hrp0086p1-p132 | Bone & Mineral Metabolism P1 | ESPE2016

Spinal and Forearm Bone Mineralization in Adolescents with Klinefelter Syndrome

De Schepper Jean , Louis Olivia , Vanbesien Jesse , Verheyden Stefanie , De Wolf Rik , Anckaert Ellen , Gies Inge

Background: Patients with Klinefelter syndrome (KS) have an increased risk for osteoporosis and fractures in adulthood. Data on bone mineralization in adolescence are limited, although it is a known at-risk period for vitamin D deficiency, low calcium intake and evolving hypogonadism.Objective and hypotheses: To study the bone mineralization in KS adolescents and its relationship with vitamin D/calcium and gonadal status. KS adolescents with low calcium ...

hrp0082p1-d2-214 | Reproduction (1) | ESPE2014

Early Medical Treatment of Children with Gender Dysphoria: an Empirical Ethical Study on Arguments of Proponents and Opponents Concerning Early Interventions

de Vries Martine , Vrouenraets Lieke , Wichmann Anne , Schermer Maartje , Fredriks Miranda , Delemarre-van de Waal Henriette

Background: Both The Endocrine Society and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) published guidelines for the treatment of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria (GD). The guidelines recommend the use of GnRH agonists in adolescence to suppress puberty, and the use of cross-sex hormones starting around age 16 for eligible patients. In actual practice, there is no consensus whether to use these early medical interventions. The aim of our stud...

hrp0082p3-d1-929 | Puberty and Neuroendocrinology | ESPE2014

Long-Term Consequences of Indirect Topical Exposure to Testosterone Gel in Young Children

Gies Inge , Vanbesien Jesse , De Brucker Yannick , Ernst Caroline , Anckaert Ellen , De Schepper Jean

Background: Virilization of young children after topical androgen use by their fathers through skin contact is well-known. The long-term consequences of such exposure at very young age are not well known.Objective and hypotheses: The aim is to report the occurrence of spermarche in a young boy and central precocious puberty in a young girl as late consequences of interpersonal transfer of testosterone gel.Method: Testosterone conta...

hrp0084p2-393 | GH & IGF | ESPE2015

Study of IGF1 Receptor Gene in Small for Gestational Age Patients with Short Stature Treated with RHGH

Ferrer Marta , de Arriba Antonio , de Zabarte Jose Miguel Martinez , Barrio Eva , Labarta Jose Ignacio

Background: IGF1 is essential for pre and postnatal growth. Mutations in IGF1 receptor (IGF1R) gene have been described in patients with intrauterine growth retardation and other anomalies.Objective and hypotheses: To study IGF1R gene in small for gestational age (SGA) patients with short stature and correlate the results with clinical presentation and response to rhGH treatment.Method: Longitudinal retrospective study of 69 SGA pa...

hrp0097p2-143 | Growth and Syndromes | ESPE2023

Improving detection of rare overgrowth syndromes referred to the endocrinology ward for analysis of acromegaly

van Essen Trui , Rosenberg Anna , de Herder Wouter , Jan van der Lelij Aart , de Graaff Laura

Background: In our center for adults with rare genetic syndromes, we see adolescents and young adults with overgrowth syndromes, among others. In our 'general endocrinology' outpatient clinic, we also see patients with overgrowth, but in these cases the overgrowth is due to excess of growth hormone (GH). Our clinical impression is that the differentiation between the two is often challenging. Therefore, we believe it is important to emphasize the dif...

hrp0086rfc14.4 | Growth : Mechanisms | ESPE2016

Genetic Diagnosis of Congenital Growth Hormone Deficiency by Massive Parallel Sequencing Using a Target Gene Panel

Nakaguma Marilena , de Lima Jorge Alexander Augusto , de Assis Funari Mariana Ferreira , Lerario Antonio Marcondes , de Azevedo Correa Fernanda , de Carvalho Luciani Renata Silveira , de Mendonca Berenice Bilharinho , Arnhold Ivo Jorge Prado

Background: Congenital GH deficiency (GHD) can be isolated (IGHD) or combined with other pituitary hormone deficiencies (CPHD). The identification of mutations has clinical implications for the management of patients and genetic counseling1.Objective: To prospectively conduct a molecular-genetic analysis in genes associated with IGHD or CPHD.Method: Forty patients with IGHD (n=8) or CPHD (n=32) were stu...

hrp0097p2-164 | Pituitary, Neuroendocrinology and Puberty | ESPE2023

Precocious puberty: let's talk about the north of Algeria!!

Rouabah Nadira , Rouabah Hamza , Manaa Ardjouna , Bioud Belkacem

La puberté précoce est définie comme le développement des caractéristiques sexuelles avant l'âge de 8 ans chez les filles et de 9,5 ans chez les garçons. L'objectif de notre étude était de calculer la prévalence de la puberté précoce en consultation spécialisée et de décrire le profil clinique, paraclinique, étiologique et de prise en charge ainsi que la qua...

hrp0082lbp-d3-1009 | (1) | ESPE2014

Family Studies of CYP21A2 Gene Identify Different Haplotypes for Nonclassical 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency in Brazilian Population

de Paula Michelatto Debora , Grimaldi Larissa Magalhaes , Alpiste Marcel Costa , Baptista Maria Tereza Matias , Guerra-Junior Gil , Valente de Lemos-Marini Sofia Helena , Palandi de Mello Maricilda

Background: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, one of the most frequent autosome recessive disorders, is caused by defects in steroidogenic enzymes involved in the cortisol biosynthesis. Approximately 95% of cases are caused by a deficiency of the 21-hydroxylase enzyme. Its deficiency leads to androgen excess, consequently, to virilization and rapid somatic growth with accelerated skeletal maturation. Mutations in CYP21A2 are responsible for different forms of 21-hydroxylase defi...

hrp0095rfc4.6 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity | ESPE2022

European Consortium of Lipodystrophies Registry, 2022

von Schnurbein Julia , Gambinieri Alessandra , Fernández-Pombo Antia , Akinci Baris , Vatier Camille , Cecchetti Carolina , Adiyaman Cem , Vigoroux Corrine , Araujo-Vilar David , Savage David , Gilio Donatella , Bismuth Elise , Sorkina Ekaterina , Vorona Elena , Santos Silva Ermelinda , Nobecourt Estelle , Csajbok Eva , Santini Ferrucio , Prodam Flavia , Nagel Gabriele , Aimaretti Gianluca , Latanzi Giovanna , Ceccarini Giovanni , Novelli Giuseppe , Yildirim Simsir Ilgin , Jeru Isabelle , Štotl Iztok , Carel Jean-Claude , Writzl Karin , Heldt Katrin , Miehle Konstanze , Kleinendorst Lotte , D’Apice Maria-Rosaria , Beghini Mariana , Vantyghem Marie-Christine , Broekema Marjoleine , Faßhauer Mathias , Stumvoll Michael , Sbraccia Paolo , Ozen Samim , Magno Silvia , Scherer Thomas , Daffara Thomaso , Pekkolay Zafer , Wabitsch Martin

Background: Lipodystrophy syndromes comprise a large group of extremely rare diseases characterized by loss or dysfunction of adipose tissue. Due to their extreme rarity and variability, research in the field of lipodystrophy is difficult for single centres warranting larger co-operations.Methods: Therefore, the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies decided to found an international registry in 2016. This registry is ba...

hrp0089p3-p130 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity P3 | ESPE2018

Familial Partial Lipodystrophy, Importance of Family History – A Case Report

Stockley Camilla , Holder Susan , Rangasami Jayanti

TN was seen in India aged 7 years by her GP, with concerns about tall stature and increase in belly fat. She had a family history of diabetes, high cholesterol and early deaths. Her mother has diabetes, a round face and prominent limb musculature with very little subcutaneous fat. TN was investigated by a paediatric endocrinologist in India. Tests showed high triglycerides and insulin levels at the upper level of normal for her age. She was put on a strict diet and exercise pr...