hrp0097t17 | Section | ESPE2023

Deterioration in polysomnographic evaluation after COVID-19 infection in patients with Prader-Willi-Syndrome

Braun Sina , Schulte Sandra , Laemmer Constanze , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Patients with Prader-Willi-Syndrome (PWS) seem to be a risk-group for COVID-19 infection, due to their syndrome associated clinical features of hyperphagia and obesity, risk for central hypoventilation and obstructive sleep apnoea. Yet, little is known about the severity of infections and the long-term consequences in these patients. Therefore, we studied auxologic parameters and sleep laboratory examinations in PWS patients before and after COVID-...

hrp0097p1-246 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2023

Obesity Caused by Mutations in the Melanocortin 4 Pathway: Experience From a Teaching Hospital

Gupta Sanjay , Dalpathadu Sanjalee , Mathew Verghese , Greetham Sandra

Introduction: The role of genetics in obesity is a much under discussed area. Whilst it is undeniable that environmental factors play a major role in obesity in most cases, there is a small proportion of cases where genetic mutations are the main underlying cause. This includes novel monogenic conditions involving mutations in the Melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) signalling pathway. In a healthy individual, the post-meal increase in leptin (LEP) stimulates melan...

hrp0097p2-170 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2023

Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric population and influence on PTH levels

Diez-Lopez Ignacio , Sarasua Miranda Ainhoa , Maeso Mendez Sandra

Transversal study. Patients from 0 to 17 years of age who had undergone an analytical determination of 25OHD during the year 2021 in our hospital were collected. The following were contrasted: 25OHD, PTH, total calcium, age, sex, reason for requesting analysis, time of year and country of origin. 25OHD ranges: normal >30 ng/mL, suboptimal 20-30 ng/mL and deficit <20 ng/mL; and normal PTH: 9-60 pg/mL.Results: 1. Prevalence of vitami...

hrp0095fc10.3 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Near final height in 62 twin pairs with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is not associated with the GHRd3 genotype

Schreiner Felix , Schulte Sandra , Kasner Charlotte , Bartmann Peter , Woelfle Joachim , Bettina Gohlke

Background: Alterations of pre- and early postnatal growth can have long lasting impact on adult height, body composition and metabolic health throughout life. In monozygotic twins discordant for prenatal growth due to twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), we previously demonstrated lower cord blood IGF-I concentrations and earlier pubertal maturation, indicative of prenatal programming of endocrine systems, to be linked to reduced final height of the form...

hrp0092fc15.6 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Leptin Influences the Down-Regulation of UCP-1 Expression in Brown Adipose Tissue During Negative Energy Balance

Barrios Vicente , Canelles Sandra , Frago Laura M. , Chowen Julie A. , Argente Jesús

Background: The GH/IGF-I axis is involved in metabolic control and studies suggest that IGF-I deficiency and subsequent changes in IGF-I signaling in brown adipose tissue (BAT) modifies its thermogenic capacity. Food restriction reduces thermogenic capacity in BAT, while leptin stimulates thermogenesis through uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) induction. Leptin and IGF-I maintain important crosstalk in different tissues, but whether these two hormones interact to r...

hrp0092p2-258 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Study of Autistic Features Among Children and Adolescents with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Elsayed Shaymaa , Omar Tarek , El Bardeny Magdy , El-Latif Soha Abd , Ibrahim Sandra

Introduction: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) consists of a pattern of persistent deficits in social communication and interaction across multiple contexts together with restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities. In the general population autistic traits can be found more frequently in males than females. This male predominance indicates that high androgen levels may prenatally have influence on development of autistic traits.<p c...

hrp0089fc7.6 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2018

TSH-Resistance and Remaining Low-T4 in Former Low-Birthweight Infants – A Study in Monozygotic Twins with Intra-Twin Birth-Weight-Differences

Schulte Sandra , Woelfle Joachim , Bartmann Peter , Schreiner Felix , Panou Evangelia , Vollbach Heike , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Low birth-weight (bw) and unfavourable intrauterine conditions are associated with a subsequent impact on the endocrine system. However, very little is known about the impact on thyroid function.Objective and hypotheses: We observed genetically identical twins with intra-twin bw-differences from birth until adolescence to objectify the impact of a lower bw on development and health in later life.Method: Bw-difference of...

hrp0089p2-p289 | Multisystem Endocrine Disorders P2 | ESPE2018

Statural Growth and Endocrinopathies in Relation to Liver Iron Content (LIC) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-I) Concentration in Adolescents with Beta Thalassemia Major (BTM) and Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

Soliman AShraf , Yassin Mohamed , Sanctis Vincenzo DE , Moustafa Abbas , Samaan Sandra Abou , Nashwan Abdulqadir

We evaluated growth parameters and endocrine disorders in relation to the quantity of liver iron (LIC) measured by the Ferriscan method and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I) level in a cohort of adolescents with sickle cell disease (SCD) (n=40) and beta thalassemia major (BTM) (n=52) receiving nearly the same protocol of transfusion and iron chelation therapy since early childhood. Before transfusion, hemoglobin concentration had not been less than 9 g/dl ...

hrp0086rfc11.4 | Thyroid | ESPE2016

Thyroid Function in Monozygotic Twins with Intra-Twin Birth-Weight-Differences

Schulte Sandra , Woelfle Joachim , Bartmann Peter , Schreiner Felix , Plamper Michaela , Wimmer Lioba , Gohlke Bettina

Background: Low birth weight (bw) and unfavourable intrauterine conditions are associated with a subsequent impact on the endocrine system. However, very little is known about the impact on thyroid function.Objective and hypotheses: In a longitudinal study we observed genetically identical twins with intra-twin bw-differences from birth until adolescence to objectify the impact of a lower bw on development and health in later life....

hrp0082p1-d1-177 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology | ESPE2014

Growth and Puberty in Monozygotic Twins with Intra-Twin Birth-Weight Difference

Schulte Sandra , Gohlke Bettina , Bartmann Peter , Prinz Charlotte , Wimmer Lioba , Woelfle Joachim

Background: Low birth weight, unfavourable intrauterine conditions, and post-natal catch-up growth are associated with a subsequent impact on growth and pubertal development. Start of puberty is genetically determined but might be altered due to environmental influences.Objective and hypotheses: In a longitudinal study we observed genetically identical twins with intra-twin birth-weight (bw) differences from birth until puberty.Met...