hrp0089p3-p230 | Growth & Syndromes P3 | ESPE2018

Endocrinological Evaluation of Girls with Turner Syndrome Attending Alexandria University Children’s Hospital

Khater Doaa , Eldesoky Shadia

Introduction: Turner Syndrome (TS) is the consequence of complete or partial absence of one X chromosome in a phenotypic female. The genes involved in Turner phenotype are X-linked genes that escape inactivation. A major locus involved in the control of linear growth has been mapped within the Pseudo-Autosomal Region (PAR1) of the X chromosome.Aim: To study some endocrine hormones with considerable effect on the presentation and prognosis of TS and their...

hrp0086s7.3 | Overgrowth disorders | ESPE2016

The Role of GPR101 in Human Growth

Stratakis Constantine , Faucz Fabio , Trivellin Giampaolo

We recently showed that Xq26.3 microduplications are associated with early childhood-onset gigantism, a condition we named X-linked acrogigantism (X-LAG). Patients with X-LAG present with mixed GH/PRL secreting pituitary macroadenomas and/or hyperplasia. The original smallest region of overlap for the microduplications included 4 coding genes, of which only one, an orphan G protein-coupled receptor named GPR101, was highly expressed in tumors. A single patient with GP...

hrp0086p1-p828 | Syndromes: Mechanisms and Management P1 | ESPE2016

A Study of Bone Health Index (BHI) in Girls with Turners Syndrome

Frerichs Carley , Jenkinson Carly , Povall Anne , Abernethy Laurence , Das Urmi , Ramakrishnan Renuka , Senniappan Senthil , Didi Mohammed , Blair Jo

Background: Turners Syndrome (TS) is associated with osteoporosis in later life. ‘BoneXpert’ has enabled the automated assessment of bone age (BA) and Bone Health Index (BHI). Strong correlations between BoneXpert BHI and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and peripheral quantitative computed CT measurements are reported. BoneXpert produces a standard deviation score for BHI (BHI-SD) relative to a healthy cohort of children according to BA.Object...

hrp0082p1-d2-159 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

How Precisely can we Measure Increments of Bone Age and Bone Health Index with an Automated Method in Boys with Klinefelter Syndrome?

Thodberg Hans Henrik , Bardsley Martha , Gosek Ania , Ross Judith L

Background: The assessment of bone age increments is important when monitoring treatment in many conditions in pediatric endocrinology. However, manual rating suffers from significant rater variability. Automated bone age assessment could provide increased precision, and also assess increments of bone health index (BHI) from the same X-rays.Objective and hypotheses: To assess the precision of automated assessment of increments of bone age and BHI.<p ...

hrp0082p2-d2-270 | Adrenals &amp; HP Axis (1) | ESPE2014

Osteoporosis in Triple A Syndrome: an Overlooked Symptom of Unexplained Etiolaogy

Dumic Miroslav , Rojnic Putarek Natasa , Kusec Vesna , Barisic Nina , Koehler Katrin , Huebner Angela

Background: Triple A syndrome (alacrima, achalasia, adrenal failure, progressive neurodegenerative disease) is caused by mutations in the AAAS gene which encodes the protein ALADIN. Osteoporosis seems to be an overlooked symptom in triple A syndrome.Objective and hypotheses: To evaluate etiology of osteoporosis in six male and four female patients with triple A syndrome.Method: X-ray, dual X-absorptiometry (DXA) of the lum...

hrp0082p2-d2-303 | Bone (1) | ESPE2014

Cleidocranial Dysplasia Misdiagnosed as Rickets in Three Generations

Franceschi Roberto , Maines Evelina , Fedrizzi Michela , Rosaria Piemontese Maria , Bellizzi Maria , Cauvin Vittoria , Di Palma Annunziata

Background: Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD; MIM 119600) is a rare congenital autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia characterized by hypoplastic or aplastic clavicles, late closure of the fontanelles, open skull sutures, dental anomalies, moderately short stature and a variety of other skeletal features. CCD is caused by mutations, deletions or duplications in the runt-related transcription factor 2 gene (RUNX2), which encodes for a protein essential for osteoblast differentiatio...

hrp0084p2-532 | Puberty | ESPE2015

Determination of Final Height in Girls with Precocious Puberty. Which is the Most Accurate Method?

Quiroga Daniela , Pinochet Constanza , Cerda Jaime , Cattani Andreina , Garcia Hernan

Background: Central precocious puberty (CPP) is a common condition in girls and has been associated with deterioration of final height (FH). Height prognosis (HP) is critical for the decision of treatment in CPP. There are several methods for predicting FH in CPP but none is completely reliable. Most methods consider bone age (BA), which is very imprecise, but there is no consensus on which method is the best to estimate FH.Objective: To compare the accu...

hrp0084p3-799 | DSD | ESPE2015

A Novel Mutation in Human Androgen Receptor Gene Causing Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in a Patient Presenting with Gynecomastia at Puberty

Kocyigit Cemil , Catli Gonul , Saritas Serdar , Onay Huseyin , Dundar Bumin Nuri

Background: Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS) typically presents with micropenis, penoscrotal hypospadias, bifid scrotum with descending or undescending testes and gynecomastia. It is x-linked recessive disease resulting from mutations in androgen receptor (AR) gene.Objective and hypothesis: To present clinical characteristics of a novel mutation in the AR gene in an adolescent boy with PAIS who presented with gynecomastia ...

hrp0084p3-1030 | Growth | ESPE2015

Sitting Height/Height Ratio: An Indicator for Genetic Study of the SHOX Gene in Children with Disharmonic Short Stature – An In-House Analysis

Yeste Diego , Dominguez Mildred , Campos Ariadna , Clemente Maria , Fernandez Paula , Plaja Alberto , Carrascosa Antonio

Background: Gene SHOX haploinsufficiency due to deletions or mutations in heterozygosis causes a wide spectrum of phenotypes ranging from very severe disharmonic short stature (S. Léri-Weil, S. Turner) to very mild forms with the appearance of idiopathic short stature (IST) of difficult clinical recognition. Auxological study directed at evaluating body disproportions such as the sitting height/height (SH/H) ratio in patients with IST has been postulated as usefu...

hrp0084p3-1238 | Turner | ESPE2015

Growth Characteristics of Patient with Turner Syndrome Different Age and Karyotypes by the Ukrainian National Register

Zelinska Nataliya , Shevchenko Irina , Globa Evgenia , Pogadaeva Nataliya

Background: Turner syndrome (TS) is the most well-known and common chromosomal disorder accompanied by delayed growth. According to the Ukrainian national register (UNR) of children with dwarfism the growth retardation is common for all girls with TS.Objective and hypotheses: The aim of the study was to determine the growth parameters of TS girls different age and karyotype, before GH treatment.Method: According to the UNR it was p...