hrp0095p2-141 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2022

Relationship Between Birth Body Weight<10.TH Centile (SGA) and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in The Not-Life Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Birth Chest Circumference / Birth Body Weight Ratio

Terzi Cesare , F. Blum Werner , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Bernasconi Sergio , Chesi Elena , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Birth chest circumference(CC) shows often, like birth gestational age(GA), tight direct relations to birth body weight(BW). However distinct connections of hypoxia/undernutrition with different body structures might be suspected based on brain-, heart- and adrenal-sparing following intrauterine growth restriction and, postnatally, on higher chest size for body mass observed at high altitude. Low BW and hypoxia may be associated with circulating Insulin-like Growth Factor-I(IG1...

hrp0092p3-133 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism (to include Hypoglycaemia) | ESPE2019

Relations of O2 Supplementation to Blood Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Not-Life-Threatened Human Newborn; Role of Oral-Enteral Caloric Intake Beyond Axillary Temperature

Terzi Cesare , Blum Werner F , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Bernasconi Sergio , De Angelis Gian Luigi , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Introduction: Human newborn(NWB) respiratory derangements may be concomitant to oral/enteral caloric intake (KOE) insufficiency. We evidenced a possible involvement of axillary temperature(TEMP) in relationships between preterm birth (PTB) and blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-I(IG1) in NWBs. Here we evaluate the TEMP-independent role of birth gestational age(GA) and KOE in relations of O2 supplementation in respiratory gases(O2S) to IG1 in the not-life-t...

hrp0084p1-46 | Diabetes | ESPE2015

Trends in Insulin Therapy in 50 861 Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes from Austria and Germany Between 2000 and 2014

Bohn Barbara , Wiegand Susanna , Kummer Sebastian , Menzel Ulrike , Kordonouri Olga , Bottcher Claudia , Frohlich-Reiterer Elke , Holl Reinhard W.

Background: Over the last two decades, treatment of type 1 diabetes became more intensified and changes in the type of insulin used were reported.Objective and hypotheses: We hypothesised that there are also changes in insulin dosage and in the ratio of prandial to basal insulin. Our aim was to analyse potential trends in paediatric subjects with type 1 diabetes from Austria and Germany between 2000 and 2014.Method: 50 861 subjects...

hrp0094p2-111 | Diabetes and insulin | ESPE2021

Prevalence of skin reactions among pediatrics patients with Type 1 Diabetes users of glucose sensors.

German Angulo Paloma , Del Valle Ferreras Marcos , Cristina Lopez Menau Maria , Lopez Sanchez Belen , Luna Bastante Loreto , Remedios Mateo Laura , Corredor Andres Beatriz ,

Introduction: Glucose sensors are medical devices used in glycaemic control of patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) . Its use prevents multiple capillary measurements, improving disease control and quality of life. However, these systems are not exempt from unforeseen events. The rise in the number of users has resulted in the increasing detection of local skin reactions by these devices, being the most frequent the eczematous ones, which may correspond to irri...

hrp0094s12.1 | Epigenetics and Genetics in Endocrine Disorders | ESPE2021

Epigenetics, imprinting and growth

Temple I Karen ,

Human imprinting disorders are congenital disorders of growth, development and metabolism, associated with disturbance of gene dosage at imprinted loci across the genome. Causes of disease include point mutations, structural variants, uniparental disomy and ‘epimutations’ with a parent of origin specific effect. Further complexity underlies the causes of the epigenomic errors that may be the result of genetic and environmental factors at different times during the de...

hrp0086p2-p590 | Perinatal Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Birth Chest Circumference Relations to Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 in The Not-Life-Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Birthweight to Birth Crown-Heel Length Ratio After Control for A Small Birthweight for Gestational Age, for Respiratory Support Measures and for Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I

Terzi Cesare , Virdis Raffaele , Magnani Cristiana , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Bernasconi Sergio , Tridenti Gabriele , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Blum Werner F. , Banchini Giacomo

Background: Birth chest circumference (BC) may be related to Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-Binding-Protein-3 blood serum levels (IB3) in the human newborn (NWB).Objective and hypotheses: We evaluated the relevance of birth body weight (BW) to birth crown-heel length (BL) ratio (BW through BL, BW/BL) in BC relations to IB3 after control for BW for birth gestational age (GA)<=10th centile (SGA), respiratory O2 supplementation (O2S), assisted ventila...

hrp0094p1-21 | Diabetes A | ESPE2021

Incidence of Type 1 Diabetes in Children and Adolescents during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Germany: Results from the DPV registry

Kamrath Clemens , Rosenbauer Joachim , Eckert Alexander , Siedler Kai , Bartelt Heike , Klose Daniela , Sindichakis Marina , Herrlinger Silke , Lahn Valentina , Holl Reinhard W. ,

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany compared to previous years.Research Design and Methods: Based on data from the multicenter German Diabetes Prospective Follow-up Registry (DPV), we analyzed the incidence of type 1 diabetes per 100,000 patient years in children and adolescents in the year 2020. Using Poisson regression m...

hrp0086p2-p582 | Perinatal Endocrinology P2 | ESPE2016

Birth Chest Circumference Relations to Circulating Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I in the Not-life-threatened Newborn: Relevance of Birthweight to Birth Crown-Heel Length Ratio Beyond The Presence of a Small Birthweight for Gestational Age and of Respiratory Support Measures

Terzi Cesare , Blum Werner F. , Magnani Cristiana , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Chesi Elena , Bernasconi Sergio , Tridenti Gabriele , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Background: Birth chest circumference (BC) may be related to Insulin-like-Growth-Factor-I blood serum levels (IG1) in the human newborn (NWB).Objective and hypotheses: We evaluated the relevance of birth body weight (BW) to birth crown-heel length (BL) ratio (BW through BL, BW/BL) in BC relations to IG1 after control for BW for birth gestational age (GA)<=10th centile (SGA), respiratory oxygen supplementation (O2S) and assisted ventilation of any kin...

hrp0095hdi1.2 | How Do I… Session 1 | ESPE2022

How do I manage severe obesity

van den Akker Erica

Pediatric severe obesity is a major threat to health and longevity. Around 7% of children worldwide have early onset severe obesity before the age of 7. Pediatric obesity is caused by an interplay of multiple factors: lifestyle, environmental, sociocultural, psychological, biological and genetic factors. Endocrine, monogenetic or syndromal causes are rare, but currently underdiagnosed and important to identify for the need of specific treatment. Cardiovascular risk factors and...

hrp0095hdi2.2 | How Do I… Session 2 | ESPE2022

How do I replace oestrogens in Turner syndrome?

Sas Theo

In Turner Syndrome (TS) the ovaries usually start to involute within 4 or 5 months of gestation. Consequently, the majority of patients have diminished ovarian estrogen production leading to the (Partial) absence of puberty. These girls need estrogen therapy to induce pubertal maturation. For many parents of girls with TS, talking about ovaries, puberty and, particularly, infertility is a stressful thing. However, timely age-appropriate disclosure about these subjects, startin...