hrp0089p2-p370 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2018

Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome in Twin Brothers Caused by a Novel Mutation in the AMHR2 Gene

Maele Karolien Van De , Rademaeker Marjan de , Gies Inge , Vanbesien Jesse , Klink Daniel , Boe Veerle De , Schepper Jean De

Background: Persistent Müllerian Duct Syndrome (PMDS) needs to be considered in boys (46, XY) presenting with bilateral cryptorchidism or unilateral cryptorchidism associated with an inguinal hernia. Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) gene as well as Anti-Müllerian hormone Receptor (AMHR 2) gene mutations have been identified in PMDS boys.Aim and methods: To report a novel mutation in the AMHR 2 gene in monochorionic d...

hrp0095p1-189 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Resistance to Thyroid Hormone β in an infant with a novel de novo mutation of the THRB gene

Sertedaki Amalia , Dolianiti Maria , Sakka Sofia , Siahanidou Sultana , Kanaka-Gantenbein Christina

Introduction: Resistance to Thyroid Hormone (RTH) is a clinical syndrome characterized by impaired end-organ responsiveness to Thyroid Hormone (TH). The cardinal features of this syndrome are elevated serum levels of free THs with normal or high TSH, often with goiter and no clear symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. Mutations in the Thyroid Hormone Receptor beta (THRB) gene constitute the most frequent cause of RTH, defined as RTHβ.<p class="abstext"...

hrp0092rfc15.5 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

De novo Missense Mutation in SP7 in a Patient with Cranial Hyperostosis, Long Bone Fragility, and Increased Osteoblast Number

Raimann Adalbert , Lui Julian C , Roschger Paul , Wintergerst Uwe , Klaushofer Klaus , Stelzl Robert , Biedermann Rainer , Laccone Franco , Fratzl-Zelman Nadja , Hojo Hironori , Dong Lijin , Jee Youn Hee , Baron Jeffrey , Haeusler Gabriele

Background: Sp7, also known as Osterix (Osx), is a zinc-finger transcription factor, essential for osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. While bone formation is absent in Osx knockout mice, human loss of function mutations lead to impaired bone formation and cause recessive osteogenesis imperfecta, type XII (OMIM 613849 ).Case: The 5-year-old son of non-consanguineous parents presented with multiple long bone fr...

hrp0092p1-42 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2019

De-novo and Depot-Specific Androgen Production in Human Adipose Tissue - a Source of Hyperandrogenism in Obese Females

Wagner Isabel Viola , Sahlin Lena , Kulle Alexandra , Klöting Nora , Döbeln Viola , Savchuk Iuliia , Dötsch Jörg , Söder Olle

Background: Obesity in females is often associated with metabolic complications and hyperandrogenism but the role of adipose tissue (AT) in androgen synthesis remains unclear.Aims/Objectives: Employing human subcutaneous and visceral AT and cultured adipocytes, we studied whether AT could be a source of androgens promoting hyperandrogenism in lean and especially in obese females.Methods</st...

hrp0092p3-64 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2019

De Novo Mutation of ABCC8 Gene in a Child with MODY Developed at 25 Months of Age

Lyeon Kim Goo , Heon Kwak Soo , Yu Jeesuk

Introduction: Recently the incidence of type 2 diabetes was explosively increased in children and adolescents. The underlying mechanism of childhood-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus may be different to the adult-onset type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is useful to conduct genetic study in children with type 2 feature to understand underlying cause of glycemic dysregulation as well as for the management of diabetes mellitus.Case</stron...

hrp0082p1-d1-140 | Growth | ESPE2014

Severe Short Stature and GH Insensitivity Due to a De Novo Heterozygous STAT5B Missense Mutation

Klammt Jurgen , Neumann David , Andrew Shayne F , Drahosova Marcela , Stobbe Heike , Buckham Kyle , Rosenfeld Ron G , Pfaffle Roland , Hwa Vivian

Background: GH insensitivity is caused by disturbances of GH receptor function or inability to transduce the hormone signal. Affected children are severely growth retarded and may also present immune complications when the transducer STAT5B is defective. Only autosomal-recessive STAT5B mutations have been described to date.Clinical case: Two male 14.5 year monozygotic twins presented with heights of 131.5 cm (−5.3 SDS). Bone age of the ind...

hrp0097p2-38 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Combined pituitary hormone deficiency caused by a missense de novo variant in FGFR1

Cavallaro Paola , Francesca Messina Maria , Aversa Tommaso , Pepe Giorgia , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Corica Domenico

Background: Heterozygous loss-of-function variants of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) are genetic causes of Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency (CPHD), Kallmann syndrome (KS) with anosmia/iposmia, Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism (CHH) with normosmia and Septo-Optic Dysplasia. It is well-known that these variants are the main genetic factor underlying the development of CHH and KS; however, they have only occasionally been identified in C...

hrp0089p1-p224 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

The ‘ExternalGenitaliaScore’ to Describe External Genitalia in Male and Female Infants: A Europeanmulticenter Validation Study

van der Straaten Saskia , Springer Alexander , Hebenstreit Doris , Zezic Aleksandra , Tonnhofer Ursula , Gawlik Aneta , Baumert Malgorzata , Szeliga Kamila , Debulpaep Sara , Desloovere An , Tack Lloyd , Smets Koen , Wasniewska Malgorzata , Corica Domenico , Calafiore Mariarosa Calafiore , Ljubicic Marie Lindhardt , Busch Alexander Siegfried , Juul Anders , Nordenstrom Anna , Sigurdsson Jon , Fluck Christa E , Haamberg Tanja , Graf Stefanie , Hannema Sabine E , Wolffenbuttel Katja P , Ahmed S Faisal , Cools Martine

Background: The ‘External Masculinization Score’ (EMS) is an objective method of scoring undervirilized genitalia in infants but may require further adaptation to capture the appearance of the genitalia more comprehensively across the phenotypic spectrum.Objective: To develop and validate a non-binary, standardized score that describes the range of appearance of external genitalia.Method: The external genitalia score (EGS...

hrp0097p1-119 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Clinical features and response to rhGH treatment in ten patients with heterozygous IGF1 variants

Punt Lauren , van der Kaay Danielle , van Setten Petra , Bocco Gianni , de Munnik Sonja , Losekoot Monique , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine , de Bruin Christiaan , Maarten Wit Jan , Joustra Sjoerd

Introduction: Patients carrying homozygous IGF1 loss-of-function mutations are extremely rare and show severe pre- and postnatal growth failure, microcephaly, developmental delay, retrognathia and sensorineural deafness. Heterozygous variants in IGF1 appear to be more common in short stature, but only few cases have been reported in detail. Therefore, clinical features and growth response to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) therapy are...

hrp0097rfc4.4 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2023

Genetic findings in short Turkish children born to consanguineous parents

Joustra Sjoerd , Isik Emregul , M. Wit Jan , Catli Gonul , Anik Ahmet , Haliloglu Belma , Kandemir Nurgun , Ozsu Elif , Hendriks Yvonne , de Bruin Christiaan , Kant Sarina , Campos-Barros Angel , Challis Rachel , Parry David , Harley Margaret , Jackson Andrew , Losekoot Monique , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine

Objective: To describe clinical, laboratory and genetic characteristics of 42 short children from 34 consanguineous Turkish families.Design: Descriptive case series.Methods: After collecting clinical information, DNA samples were analysed in three European laboratories. In 18 children (12 families) suspected of a genetic defect in the growth hormone (GH)-insulin-like growth factor ...