hrp0089p1-p027 | Bone, Growth Plate & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2018

Bone Health in Adolescents Born Small for Gestational Age (SGA)

Petraitiene Indre , Basevicius Algidas , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Verkauskiene Rasa

Background: Subjects born small for gestational age (SGA) are at higher risk for metabolic, hormonal and reproductive problems later in life and about 2–10% of children born SGA do not catch-up in height. All these changes may influence bone mineral density (BMD).Aim: To evaluate hormonal profile and BMD in adolescents born SGA in comparison to their peers born appropriate for gestational age (AGA).Methods: 103 children were e...

hrp0086p1-p485 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

What are Early Predictors of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Children Born SGA?

Petraitiene Indre , Jasinskiene Edita , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Verkauskiene Rasa

Background: Subjects born small for gestational age (SGA) were shown to be at higher risk to later metabolic consequences but early prediction factors of changes in glucose metabolism are not clearly known.Objective and hypotheses: We aimed to investigate glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in adolescents born SGA or appropriate for gestational age (AGA) and their relationship with perinatal and postnatal factors.Method: A pro...

hrp0082p1-d3-166 | Growth (2) | ESPE2014

Short-Term Changes in Bone Formation Markers Following GH Treatment in Short Prepubertal Children with a Broad Range of GH Secretion

Andersson Bjorn , Swolin-Eide Diana , Magnusson Per , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin

Background: GH promotes longitudinal growth and bone modeling/remodeling. The bone formation markers intact amino-terminal propeptide of type 1 procollagen (PINP), bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP), and osteocalcin reflect different stages in bone formation, i.e. proliferation with collagen synthesis, matrix maturation, and mineralization.Objective: The purpose was to study the time course of different bone formation markers during GH treatment i...

hrp0082p2-d1-411 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2014

Spontaneous Baseline GH Secretion Signalling as a Regulator of Bone Metabolism in Children

Decker Ralph , Andersson Bjorn , Nygren Anders , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin

Background: GH is secreted in a pulsatile manner. The resulting GH peaks are known to be associated with growth, whereas the trough levels between the peaks are thought to be associated with metabolism in different tissues. GH trough levels were identified as a metabolically active signal in rats in the 1980th leading to differences in fat patterning with central obesity. Obese children are known to have low bone mass and bone mass is reduced in short children.<p class="ab...

hrp0084p1-14 | Bone | ESPE2015

No Secular Trend in Vitamin D Levels Over the Past 30 Years in Swedish Children

Andersson Bjorn , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Swolin-Eide Diana , Magnusson Per

Background: The importance of vitamin D for skeletal health is well established and many recent reports indicate that vitamin D deficiency is linked to chronic diseases. Vitamin D status is defined by serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), and although there is no consensus on optimal levels of 25(OH)D concentrations of 50 nmol/l (20 ng/ml) meet the requirements in 97.5% of the population. In Sweden, sun cannot synthesize vitamin D during the winter, therefore supplementation is...

hrp0095fc7.4 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

Novel puberty aligned references for height, weight and BMI -making personalized medicine in paediatric endocrinology possible

Holmgren Anton , Niklasson Aimon , Gelander Lars , FM Nierop Andreas , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin

Background and Aim: Despite the broad individual variation of pubertal maturation, references traditionally describe growth in relation to just chronological age and not biological age. Hence, growth references for the adolescent period have been of limited usefulness for monitoring individual growth in clinic and for research. Especially for children and adolescents with chronic diseases is there a need to better evaluate if changes in SD-scores just before a...

hrp0095rfc7.1 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2022

The grandma X-rays-independent height prediction

German Alina , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Shmoish Michael , Rubin Lisa , Niklasson Aimon , Hochberg Ze'ev

Background/Aim: Parents wanting to predict adult height (AH) often resort to the old practice of doubling a boy’s height at age 2 years or a girl’s height at 18 months. We coined this the ’Grandma prediction’ (GMP1). It provides predictions with mean absolute error (MAE) 5.9 and 5.2, standard deviations of residuals (sdRES) 4.1 and 3.6, and Pearson correlation r=0.68 and 0.67 for boys and girls, respectively. The recent sophist...

hrp0095p1-2 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Growth evaluation by applying the QEPS growth model in patients with CAH

Navardauskaite Ruta , Verkauskiene Rasa , Niklasson Aimon , F.M Nierop Andreas , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Holmgren Anton

Objective: Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) seldom achieve their target height. Early adrenarche may accelerate bone age maturation and affect adult height. The QEPS-growth-model have been used for developing growth references and investigating healthy/pathological growth, however, not before used in individuals with endocrine disorders. This study aimed to evaluate growth patterns in CAH-patients with the QEPS-model.<s...

hrp0095p1-462 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

Energy Trade-Off Score - a novel anthropometric polygenic trait, and related body types

Hochberg Ze'ev , Albertsson-Wikland Kerstin , Privé Florian , Holmgren Anton , Rubin Lisa , German Alina , Shmoish Michael

Background/Aim: The trade-off theory claims that a resource (calorie) stored in adipose tissue cannot be used for longitudinal growth, and a calorie used for growth will not be stored as fat.Methods: Out of 2339 children with longitudinal heights and weights (birth to adulthood) from the GrowUp1990 Gothenburg cohort, 1993 (996 girls) were analyzed. For everyone we calculated Energy Trade-Off Score: ETOS = at early adulth...

hrp0092rfc12.6 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2019

Exploring the Usefullness of a New Type of Pubertal Heigh Reference Based on Growth Aligned or Onset of Pubertal Growth

Albertsson Wikland Kerstin , Niklasson Aimon , Holmgren Anton , Gelander Lars , Nierop Andreas

Background: Height references have been available for decades, although only related to chronological age and not considering the broad individual variation in the timing and tempo of pubertal maturation and growth. Therefore, growth references and growth charts for the adolescent period have been of limited usefulness both for monitoring growth in individuals and for research. To fill this gap, we recently developed a new type of height reference based on gro...