hrp0095p2-51 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Effect of combined hormonal contraceptives use in telomere length and metabolic profile in young women with T1D

Giraudo Franco , Lardone Cecilia , Castro Andrea , López Patricia , Iñiguez Germán , Merino Paulina , Salinas Abril , Cassorla Fernando , Codner Ethel

Introduction: The metabolic effects of oral hormonal contraception (OC) on telomere length (RTL) in young women with T1D are unknown.Objective: To determine the effect of using an OC on glycemic control, inflammatory profile, and RTL in young women with T1D and healthy women without diabetes (C).Methodology: T1D (n:20, age: 20.6 ± 3.3 years) and C (n:22, age 20.2 ± 3 years) u...

hrp0086p1-p726 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology P1 | ESPE2016

Time Course of Central Precocious Puberty Development Caused by an MKRN3 Gene Mutation: A Prismatic Case

Stecchini Monica , Macedo Delanie , Reis Ana Claudia , Abreu Ana Paula , Moreira Ayrton , Castro Margaret , Kaiser Ursula , Latronico Ana Claudia , Antonini Sonir

Background: Loss-of-function mutations in the imprinted gene MKRN3 represent the most common known genetic defects associated with central precocious puberty (CPP). The penetrance of these mutations remains to be established. To date, all reported individuals with MKRN3 mutations were already in puberty or postpubertal and were identified retrospectively.Objective and hypotheses: To report the first case of a prepubertal child with an MKRN3 muta...

hrp0082p2-d2-549 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Evaluation of Age at GnRH Analogue Treatment Discontinuation, Age at Menarche and Adult Height in Girls with Central Precocious Puberty from the Spanish Registry

Corripio Raquel , Soriano-Guillen Leandro , Canete Ramon , Castro-Feijoo Lidia , Escribano Arancha , Espino Rafael , Herrero-Espinet Javier , Labarta Jose-Ignacio , Argente Jesus

Background: The Spanish Registry PUBERE was created (2007) with 53 hospitals.Objective and hypotheses: i) To determine the chronological age (CA) and bone (BA) at GnRH analogue withdrawal; ii) to analyze the age at menarche and time elapsed after stopping treatment; and iii) to know adult height data.Method: Patients with central precocious puberty (CPP) born after 1992, diagnosed before 8 years in girls, with BA/CA >1 year and...

hrp0084p2-463 | Growth | ESPE2015

Recurrent IGFALS Gene Mutations p.E35Gfs*17 and p.(L409F; A475V): Hot Spot or Founder Effect?

Scaglia Paula , Sala Andrea , Bergada Ignacio , Braslavsky Debora , Keselman Ana , Espinola-Castro Angela , Domene Sabina , Jasper Hector , Corach Daniel , Domene Horacio

Background: Some IGFALS variants have been reported in more than one ALS-deficient family raising the question whether they originated from a single common ancestor allele (founder effect) or alternatively, as independent mutational events (hot spot). Since c.103dupG (p.E35Gfs*17) is located in a stretch of five consecutive guanine residues, where both G-duplication and deletion have been described in several families, we speculate that this region could be a hot spot...

hrp0086p2-p396 | Gonads & DSD P2 | ESPE2016

Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in a Girl with 2p11.2–2q12.1 Duplication

Bianconi Martina , Scalini Perla , Maccora Ilaria , de Martino Maurizio , Megna Paolo , Stagi Stefano

Background: Patients with chromosome 2 pericentromeric duplication are rarely reported in literature.Objective and hypotheses: To describe a young girl with a congenital malformations syndrome, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and impaired bone quality associated with a chromosome 2 pericentromeric duplication.Results: The proposita was born at 37th weeks of gestation from a twin pregnancy with a cesarean delivery presenting low birth...

hrp0089p1-p232 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology P1 | ESPE2018

Gonadectomy for Adults with DSD Conditions in the International Disorders of Sex Development Registry

Lucas-Herald Angela K , Kyriakou Andreas , Bryce Jillian , Rodie Martina , Acerini Carlo , Arlt Wiebke , Balsamo Antonio , Baronico Federico , Bertelloni Silvano , Brooke Antonia , Claahsen van der Grinten Hedi , Cools Martine , Darendeliler Feyza , Davies Justin H , Desloovere An , Ellaithi Mona , Fica Simona , Gawlik Aneta , Guran Tulay , Hannema Sabine , Hiort Olaf , Holterhus Paul-Martin , Iotova Violeta , Jennane Farida , Lachlan Katherine , Li Dejun , Lisa Lidka , Mazen Inas , Mladenov Wilchelm , Mohnike Klaus , Nedelea Lavinia , Niedziela Marek , Nordenstrom Anna , Poyrazoglu Sukran , Rey Rodolfo , Tadokoro-Cuccaro Rieko , Weintrob Naomi , Faisal Ahmed Syed

Introduction: Depending on the underlying diagnosis, Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) can be associated with an increased risk of germ cell cancers. To date, however, knowledge regarding the indications and timing of gonadectomy is lacking.Methods: The International-DSD (I-DSD) Registry was interrogated for anonymised information regarding the diagnosis, karyotype, sex of rearing and timing of gonadectomy, if undertaken, of all individuals of any karyo...

hrp0092p1-270 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2019

Large Spectrum of DSD Phenotype Caused by Pathogenic Variants in Wilms Tumor Suppressor Gene 1

Ferrari Maria Tereza Martins , Domenice Sorahia , Mendonça Berenice Bilharino , Moraes Daniela Rodrigues , Batista Rafael Loch , Gomes Nathalia Lisboa , Nishi Mirian Yumie , Sircili Maria Helena , Paula Tatiana Evelin , Costa Eduardo , Costa Elaine Maria Frade

Introduction: The Wilms tumor suppressor gene 1 (WT1) plays an essential role in urogenital and kidney development. Heterozygous germline mutations in WT1 have been classically associated with Denys–Drash (DDS) and Frasier syndrome (FS). Exonic missense mutations in the zinc-finger region are the cause of DDS and mutations affecting the canonic donor KTS splice site of intron 9 are the cause of FS. New phenotypes, as 46,XX testicular DSD...

hrp0092lb-16 | Late Breaking Posters | ESPE2019

Associations Between Pituitary Abnormalities and Treatment Response in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency. First Multicenter Study in Portugal

Diamantino Catarina , Sofia Simões Ana , Borges Catarina , Costa Carla , Pereira Carla , Vieira Paula , Luísa Leite Ana , Cristina Monteiro Ana , Freitas Joana , Martins Sandrina , Teresa Bernardo Maria , Fonseca Marcelo , Mirante Alice

Background/Aims: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to investigate the etiology of growth hormone deficiency (GHD). There is a close relationship between structural changes in the pituitary gland and clinical status.We aimed to investigate the relationship between MRI findings and clinical symptoms and treatment response in children with GHD.Methods: The study was conducted in nine Department...

hrp0092p3-219 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Final Adult Height in SRY-Negative 46,XX Ovotesticular Differences of Sex Development Individuals

Martins Ferrari Maria Tereza , Moraes Rodrigues Daniela , Lisboa Gomes Nathalia , Yumi Nishi Mirian , Loch Batista Rafael , Maria Frade Costa Elaine , Bilharinho Mendonca Berenice , Domenice Sorahia , Marques Cruz Patricia Sales , Sircili Maria Helena

Introduction: Differences of sex development (DSD) encompass a variety of conditions with atypical development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomic sex. 46, XX ovotesticular (OT) DSD is a rare condition, in which the presence of testicular and ovarian tissues is identified in the same individual. These patients present variable phenotypes with a wide spectrum of atypical genitalia and their sex assignment can be male or female. Short stature is a frequent issue...

hrp0092p3-315 | Late Breaking Abstracts | ESPE2019

Associations between Pituitary Abnormalities and Treatment Response in Children with Growth Hormone Deficiency. First Multicenter Study in Portugal

Diamantino Catarina , Simões Ana Sofia , Borges Catarina , Costa Carla , Pereira Carla , Vieira Paula , Leite Ana Luísa , Monteiro Ana Cristina , Freitas Joana , Martins Sandrina , Bernardo Maria Teresa , Fonseca Marcelo , Mirante Alice

Background/Aims: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to investigate the etiology of growth hormone deficiency (GHD). There is a close relationship between structural changes in the pituitary gland and clinical status.We aimed to investigate the relationship between MRI findings and clinical symptoms and treatment response in children with GHD.Methods: The study was conducted in nine Department...