hrp0094p1-84 | Pituitary A | ESPE2021

Pituitary Duplication – A rare and heterogenous spectrum

Goff Nicole , Murphy Nuala , Schwitzgebel Valerie , Castets Sarah , Katugampola Harshini , Stojanovic Marko , Petakov Milan , Gevers Evelien , Dattani Mehul ,

Background: Pituitary gland duplication is a very rare developmental abnormality. It is often associated with other midline anomalies including cleft palate, spinal cord and corpus callosum defects, termed duplication of the pituitary gland-plus syndrome. Of the only 40 cases reported in the literature, most are in females and are often associated with precocious puberty. Duplication of the pituitary gland may arise from blastogenesis defects, with splitting o...

hrp0094p1-13 | Bone A | ESPE2021

Characterisation and phenotype-genotype associations of a large cohort of patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1A and 1B

Prentice Philippa , Wilson Louise , Gevers Evelien , Buck Jackie , Raine Joseph , Rangasami Jayanti , McGloin Helen , Peters Catherine , Amin Rakesh , Gan Hoong-Wei , Brain Caroline , Dattani Mehul , Allgrove Jeremy ,

We characterised the phenotype of PHP patients at two UK tertiary care centres and investigated phenotype-genotype correlations.Method: Retrospective review of case notes for patients with PHP at two UK tertiary care centres.Results: 55 patients, from 41 kindreds, were identified; 32 with PHP1a, 23 with PHP1b. The PHP1a cohort (56% female, 69% White), currently aged 16.7+/-10.6 years, presented at ...

hrp0094fc1.3 | Adrenal | ESPE2021

Re-appraising the use of urinary steroid profiles for assessing therapy control in children with 21-hydroxylase deficiency – results from the CAH-UK cohort study

Bacila Irina , Lawrence Neil , Alvi Sabah , Cheetham Timothy , Crowne Elizabeth , Das Urmi , Dattani Mehul , Davies Justin H. , Gevers Evelien , Krone Ruth , Kyriakou Andreas , Patel Leena , Randell Tabitha , Ryan Fiona , Ahmed Faisal S. , Keevil Brian , Taylor Norman , Krone Nils ,

Introduction: Patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21OHD) have specific plasma and urinary steroid patterns, with 11-oxygenatedC19 steroids established as key adrenal-specific androgens. Monitoring glucocorticoid (GC) replacement remains a challenge in the absence of reliable biomarkers.Aim: To reassess the urinary steroid profile of children with CAH in relation to plasma ...

hrp0092p1-6 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2019

Health status of children with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency in the United Kingdom: results of a multi-centre cohort study

Bacila Irina-Alexandra , Mahdi Sundus , Acerini Carlo L , Krone Ruth , Patel Leena , Alvi Sabah , Randell Tabitha , Gevers Evelien , Dattani Mehul , Cheetham Timothy , Kyriako Andreas , Ryan Fiona , Crowne Elizabeth , Davies Justin H , Ahmed S. Faisal , Krone Nils P

Introduction: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is associated with long-term health problems. However, little is known about co-morbidities and their onset in children and young persons (CYP).Objective: To establish the health status of CYP with CAH across the United Kingdom.Methods: A multi-centre prospective study recruited 102 patients with 21-hydroxylase deficiency targeting...

hrp0094fc6.2 | Bone and Mineral Metabolism | ESPE2021

Long-term effectiveness of PTH(1-34) infusion therapy for autosomal dominant hypocalcaemia type 1.

Sastre Ana , Valentino Kevin , Hannan Fadil M , Lines Kate E , Gluck Anna K , Stevenson Mark , Ryalls Michael , Gorrigan Rebecca , Pullen Debbie , Buck Jackie , Sankar Sailesh , Allgrove Jeremy , Thakker Rajesh V , Gevers Evelien F ,

Background: Patients with autosomal dominant hypocalcemia type 1 (ADH1), due to germline gain-of-function calcium-sensing receptor (CASR) mutations, have hypocalcemia and seizures, hyperphosphatemia, hypercalciuria and inappropriately low parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations. Treatment for ADH1 comprises calcium and vitamin D analogs, however, their use predisposes to nephrocalcinosis and renal impairment. In contrast, recombinant human PTH(1-34) may incre...

hrp0092rfc13.2 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Development of Novel Non-Invasive Strategies for Monitoring of Treatment Control in Patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Bacila Irina-Alexandra , Adaway Jo , Hawley James , Mahdi Sundus , Acerini Carlo L , Krone Ruth , Patel Leena , Alvi Sabah , Randell Tabitha , Gevers Evelien , Dattani Mehul , Cheetham Timothy , Kyriakou Andreas , Schiffer Lina , Ryan Fiona , Crowne Elizabeth , Davies Justin H , Ahmed S Faisal , Keevil Brian , Krone Nils P

Introduction: Glucocorticoid treatment remains a challenging aspect in the management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). Current strategies for monitoring treatment are suboptimal and rely largely on frequent blood tests, which are traumatising in children and young persons (CYP). Recent evidence indicates a crucial role of 11-oxygenatedC19 androgens in the pathogenesis of CAH.Aim: To explore the use of 11-oxygenat...

hrp0097p1-569 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

National service evaluation project analysing the quality of care for children and young people with congenital adrenal hyperplasia in the United Kingdom: Data from patients and clinicians

Bacila Irina , R Lawrence Neil , Ji Xiaochen , Faisal Ahmed S , Alvi Sabah , Bath Louise , Blair Jo , Cheetham Tim , Crowne Liz , H Davies Justin , Dattani Mehul , Gevers Evelien , Krone Ruth , Patel Leena , Thankamony Ajay , Randell Tabitha , Ryan Fiona , Elford Sue , Blackett Sallyann , P Krone Nils

Background: The variation in the provision of services in secondary and tertiary care for children and young people living with CAH in the United Kingdom is unknown. We aimed to conduct a nationwide service evaluation to inform from both the patient and clinician perspective.Methods: We conducted an anonymous multicentre survey using online questionnaires for clinicians and CAH patients/carers. Clinical leads from UK cen...

hrp0094fc8.3 | Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2021

A novel clinical risk score that can accurately predict recurrence of craniopharyngioma - a multicentre cohort study

Kyprianou Nikolina , Blackburn James , Tan Rachael , Bulfamante Gaetano , Massa Valentina , Roncaroli Federico , Ribalta Teresa , Evanson Jane , Korbonits Marta , Dattani Mehul , Rai Ashutosh , Gupta Prakamya , Dutta Pinaki , Bhansali Anil , Salunke Pravin , Pani Danda , Skoric Tanja , Kastelan Darko , Gnanalingham Kanna , Mitchell Rod , Bulfamante Antonio , Argente Jesus , Goycoolea Nicolas , Torales Jorge , Biagetti Betina , Audi Laura , Resmini Eugenia , Webb Susan , Kapoor Ritika , Chandler Christopher , Zebian Bassel , Thomas Nick , Sampron Nicolas , Paraskevopoulos Dimitrios , Preda Cristina , Ahmad Amar , Pease Gevers Evelien F , Gaston-Massuet Carles ,

Background: Recurrence of craniopharyngiomas influences mortality. Apart from the extent of surgical resection, few clinical parameters have been consistently shown to be associated with recurrence. Radical resection is difficult due to infiltration of surrounding tissue and unacceptable morbidity. Predictors of recurrence are therefore needed.Aim: To establish a multinational cohort of patients with craniopharyngioma an...

hrp0097p1-103 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Assessing the treatment burden and Quality of Life of children receiving daily recombinant Growth Hormone treatment in Greece

Christoforidis Athanasios , Galli-Tsinopoulou Assimina , Karachaliou Fotini-Eleni , Chrysis Dionisios , Kanaka – Gantenbein Christina , Skiadas Ioannis , Zisimopoulou Oresteia , Poimenidou Apostolia , Windisch Manfred , Sofiaki Nikoletta , Baxevanidi Evangelia , Evelien Gevers

Background: Pediatric growth hormone deficiency (pGHD) is associated with growth attenuation/deceleration, short stature, delayed bone maturation, and metabolic defects. Daily recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) treatment promotes linear growth and increases growth rate; however, it may present a substantial burden for patients and caregivers. This may lead to low adherence, limiting the clinical effect of treatment. This study assesses the health-related ...