents with Non-Transfusion Dependent Hb E/β-thalassemia

Nakavachara Pairunyar , Petchkul Jaturat , Jeerawongpanich Gritta , Viprakasit Vip

Background: Hb E/β-thalassemia is the most common β-thalassemia disorder in Southeast Asia. Children with Hb E/β-thalassemia vary greatly in red cell transfusion requirement. Some are transfusion dependent (TD) whereas others are non-TD (NTD). Iron-overload associated with transfusion dependency causes endocrinopathies such as delayed puberty, short stature and low bone mass. The prevalence of these complications are high in TD patients with iron overload. While...

hrp0086p1-p135 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Low Bone Mineral Density in Adolescents with Leukemia After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Kyoung Cho Won , Bae Ahn Moon , Hee Kim Shin , Soon Cho Kyoung , Hyun Park So , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu

Background: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) has improved the prognosis of children with malignant hematologic disease. However, it has had significant adverse effects on the endocrine system, including bone health. Limited studies are available to assess osteoporosis in survivors of adolescents after HSCT.Objective and hypotheses: We investigate the bone mineral density (BMD) and endocrinopathy/treatment factors associated with low BMD in ...

hrp0084p3-741 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Low fT3 Syndrome due to Metabolic Acidosis/Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 DM)

Demikhova Irina , Pozza Susanne Bechtold Dalla , Weissenbacher Claudia , Sydlik Carmen , Roeb Julia , Schmidt Heinrich

Background: Type 1 DM is an autoimmune disease, characterized by destruction of the insulin-producing beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans. The absolute insulin deficiency leads to metabolic imbalance with hyperglycaemia, acidosis and proneness to ketosis. This acute disturbance can change thyroid hormone metabolism.Objective and hypotheses: To examine the influence of metabolic acidosis/ketoacidosis in type 1 DM on thyroid hormone levels.<p class=...

hrp0086rfc9.1 | Pathophysiology of Disorders of Insulin Secretion | ESPE2016

Neonatal Diabetes due to NKX2.2 Mutation – Genotype, Clinical Phenotype and Therapeutic Challenges in a Very Low Birth Weight Diabetic Neonate

Auerbach Adi , Shlomai Noa Ofek , Shokrun Ariella Weinberg , Levy-Lahad Ephrat , Zangen David

Background: Insulin treatment in a very low birth weight neonate having persistent hyperglycemia is challenging. The very recently reported novel human genetic cause of neonatal diabetes due to NKX2.2 pancreatic transcription factor mutations is associated with very low birth weight deliveries.Objective and hypotheses: To study the diagnostic process, the molecular genetics, the clinical phenotype, and the significant therapeutic challenges in the manage...

hrp0082p1-d1-184 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Very Low Birth Weight <1500 g is Associated with Reduced Sex-Typical Behaviour in Childhood

Sankilampi Ulla , Hines Melissa , Lamminmaki Annamarja

Objective: Low birth weight and prematurity are linked to various behavioural outcomes. In addition, preterm (PT) infants show altered maturation of pituitary–gonadal axis, as demonstrated by its pronounced transient activation during the first postnatal months. Given that gonadal steroid hormones shape the basic processes of neural and behavioural sexual differentiation these elevated sex steroids in premature infants might affect the developing brain and alter subsequen...