hrp0089p3-p196 | GH & IGFs P3 | ESPE2018

Main Discrepancies between Predicted and Observed Growth Responses with iGRO in Children Treated with GHr in Spain

Palma Cristina Mora , Martin Nerea Itza , Fernandez Julio Guerrero , Fresno Luis Salamanca , Bonis Ana Coral Barreda , Casado Isabel Gonzalez

Introduction: Growth prediction algorithms (i.e. iGRO), provide an estimate of a patients’ likely growth in the first year, and subsequent years, of GH treatment at a given dose, taking into account the patient’s combination of physical characteristics. Comparing a patient’s actual growth with their predicted growth after the first year of GH treatment, it is possible to determine whether the patient is responding to GH as expected (Index of responsiveness; IoR)...

hrp0089p3-p313 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty P3 | ESPE2018

Two Cases of Non-syndromic Congenital Unilateral Hypoplasia in One Family

Stamatova Ana , Kuzevska-Maneva Konstandina , Sukareva-Angelovska Elena , Gucev Zoran , Tasic Velibor , Hofele Julija , Krstevska-Konstantinova Marina

Introduction: Micromastia or breast hypoplasia is a condition which is described as postpubertal underdevelopment of a woman’s mammary tissue. Breast hypoplasia may be congenital or acquired. The defect can be isolated or associated with other pathology, including syndromes and chest wall anomalies, it can also be unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral congenital breast hypoplasia is a rare anomaly of breast development, whose incidence is unclear.Meth...

hrp0086p1-p469 | Fat Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2016

Assessment of Adherence to Mediterranean Diet during a Weight Loss Intervention in Children with Cardiometabolic Risk

Morell-Azanza Lydia , Ochotorena-Elicegui Amaia , Catalan-Lamban Ana , Chueca Maria , Marti Amelia , Azcona San Julian Cristina

Background: Dietary patterns have notably changed in Mediterranean countries during the last decades. Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) is associated with lower prevalence of cardiometabolic diseases.Objective and hypotheses: To assess adherence to MeDiet in children and adolescents with abdominal obesity during a comprehensive weight loss intervention.Method: Children and adolescents with abdominal obesity (waist circumference >p90)...

hrp0086p2-p787 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Giant Macroprolactinoma in a Female Adolescent – Case Report

Hreniuc Ana , Gherasim Simona , Ungureanu Maria-Christina , Preda Cristina , Vulpoi Carmen , Mogos Voichita , Rotariu Daniel , Poeata Ion , Leustean Letitia

A female patient was firstly evaluated at the age of 12 years, complaining of headaches and visual loss. Physical examination demonstrated adequate height and weight, Tanner stage P1B1. Papillary edema was confirmed by fundus examination. MRI showed a pituitary macroadenoma, 6.6×7.3×6.1 cm with compression of the optic chiasm and bilateral cavernous sinus invasion. The first prolactin value obtained was 169.164 uUI/ml (normal<210) with the other pituitary axis wi...

hrp0086p1-p896 | Thyroid P1 | ESPE2016

Iodide Transport Defect: Identification of a Novel Mutation in the Carboxy-terminus of the Sodium/iodide Symporter in a Pediatric Patient with Congenital Hypothyroidism

Nicola Juan Pablo , Martin Mariano , Signorino Malvina , Testa Graciela , Sobrero Gabriela , Munoz Liliana , Masini-Repiso Ana Maria , Miras Mirta

Iodide (I−) transport defect (ITD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the inability of the thyroid follicular cell to actively accumulate iodide. Active I− accumulation is mediated by the Na+/I− symporter (NIS), an integral plasma membrane glycoprotein located on the basolateral surface of thyrocytes. The diagnostic criteria for ITD include a variable degree of hypothyroidism and goiter, low to absent thyr...

hrp0082fc6.6 | Gonads &amp; DSD | ESPE2014

Effects of Exposure to the Endocrine disruptor di(n-butyl) Phthalate on Testicular Dysgenesis Fetal Germ Cell Development in the Rat and in Human Fetal Testis

Mitchell Rod , van den Driesche Sander , Hrabalkova Lenka , Anderson Richard , McKinnell Chris , MacPherson Sheila , Calarrao Ana , Sharpe Richard

Background: Phthalate exposure results in endocrine disruption by inhibiting steroidogenesis, inducing focal dysgenesis and disrupting germ cell development in the rat fetal testis. Whilst phthalate exposure does not reduce testosterone production by the human fetal testis, its effects on germ cells and induction of dysgenetic areas in the developing human testis are less well described.Objective and Hypotheses: To determine the effects of phthalate expo...

hrp0082p1-d2-113 | Fat Metabolism &amp; Obesity (1) | ESPE2014

Prenatal Maternal Weight and Weight Status and Lipid Profile of the Offspring

Riano-Galan Isolina , Rodriguez-Dehli Cristina , Velazquez Ines Olaya , Fernandez-Somoano Ana , Valvi Damaskini , Rebagliato Marisa , Ibarluzea Jesus , Tardon Adonina

Background: Childhood obesity is a serious public health concern. To identify risk for obesity in early childhood is important.Objective: To analyse association of pre-pregnancy maternal weight with BMI and metabolic profile at 4 years.Methods: 2604 pregnant mothers and 1960 children from the Spanish population-based cohort study Environment and Childhood (INfancia y Medio Ambiente) Project (INMA). Research protocol was approved by...

hrp0082p2-d1-412 | Growth Hormone | ESPE2014

ALS Deficiency due to a Novel and Two Already Described IGFALS Gene Mutations in an Unusual Non Consanguineous Family: Two Compound Heterozygous (Father and Son) and Two Heterozygous Carriers (Brother and Mother)

Scaglia Paula , Keselman Ana , Martucci Lucia , Karabatas Liliana , Ballerini Maria Gabriela , Domene Sabina , Johanna Acosta , Jasper Hector , Domene Horacio

Introduction: Complete ALS deficiency (ALS-D), caused by inactivating mutations in both IGFALS gene alleles, presents severe IGF1 and IGFBP3 deficiencies associated to moderate growth retardation.Aim: To characterize the molecular defect in a family where the index case and his father presented short stature and IGF1 and IGFBP3 deficiencies.Methods: IGF1, IGFBP3, and GH serum levels were determined by CLIA, ALS by ELISA an...

hrp0082p2-d2-470 | Growth (1) | ESPE2014

Severe Short Stature due to a Heterozygous igf1r Mutation With a Good Response to rhgh Therapy: a Family Study

Borras-Perez Victoria , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Gomez-Nunez Ana , Catala-Puigbo M , Audi Laura , Campos-Barros Angel

Background: IGF1 resistance syndrome (IGF1RS) is characterized by intrauterine and postnatal growth deficit with normal or supranormal IGF1 levels. Additional features may include intellectual deficit, microcephaly, and dysmorphisms. IGF1RS may be caused by genomic or genetic defects affecting the IGF1R locus (15q26.3).Objective and hypotheses: Case report: a girl born at 36.5 weeks, BW 1.935 g (−3.2 SDS), length 41 cm (−4.4 SDS) and...

hrp0082p3-d3-870 | Growth (4) | ESPE2014

Primary Amenorrhea with Normal Stature: Why Not Turner Syndrome?

Hristov Ioana , Hreniuc Ana , Gherasim Simona , Ungureanu Maria-Christina , Preda Cristina , Vulpoi Carmen , Mogos Voichita , Leustean Letitia

Background: Turner syndrome is the most common sex chromosome disorder in females and occurs in about 1/2500 newborn girls worldwide. On chromosomal analysis, the various karyotypes observed are: 45,X (50%); 45,X/46,XX (20%); 46,X, i(Xq) (15%); 46,X, r(X) or 46,X, del(X) (10%); and others (5%).Objective and hypotheses: We present the case of a 17-year-old girl referred to our service for primary amenorrhea. Clinical examination: height=163 cm (62nd perce...