hrp0084p3-1030 | Growth | ESPE2015

Sitting Height/Height Ratio: An Indicator for Genetic Study of the SHOX Gene in Children with Disharmonic Short Stature – An In-House Analysis

Yeste Diego , Dominguez Mildred , Campos Ariadna , Clemente Maria , Fernandez Paula , Plaja Alberto , Carrascosa Antonio

Background: Gene SHOX haploinsufficiency due to deletions or mutations in heterozygosis causes a wide spectrum of phenotypes ranging from very severe disharmonic short stature (S. Léri-Weil, S. Turner) to very mild forms with the appearance of idiopathic short stature (IST) of difficult clinical recognition. Auxological study directed at evaluating body disproportions such as the sitting height/height (SH/H) ratio in patients with IST has been postulated as usefu...

hrp0084p3-1087 | Perinatal | ESPE2015

Differences in Leptin Levels Between Newborns with and without Intrauterine Growth Restriction Born in the Hospital Gineco Obstétrico ‘Isidro Ayora’ of Quito-Ecuador. Year 2013–2014

De la Vega Maria Elisa Acosta , Pino Marco Antonio , Naranjo William Daniel Acosta , Naranjo Alfredo

Background: Obesity has increased drastically in the last few years. ItÂ’s well known the connection between intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and the development of metabolic syndrome based on the thrifty phenotype. Some studies have proposed that a poor intrauterine environment could lead to the development of chronic conditions later in life, and its believed leptin is involved in this process.Objective and hypotheses: Establish the mean of l...

hrp0084p3-1198 | Thyroid | ESPE2015

Thyroid Function in a Large Group of Obese Children: Causes and Consequences

Lupi Fiorenzo , Radetti Giorgio , Longhi Silvia , Grugni Graziano , Marazzi Nicoletta , Fanolla Antonio , Sartorio Alessandrio

Background: Mild TSH elevations are frequently observed in obese patients, in the absence of any detectable thyroid disease.Aims and objective: To evaluate possible causes for the raised TSH levels and to verify possible biochemical and clinical consequences of this condition.Methods: We evaluated 779 (325 males/454 females) obese children, chronological age 14.38±2.56 (range 5.25 to 18.50), height SDS 0.27±1.04 (range &#...

hrp0094p2-489 | Thyroid | ESPE2021

Thyrotropic cell hyperplasia secondary to prolonged uncontrolled primary hypothyroidism

Ariza Jimenez Ana Belen , Ariza Jimenez Jose Antonio , Vargas Elena Lopez

Introduction: Prolonged evolution of an untreated hypothyroidism can lead to thyrotropic cell hyperplasia, which could be indistinguishable from a pituitary macroadnoma on resonance. Differential diagnosis is very important since it allows to avoid aggressive therapeutic behaviors.Case report: We show a 3-year-old girl who, in the context of a study due to psychomotor retardation, borderline head circumference and coarse features, presented in magnetic r...

hrp0094p2-316 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Determining factors of a good response to treatment with growth hormone for the first 2 years

de Arriba Antonio , Cancela Vanesa , Juan Alcon Jose , Beisti Anunciacion , Ferrer Marta , Labarta Jose Ignacio ,

Objectives: - To establish the main factors on which a good response to GH treatment depends. - To study the optimum adherence values. - To study the impact of the loss of adherence in the treatment with GH.Materials and Methods: This is a non-interventional, retrospective observational study, by reviewing medical records of patients undergoing GH treatment for at least 2years due to GHD or SGA. Patients received treatment with Saizen&#1...

hrp0097p2-155 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2023

A case of Ectopic ACTH in a girl with thymic carcinoid

Deodati Annalisa , Bizzarri Carla , Ubertini Graziamaria , Carmen Garganese Maria , Stigliano Antonio , Cappa Marco

Background: Ectopic ACTH-producing tumors rarely occur in children, with <1% of all adolescents with Cushing Syndrome (CS). Many cases of ACTH-secreting ectopic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are reported in literature. In most patients, tumors secrete corticotropin-like peptides and/or corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)-like peptide, which stimulate cortisol hyperproduction.Background: Ectopic ACTH-producing tumors r...

hrp0095p2-214 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2022

Central precocious puberty - an unusual paraneoplastic manifestation of a nephroblastoma?

Stancu Ana-Maria , Gheorghita Zubascu Patriciu , Iliescu Marina , Tarna Mihaela , Andrei Marian , Comsa Codruta , Antonie Lavinia , Nicoleta Cima Luminita , Fica Simona

Introduction: Nephroblastoma or Wilms tumor is the most common pediatric abdominal malignancy. Typically, it is found in children younger than 5 years old, girls being more likely to have Wilms tumor than boys. The etiology of the disease is genetic, due to alteration in the development of the genitourinary tract.[1] Treatment is represented by surgery (unilateral nephrectomy), chemo- and radio-therapy. Paraneoplastic endocrine disorders may occur, but there a...

hrp0095rfc10.4 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2022

Recombinant PAPP-A2 induces sex-specific increases in body weight and length and changes in bone microstructure in adolescent mice with longitudinal growth reduction induced by Pappa2 deletion

del Mar Fernández-Arjona María , Rubio Leticia , López-Gambero Antonio , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Rodríguez de Fonseca Fernando , A. Chowen Julie , Argente Jesús , Suárez Juan

Deficiency of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2), a protease that regulates IGF-1 availability, causes postnatal growth failure and changes in bone size and density in humans and mice. The present study aimed to determine the effects of daily administration (from PND5 to PND35) of recombinant murine (rm) PAPP-A2, in comparison to rmGH and rmIGF1, on mouse auxology and bone microarchitecture in homozygous Pappa2 knock-out (ko/ko) mice of both sexes. Hormone treatm...

hrp0095p1-470 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

High carbohydrate diet results in sex-specific differences in energy homeostasis in mice with PAPP-A2 deficiency

J. López Gambero Antonio , del Mar Fernández-Arjona María , De Ceglia Marialuisa , Rubio Leticia , Rivera Patricia , Vargas Antonio , Vera-Fernández Carlos , Rodríguez de Fonseca Fernando , A. Chowen Julie , Argente Jesús , Suárez Juan

The growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) system is essential for optimal human growth and energy homeostasis. Deficiency of pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A2 (PAPP-A2), a protease involved in the liberation of free IGF-1, leads to problems in growth and bone density in humans and mice. Patients with PAPP-A2 deficiency also present lower body mass and mild glucose intolerance. The present study aimed to determine the influence of 1 month of high carbohydr...

hrp0084p1-64 | DSD | ESPE2015

MAMLD1 Mutations Seem Not Sufficient to Explain a 46, XY DSD Phenotype. What else?

Camats Nuria , Fernandez-Cancio Monica , Audi Laura , Mullis Primus E , Moreno Francisca , Casado Isabel Gonzalez , Lopez-Siguero Juan Pedro , Corripio Raquel , de la Vega Jose Antonio Bermudez , Blanco Jose Antonio , Fluck Christa E

Background: The MAMLD1 gene (Xp28) is thought to cause disorder of sex development (DSD) in 46, XY patients, mostly presenting with hypospadias, and, recently, also gonadal dysgenesis. However, there is some controversy about the role of MAMLD1 in sex development because i) some MAMLD1 variants are also detected in normal individuals, ii) others are not present in all affected DSD individuals of the same family; iii) several MAMLD1 mutations...