hrp0086s3.2 | Optimizing nocturnal diabetes control | ESPE2016

Optimising Nocturnal Glucose Control in Children with T1D: Therapeutic Implications

Danne Thomas

Background: Nocturnal hypoglycemia is not regularly predictable on the basis of a bedtime BG level and can only be confirmed by BG tests at regular intervals during the night or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM).Objective and hypotheses: A bedtime snack containing carbohydrate as well as fat and protein may be useful in preventing nocturnal hypoglycemia, but this should not be at the expense of high overnight BG levels. In many individuals, a lowering ...

hrp0086wg4.5 | ESPE Bone and Growth Plate Working Group (BGP) | ESPE2016

FGF23, Klotho and PTH in the Regulation of Mineral Homeostasis

Carpenter Thomas

Background: The Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs) are a large family of proteins including paracrine, intracrine, and endocrine FGFs. Paracrine and endocrine FGFs interact with specific cell surface receptors (FGFRs) that, via intracellular tyrosine kinase activity, initiate a cascade of downstream intracellular events. Specificity of paracrine/autocrine FGF activity is provided locally by the local production of these FGFs and their cognate receptors. In contrast, endocrine FG...

hrp0086wg5.2 | ESPE Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Working Group | ESPE2016

SWEET: Developing Centers of Excellence (CoR)

Danne Thomas

Background: SWEET ( is a non-profit entity endorsed by ISPAD aiming to create an extensive network of certified CoRs for childhood diabetes in order to ensure high quality care.Objective and hypotheses: SWEET aims at an improved and more uniform care for people with diabetes through comparing processes and outcomes among participating members. The results of data analysis are conveyed to memb...

hrp0082wg4.2 | Obesity | ESPE2014

Natural Course of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Obese Children

Reinehr Thomas

Obesity in childhood is associated to several cardiovascular risk factors summarized in the definition of metabolic syndrome such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and impaired glucose tolerance. Besides others, the pathogenetic background is insulin resistance, which deteriorates in mid puberty and normalizes at end of puberty. Accordingly, blood pressure, lipids, fasting glucose and 2 h glucose in oGTT increased from prepubertal stage to pubertal stage and decreased from puberta...

hrp0084wg2.6 | Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics Thursday, 1 October | ESPE2015

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Adolescence

Reinehr Thomas

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is emerging as a new clinical problem within pediatric practice. Recent reports indicate an increasing prevalence of T2DM in children and adolescents around the world in all ethnicities, even if the prevalence of obesity is not increasing any more. There are great differences in T2DM prevalence worldwide. The majority of young people diagnosed with T2DM was found in specific ethnic subgroups such as African-American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Isla...

hrp0094pl8 | The long-term effects of adolescent obesity | ESPE2021

The Long term effects of adolescent obesity

Reinehr Thomas

Adolescent obesity has an immense burden of disease and results in premature death due to several mechanisms: The classic cardiovascular risk factors associated with obesity, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus, lead to cardiovascular diseases and consequently to premature death. Furthermore, adolescent obesity is associated with many life- limiting cancer types occurring 10 to 20 years later replacing smoking as the leading modifiable cause for can...

hrp0086p2-p847 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P2 | ESPE2016

Late Presenting Girls with Turner Syndrome can Achieve a Normal Final Height

Sakka Sophia , Shaw Nick , Kirk Jeremy

Background: The diagnosis of turner syndrome (TS) must be included in the differential diagnosis of all girls with short stature. Despite overall earlier diagnosis and treatment there still remain patients with TS who present late with delayed puberty. Although growth hormone (GH) is known to increase final height (FH) in girls with TS, little evidence exists on treatment in late-presenting girls.Objective and hypotheses: To assess the effect of late GH ...

hrp0094p2-60 | Bone, growth plate and mineral metabolism | ESPE2021

Osteosclerotic Metaphyseal Dysplasia: A novel homozygous LRRK1 mutation in two siblings

Pieridou Chariklia , Uday Suma , Shaw Nick ,

Background: Osteosclerotic metaphyseal dysplasia (OSMD, OMIM 615198) is an extremely rare autosomal recessive disorder, within the family of sclerosing bone dysplasias. It is a distinctive type of osteopetrosis characterised by a unique pattern of osteosclerosis predominantly involving the metaphyseal margins of the long tubular bones. OSMD is characterised by skeletal deformity and multiple fractures and associated clinically with developmental delay, hypoton...

hrp0089rfc14.2 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2018

British Society for Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Peer Review of Specialised Paediatric Endocrinology Services in the UK - Evaluation of the Outcomes

Schulga Joihn , Mitchell Heather , Musson Pauline , Shaw Nick , Patel Leena

Introduction: The BSPED Peer review programme was initiated in 2011 to provide a regular cycle of independent impartial professional assessment, against quality standards for Specialised Paediatric Endocrine Services (SPES) in the UK.1 We present here an evaluation of the outcomes from the first review cycle completed in 2017.Methods: We examined pre-review self-assessments (4–6 weeks before a site visit by the Peer Review team) and post-...

hrp0089p2-p217 | GH & IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

The BSPED National GH Audit: Trends in Prescribing from 2013–2016

Patel Leena , Shepherd Sheila , Shaw Nick , Saraff Vrinda

Introduction: Prescribing of recombinant human GH for growth failure in UK children is based on guidance from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence. In 2013, the BSPED initiated this national audit of children/adolescents newly-prescribed GH to monitor trends in NHS prescribing practice. Here we have examined these trends from 2013 to 2016.Patient population: All patients aged ≤16.0 years newly starting GH therapy in the UK.<p class="ab...