hrp0084p3-663 | Bone | ESPE2015

Spondyloenchondrodysplasia with Immune Dysregulation and without Neurological Involvement: Report of Two Siblings with ACP5 Gene Mutation

Guven Ayla , Cebeci Ayse Nurcan , Crow Yanick

Background: Spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD) is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by metaphyseal enchondroma-like bone lesions and dysplasia of the vertebrae. SPENCD with immune dysregulation (SPENCDI) describes the syndrome of combined immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and spondyloenchondrodysplasia caused by the mutations in the ACP5 gene on chromosome 19. Patients with SPENCDI and neurological manifestations including spasticity, developmental delay and cereb...

hrp0084p3-668 | Bone | ESPE2015

Treatment of Life Threatening Hypercalcaemia in Two Infants

Helvacioglu Didem , Kilinc Suna , Guven Ayla

Introduction: Physicians often treat patients with high doses of vitamin D for various ailments and on occasion the prescribed doses far exceed the requirements of the patients. We present here two infants with vitamin D intoxication.Case presentation: A 6 month-girl child was brought to the hospital with complaints of persistent vomiting and refusal to feed. She was clinically dehydrated. She was administered 150.000 IU every day for 8 days. Serum calci...

hrp0084p3-798 | DSD | ESPE2015

‘I am a Boy Since 8-Years-Old’: Female During Childhood, Virilization at Puberty

Kilinc Suna , Guven Ayla , Helvacioglu Didem

Background: 5α-reductase-deficiency is an autosomal recessive disorder with clinical spectrum ranges from a male phenotype with hypospadias to a female phenotype. Many different mutations of SRD5A2 gene has been described in affected patients and clinical signs can vary depending on the degree of enzyme deficiency.Case presentation: 14-years-old girl admitted to our clinic because of feeling as a boy since 8-years-old. Parents were first degree cous...

hrp0097p1-190 | Thyroid | ESPE2023

Pubertal timing and characterization in children with congenital hypothyroidism: How important is preschool age anthropometry?

Güven Ayla , Nurcan Cebeci Ayşe

Introduction: The main purpose of the study was to determine whether anthropometric measurements at preschool (PS)-age, in which physiological adiposity rebound is detected, and LT4 dose have an effect on the age of onset of puberty in children with hypothyroidism.Methods: This is an observational and retrospective study.Results: Puberty had begun in 44 girls and 25 boys out of 115...

hrp0095p1-215 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Salt-Wasting CAH phenotype as a result of the TNXA/TNXB Chimera 1 (CAH-X CH-1) and the severe IVS2-13A/C>G in CYP21A2 gene

Fanis Pavlos , Skordis Nicos , A Phylactou Leonidas , Neocleous Vassos

Background: Genetic diversity of mutations in the CYP21A2 gene is the main cause of the monogenic Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) disorder. On chromosome 6p23.1, the CYP21A2 gene is partially overlapped by the TNXB gene and reside in tandem with their highly homologous corresponding pseudogenes (CYP21A1P and TNXA), which leads to recurrent homologous recombination.Methods and Results: The genetic s...

hrp0082p3-d3-693 | Bone (2) | ESPE2014

The Use of Pamidronate in Pediatric Patients with Disease of Other than Osteogenesis Imperfecta: the Experience of Our Center

Guven Ayla , Helvacioglu Didem , Hancili Suna , Yildiz Metin

Background: Bisphosphonate treatment for bone fragility has expanded beyond the children with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) to those with other causes of low bone mass. Pamidronate is effective such as Paget’s disease, hypercalcaemia of malignancy, osteolytic bone metastasis, steroid-induced osteoporosis and idiopathic osteoporosis.Objective and hypotheses: The experience with bisphosphonates treatment other than OI in children is limited although th...

hrp0094p1-8 | Adrenal A | ESPE2021

Long-term Cardiometabolic Morbidity In Young Adults With Classic 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Righi Beatrice , Ali Salma R , Bryce Jillian , Tomlinson Jeremy W , Bonfig Walter , Baronio Federico , Costa Eduardo C , Filho Guilherme Guaragna , T’Sjoen Guy , Cools Martine , Markosyan Renata , Bachega Tania A S S , Miranda Mirela C , Iotova Violeta , Falhammar Henrik , Ceccato Filippo , Stancampiano Marianna R , Russo Gianni , Vukovic Rade , Giordano Roberta , Mazen Inas , Guven Ayla , Darendeliler Feyza , Poyrazoglu Cukran , Vries Liat de , Ellaithi Mona , Daniel Eleni , Johnston Colin , Hunter Steven J , Carroll Paul V , Adam Safwaan , Perry Colin G , Kearney Tara , Abraham Prakash , Rees D Aled , Leese Graham P , Reisch Nicole , Stikkelbroeck Nike M M L , Auchus Richard J , Ross Richard J , Ahmed S Faisal ,

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and long-term glucocorticoid treatment may be associated with an increased risk of developing cardiometabolic sequelae such as abnormal glucose homeostasis, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, cardiovascular (CV) disease, obesity and osteoporosis.Objectives: To study the current practice amongst expert centres for assessing cardiometabolic outcomes in adult patients with 21-hyd...

hrp0089p1-p110 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P1 | ESPE2018

Lipid Accumulation Product is a Predictor of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Childhood Obesity

Ozcabi Bahar , Demirhan Salih , Akyol Mesut , Akay Hatice Ozturkmen , Guven Ayla

Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the performance of lipid accumulation product (LAP) to predict non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in obese children.Methods: Eighty obese chidren (39 girl) were included in this study (6–18 years). Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), puberty stage, blood pressure (n=28), fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (...

hrp0084p2-228 | Bone | ESPE2015

Online Survey to Characterise the Burden of Illness in Children with X-Linked Hypophosphatemia

Linglart Agnes , Dvorak-Ewell Melita , Marshall Ayla , Martin Javier San , Skrinar Alison

Background: X-linked Hypophosphatemia (XLH), the most common heritable form of rickets, is a disorder of renal phosphate wasting caused by high circulating levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) that impairs normal phosphate reabsorption in the kidney and production of the active form of vitamin D. Affected children present with hypophosphatemia resulting in rickets, bowing of the legs and short stature. Limited information is available about the disease burden in child...

hrp0092p2-169 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2019

Experience of Growth Hormone Therapy in Two Cases with Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia

Suman Gök Ebru , Direk Gül , Uzan Tatli Zeynep , Akin Leyla , Hatipoglu Nihal , Kendirci Mustafa , Kurtoglu Selim

Introduction: DAX1 (NROB1) mutation, that is among the causes of primary adrenal insufficiency; is revealed with X-linked congenital adrenal hypoplasia and hypogonodotropic hypogonadism. Growth hormone (GH) deficiency is not common in affected individuals. In the literature, there are few cases of GH treatment . growth hormone therapy in two cases with DAX1 gene mutation were evaluated in clinical features and treatment responses.<strong...