hrp0082p3-d3-805 | Gonads and Gynaecology | ESPE2014

The Genotypic and Phenotypic Variability of Mixed Gonadal Dysgenesis

Grimbly Chelsey , Couch Robert , Girgis Rose

Background: Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is most commonly associated with 45,XO/46,XY karyotype.Objective and hypotheses: We report three cases that illustrate the genotype and phenotype variability of mixed gonadal dysgenesis.Methods: Data was extracted from Pediatric Endocrinology charts in a tertiary care centre after consenting the parents.Results: i) A 13 year old patient, 45,XO/46,X, isodicentric Y chromoso...

hrp0082p3-d2-895 | Perinatal and Neonatal Endocrinology (1) | ESPE2014

Relationship of Birth Gestational Age with the Ratio between IGF2 and IGF Binding Protein 3 in Blood Serum Beyond Influences of Gender, Small-For-Gestational-Age Status, Caesarean Section, Caloric Intake, and Predominant Breast Milk Feeding in the Not-Life-Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Parenteral Nutrition

Terzi Cesare , Virdis Raffaele , Blum Werner F , Zani Sergio , Riani Marco , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Chesi Elena , Bernasconi Sergio , Banchini Giacomo

Background/objective and hypotheses: Parenteral nutrition (KIVD) relevance to known birth gestational age (GA) relations to the blood serum IG2/blood serum IGF binding protein 3 (IB3) ratio (IG2 through chronologically corresponding IB3, IG2/IB3) was studied in the not-life-threatened newborn (NWB).Method: SEX, GA (unit, complete week), postnatal age (PNA; unit, day), birth body weight (BW; unit, g), birth head circumference (HC; unit, cm), GA≤36 (...

hrp0095rfc8.3 | Diabetes and Insulin | ESPE2022

Peripheral nerve conduction velocity in children and young adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus as a marker of metabolic control

Oberhauser Sarah , l'Allemand Dagmar , Heldt Katrin , Gozzi Tiziana , Stasinaki Aikaterini , Eilers Miriam , Lütschg Jürg , Broser Philip

Background: Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) abnormalities are considered as early signs of peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). We investigated which determinants NCV is subject to and how it is related to markers of metabolic control.Methods: We included 51 patients treated at the outpatient clinic of paediatric diabetology because of their type 1 DM and randomly assigned them for a nerve condu...

hrp0095p2-10 | Adrenals and HPA Axis | ESPE2022

Long-term Outcomes for Ninety-four Boys with Central Precocious Puberty or Early and Fast Puberty in Chinese Boys

Chen Zhixin , Chen Qiuli , Li Yanhong , Ma Huamei , Zhang Jun , Guo Song

Objective: To assess the efficacy and influential factors of GnRHa treatment for Chinese CPP/EFP boys.Methods: From April, 1994 to June, 2020, 94 boys diagnosed with CPP or EFP who had reached the final adult height were retrospectively included. Among these patients, 41 patients received no treatment, 43 patients received GnRHa treatment alone and 10 patients received GnRHa + GH treatment. The final adult height and the...

hrp0092p1-415 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology (2) | ESPE2019

Clinical and Molecular Characteristics of Russian Patients with 46,XY DSD due to NR5A1 Gene Mutations.

Kalinchenko Natalia , Petrov Vasiliy , Vasiliev Evgeniy , Tiulpakov Anatoly

Background: Steroidogenic factor 1 (encoded by the NR5A1gene) is a transcriptional regulator of genes involved in gonadal development and steroidogenesis. Mutations in NR5A1 have been identified among the most frequently genetic causes of disorders of sex development (DSD).Objective: To report the phenotype of 31 patients associated with 17 novel and 9 previously described NR5A1 sequence varian...

hrp0092p2-259 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology or Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2019

Differences of Sex Development with Chromosomal Mosaicism: Histological Characterization and Immunohistochemistry Markers in Gonads During Childhood

Touzon Maria Sol , Galluzzo Mutti Maria laura , Ramirez Pablo , Perez Garrido Natalia , Marino Roxana , Bailez Marcela , Costanzo Mariana , Guercio Gabriela , Rivarola Marco Aurelio , Belgorosky Alicia , Berensztein Esperanza

Sex chromosome disorders, including sex chromosome mosaicism, result in a large clinical spectrum. There is scarce information about the histological pattern of these gonads.Aim: to characterize the histology and cell markers pattern in gonads of patients with chromosomal mosaicism.Gonadal biopsies from thirteen patients with chromosomal mosaicism, including chromosome Y were studied. Six were rearing as male and s...

hrp0089p3-p176 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Axillary Temperature Relation to Blood Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-I in the Not-life-Threatened Newborn: Relevance of Preterm Birth

Terzi Cesare , Blum Werner F. , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Garavelli Lidia , Bernasconi Sergio , Angelis Gian Luigi De , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Introduction: Preterm delivery may comport blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IG1) decrements and lower body temperature during the first days of postnatal life of the human newborn (NWB). We evaluated the role of preterm delivery in associations between axillary temperature (TEMP) and IG1 in NWBs without life-threatening disease.Methods: NWBs with any among total parenteral nutrition, blood transfusion, therapeutic hypothermia, life-threatening d...

hrp0094p2-381 | Pituitary, neuroendocrinology and puberty | ESPE2021

Characterization of puberty development in a large cohort of patients with Noonan syndrome with molecular diagnosis

Rezende Raissa , Jorge Alexander , Noronha Renata , Keselman Ana , Andrade Nathalia , Dantas Naiara , Bertola Debora , Malaquias Alexsandra ,

Introduction: Noonan syndrome (NS) is a relative frequent genetic disorder, mainly characterized by dysmorphic face features, congenital heart defects and short stature. Though delayed pubertal development has been described in both sexes, the physiopathological root remains unclear. This study aims at characterizing puberty development in Noonan syndrome.Materials and Methods: The study population included 111 individuals with a molecul...

hrp0089p3-p177 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism P3 | ESPE2018

Birth Estimated Brain Weight Relation to Ratios between Insulin-like Growth Factor-II and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 in the Not-life-threatened Newborn: Relevance

Terzi Cesare , Virdis Raffaele , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Chesi Elena , Bernasconi Sergio , Angelis Gian Luigi De , Blum Werner F. , Banchini Giacomo

Introduction: Body temperature determinants include head-brain thermal homeostatic mechanisms and, in the human newborn (NWB), birth gestational age (GA). Estimated birth brain weight (BRW) ratio to birth body weight (BW)(BBR) resulted associated with GA and blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF)-II(IG2) ratio to blood serum IGF Binding Protein-3 (IB3)(IG2 through chronologically-corresponding IB3, IG2/IB3R) in our previous NWB observations. Here we evaluate BRW, BW, BBR...

hrp0097p1-484 | Fetal, Neonatal Endocrinology and Metabolism | ESPE2023

Relationships between birth body weight< centile (SGA) and insulin-like growth factor-ii / insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 ratio in the not-life threatened newborn: relevance of birth chest circumference / birth body weight ratio and oxygen supplementation

Terzi Cesare , F. Blum Werner , Magnani Cristiana , Tridenti Gabriele , Cerioli Andrea , Riani Marco , Chesi Elena , Luigi De Angelis Gian , Bernasconi Sergio , Virdis Raffaele , Banchini Giacomo

Direct relationships of estimated birth brain weight(BRW) to birth body weight (BW) ratios (BBR) and of BW< centile for GA(SGA) with blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor-II(IG2) to blood serum Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IB3) ratios (IG2/IB3R), and inverse relations between BW-SDS and birth chest circumference(CC) / BW ratio (i.e., CC through BW; CC/BWR) have been detected by our group in the human newborn(NWB). We evaluated the possibility that CC...