hrp0086wg4.2 | ESPE Bone and Growth Plate Working Group (BGP) | ESPE2016

Hypercalcaemic Disorders in Children

Thakker Rajesh V.

Hypercalcaemic disorders in children may present with poor feeding, hypotonia, lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, polyuria, failure to thrive, seizures and hypertension. The causes of hypercalcaemia in children, which can be classified as parathyroid hormone (PTH)-dependent or PTH-independent, are similar to those occurring in adults except that primary hyperparathyroidism and malignancy which the most common causes in adults, and account for >90% of adult patients with hype...

hrp0092fc15.1 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

DLG2 Mutations in Patients with Delayed or Absent Puberty

Jee Youn Hee , Won Sehoon , Lui Julian C. , Jennings Melissa , Whalen Philip , Yue Shanna , Cheetham Tim , Boden Matthew G. , Radovick Sally , Quinton Richard , Leschek Ellen W. , Aguilera Greti , Yanovski Jack A. , Seminara Stephanie B. , Roche Katherine W. , Crowley William F. , Delaney Angela , Baron Jeffrey

NMDA (N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors have been shown to control the timing of sexual maturation in laboratory animals. Therefore, variants in genes impacting NMDA receptor signaling might be predicted to affect human puberty. We studied an extended family with extremely delayed puberty (menarche at 16.5 - 18 years for female family members and pubertal onset at 16 years for male family members). Exome sequencing revealed a rare missense variant (F900V) in DLG2, w...

hrp0095lb3 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

High Glycated Hemoglobin instead of High Body Mass Index Might Increase the Urine N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase Concentration in Children and Adolescents with Diabetes Mellitus

Jin Park Su , Bae Ahn Moon , Suh Jin-Soon , Soon Cho Kyoung , Ho Jung Min , Suh Byung-Kyu

Children with diabetes, and particularly those with obesity, have poor glycemic control. They are thus at higher risk of early microvascular complications. Renal tubulointerstitial markers are integral to evaluating diabetic nephropathy. Various biomarkers have been proposed, but their role in the obese pediatric population is uncertain. We investigated renal injury markers in children with diabetes, according to obesity, and determined their role as early predictors of diabet...

hrp0086p2-p160 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P2 | ESPE2016

Fractures in Children with Type 1 Diabetes are Associated with Poorer Bone Mineral Status and Glycaemic Control

Chen Suet Ching , Shepherd Sheila , McMillan Martin , McNeilly Jane D , Robertson Kenneth J , Wong Sze Choong , Ahmed S Faisal

Background: Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) is associated with increased fracture risk.Aim: Understand the association between glycaemic control and bone health in children with T1D.Method: Children (n, 32) with T1D and a median (range) age of 13.7 years (10.4,16.4), were recruited to study bone mineral content (TB & LS) and body composition by DXA. All data were corrected for size. Vitamin D, Bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and...

hrp0092p2-46 | Bone, Growth Plate and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2019

Seasonal 25-hydroxy Vitamin D3 Variations in School-aged Children from Santiago de Chile

Poggi Helena , Dominguez Gonzalo , Monica Arancibia , Moore Rosario , D'Apremont Ivonne , Solari Sandra , Allende Fidel , Sifaqui Sofia , Garcia Hernan , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro

Introduction: The main role of Vitamin D (VitD) is the regulation of calcium, which is also regulated by the parathyroid hormone (PTH), and phosphate metabolism. The main source of the more biologically active 25-hydroxy-Vitamin D3 (25OHVitD3) comes from the action of ultraviolet light on the skin.Aim: To determine if there are differences in concentrations of 25OHVitD3, calcium and PTH in school-aged children throughout...

hrp0089fc9.3 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and Puberty 1 | ESPE2018

Mutations in MAGEL2 and L1CAM are Associated with Congenital Hypopituitarism and Arthrogryposis

Gregory Louise C , Pratik Shah , Sanner Juliane RF , Arancibia Monica , Hurst Jane , Jones Wendy D , Spoudeas Helen , Le Quesne Stabej Polona , Ocaka Louise , Loureiro Carolina , Martinez-Aguayo Alejandro , Williams Hywel , Dattani Mehul T

Background: Congenital hypopituitarism (CH), involving deficiencies in one or more anterior pituitary hormones, is rarely observed in combination with severe joint contractures, termed arthrogryposis. Schaaf-Yang syndrome (SHFYNG), which has phenotypic overlap with Prader-Willi syndrome, may be associated with arthrogryposis. L1 syndrome, a group of X-linked disorders including hydrocephalus and spasticity of the lower limbs, may also present with generalized contractures in r...

hrp0095lb22 | Late Breaking | ESPE2022

Maternal and Cord Blood Metabolites Associations with Childhood Glucose Outcomes in the Hyperglycemia and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Follow-up Study.

E. Bianco Monica , Hai My , Scholtens Denise , Josefson Jami , Lowe William , Jr

Background: Maternal triglycerides, fatty acids, and their metabolites together with sugars and metabolic intermediates may play a role in newborn outcomes. Furthermore, maternal amino acids, acylcarnitines, lipids and fatty acids and their metabolites are associated with cord C-peptide independent of maternal BMI and glycemia, highlighting the potential contribution of maternal metabolites to offspring outcomes. This study examined the associations of materna...

hrp0092p1-375 | Growth and Syndromes (to include Turner Syndrome) (2) | ESPE2019

SOAR Study: New Approaches to Managing Social Skills Deficits in Turner Syndrome

Wolstencroft Jeanne , Kerry Eleanor , Denyer Hayley , Watkins Alice , Mandy William , Skuse David

Background: Turner Syndrome (TS) is a sex chromosome aneuploidy (45,X) associated with social skill difficulties. The 2016 Cincinnati clinical care guidelines recommend that the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS) social skills intervention is piloted. PEERS has previously been used in face-to-face interventions with male adolescents with autism spectrum conditions. This pilot project will be the first to examine the feasibili...

hrp0089p2-p310 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P2 | ESPE2018

Can Basal Levels of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) Replace the GnRH Test in the Diagnosis of Precocious Puberty in Girls?

Llano Juan , Morales William , Pineda Catherine , Ortiz Teresa , Gil Nayibe , Laverde Gladys , Castro Sonia , Llano Mauricio

Aim: To determine the sensitivity, specificity of basal LH measurement compared to the GnRH test in patients with Central precocious puberty (CPP) and determine the cut off point for basal LH to diagnose CPP.Methods: 680 female patients were referred for presumptive diagnosis of central precocious puberty in the city of Bogota. All patients went through a GnRH test, using a Roche immunoassay for Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (...

hrp0084p3-1087 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Differences in Leptin Levels Between Newborns with and without Intrauterine Growth Restriction Born in the Hospital Gineco Obstétrico ‘Isidro Ayora’ of Quito-Ecuador. Year 2013–2014

De la Vega Maria Elisa Acosta , Pino Marco Antonio , Naranjo William Daniel Acosta , Naranjo Alfredo

Background: Obesity has increased drastically in the last few years. ItÂ’s well known the connection between intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and the development of metabolic syndrome based on the thrifty phenotype. Some studies have proposed that a poor intrauterine environment could lead to the development of chronic conditions later in life, and its believed leptin is involved in this process.Objective and hypotheses: Establish the mean of l...