hrp0095fc1.3 | Thyroid | ESPE2022

Meta-analysis of DNA methylation datasets identifies aberrant DNA methylation of thyroid function and development genes in Down syndrome

Lauffer Peter , Zwaveling-Soonawala Nitash , Li Shaobo , Bacalini Maria , Naumova Oxana , Wiemels Joseph , Boelen Anita , Henneman Peter , de Smith Adam , van Trotsenburg Paul

Down syndrome (DS) is characterized by a higher incidence of congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and a high prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) early in life. Children and adults with DS have an increased risk of developing autoimmune thyroid disease, however CH and early SH cannot be explained by thyroid autoimmunity. The etiology of CH and early SH in DS remains to be elucidated. Considering the recently discovered genome-wide transcriptional and epigenetic alterations ...

hrp0092fc13.4 | Adrenals and HP Axis | ESPE2019

Biphasic Glucocorticoid Rhythm in One Month Old Infants: Reflection of a Developing HPA-Axis?

Hollanders Jonneke J. , de Goede Paul , van der Voorn Bibian , Honig Adriaan , Rotteveel Joost , Dolman Koert , Kalsbeek Andries , Finken Martijn J.J.

Background: The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis displays a diurnal rhythm, peaking in the morning and with a nadir at night. However, not much is known about the development of the HPA- axis, although strikingly some evidence suggests that a rhythm with a peak in the afternoon is already present antenatally. We aimed to describe HPA-axis activity at age 1 month as well as study possible influencing factors.Methods</stro...

hrp0086rfc1.8 | Adrenals | ESPE2016

Adrenal Dysfunction in HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants Receiving Ritonavir-Boosted Lopinavir, an HIV Protease Inhibitor, for the Prevention of Breastfeeding HIV Transmission. An ANRS 12174 Substudy

Polak Michel , Wudy Stefan , Meda Nicolas , Hartmann Michaela , Kankasa Chipepo , Tumwine James , Laborde Kathleen , Hofmeyr Justus , Vallo Roselyne , Nagot Nicolas , Tylleskar Thorkild , Van de Perre Philippe , Blanche Stephane

Background: We recently demonstrated that both ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r) and lamivudine (3TC, a nucleoside analogue) given to breastfed infants can reduce the risk of post natal HIV transmission (ANRS 12174 trial; Nagot, Lancet 2016). In another setting we previously showed the occurrence of adrenal dysfunction in newborn perinatally exposed to LPV/r leading to acute adrenal insufficiency in premature babies (Simon, JAMA 2011).Objective and hyp...

hrp0082p2-d1-564 | Sex Development | ESPE2014

46,XY Neonates and Infants with Ambiguous Genitalia: Who to Investigate?

Baetens Dorien , Mladenov Wilhelm , Chiaie Barbara Delle , Desloovere An , Iotova Violeta , Menten Bjorn , Van Laecke Eric , Hoebeke Piet , De Baere Elfride , Cools Martine

Background: Extensive and time-consuming hormonal and genetic work-up provides a genetic diagnosis in around 20% of 46,XY cases with ambiguous genitalia. It is currently unclear if such extensive screening might also be indicated in 46,XY newborns with milder undervirilization.Method: All 46,XY neonates and infants (n=32, EMS 2–12) referred to our pediatric endocrine service for atypical male genitalia in the period 2007–2013 were inve...

hrp0094p1-33 | Fat, Metabolism and Obesity A | ESPE2021

Metabolomics in early life and the association with body composition at age 2 years

van Beijsterveldt Inge , Snowden Stuart , Myers Pernille Neve , Fluiter Kirsten de , Brix Susanne , Ong Ken , Dunger David , Hokken-Koelega Anita , Koulman Albert ,

Background and Objectives: Early life might be a critical window for adiposity programming later in life. Metabolic profile in early life may reflect this programming and correlate with later life adiposity. We investigated if metabolic profile at 3 months of age is predictive for body composition at age 2 years and if there are differences between boys and girls and between infant feeding types.Methods: In 318 healthy t...

hrp0094p2-308 | Growth and syndromes (to include Turner syndrome) | ESPE2021

Evidence that non-syndromic familial tall stature has an oligogenic origin including ciliary genes

Weiss Birgit , Eberle Birgit , Roeth Ralph , de Bruin Christiaan , Lui Julian C , Paramasivam Nagarajan , Hinderhofer Katrin , van Duyvenvoorde Hermine A , Baron Jeffrey , Wit Jan M , Rappold Gudrun A ,

Human growth is a complex trait. A considerable number of gene defects have been shown to cause short stature, but there are only few examples of genetic causes of non-syndromic tall stature. Besides rare variants with large effects and common risk alleles with small effect size, oligogenic effects may contribute to this phenotype. Exome sequencing was carried out in a tall male (height 3.5 SDS) and his parents. Filtered damaging variants with high CADD scores were validated b...

hrp0097p1-299 | GH and IGFs | ESPE2023

Real-world adherence to growth hormone treatment and catch-up growth in children with growth disorders in France: An interim analysis from the SCOPE study

Polak Michel , Bouhours-Nouet Natacha , Tauber Maithé , van Dommelen Paula , Khebbeb Sarah , Castello-Bridoux Claire , De Buyst Valerie , Koledova Ekaterina , Linglart Agnès

Background: The SCOPE French retrospective study follows children affected with growth hormone (GH) disorders treated with recombinant human GH (r-hGH) therapy via the easypod® connected injection device for up to 5 years.Aim: To show the results from an interim analysis of the SCOPE study analysing adherence to r-hGH therapy in a real-world setting and its effect on catch-up growth.Met...

hrp0089p2-p220 | GH &amp; IGFs P2 | ESPE2018

The ZOMATRIP Study: Four Year Combination Therapy of GH and GnRHa in Girls with a Short Predicted Adult Height During Early Puberty: Adult Height Outcome

Dotremont Hilde , France Annick , Heinrichs Claudine , Tenoutasse Sylvie , Brachet Cecile , Cools Martine , De Waele Kathleen , Massa Guy , Lebrethon Marie-Christine , Gies Inge , Van Besien Jesse , Derycke Christine , De Schepper Jean , Rooman Raoul

Background: A combination of GH and a gonadotropin releasing hormone analogue (GnRH a) is hypothesized to improve adult height in children with a poor adult height prediction.Study design: In this multicenter study, 24 girls in early puberty (bone age ≤12.0 y),with a predicted adult height ≤151.0 cm and normal body proportions were treated with GH (Zomacton) 50 μg/kg per day and triptorelin (Gonapeptyl) 3.75 mg/month SC or IM (for 4 year...

hrp0094p1-45 | Sex Endocrinology and Gonads A | ESPE2021

Bilateral testicular regression: genetic etiology and outcome in a large Belgian series

Tack Lloyd , Brachet Cecile , Heinrichs Claudine , Boros Emese , De Waele Kathleen , Straaten Saskia vander , Aken Sara Van , Craen Margarita , Lemay Annelies , Rochtus Anne , Casteels Kristina , Beckers Dominique , Mouraux Thierry , De Baere Elfride , Verdin Hannah , Cools Martine ,

Background: Bilateral testicular regression (BTR) is characterized by the absence of both testicles in a newborn male or shortly thereafter, and presenting as bilateral cryptorchidism with undetectable AMH levels and the absence of Müllerian structures on pelvic ultrasound. Depending on when the regression occurs during fetal development, the condition can be associated with a micropenis. Few studies have explored the etiology and long-term outcome of BTR...

hrp0092p1-425 | Thyroid (2) | ESPE2019

Maternally Inherited Resistance to Thyroid Hormones with Discordant Postnatal Phenotypes in Two Infant Brothers

Cavin Rosalie , Chevalier Claudia , Van Vliet Guy , Deladoëy Johnny

Resistance to thyroid hormone due to mutations inactivating thyroid hormone receptor-Beta occurs in one in 40,000 individuals and can arise de novo or be inherited, generally in a dominant fashion. Clinical manifestations are widely variable and include failure to thrive in infancy. The biochemical diagnosis is usually straightforward: high serum fT4 and non-suppressed TSH.We report two brothers who both inherited the known c.728G>A, p.R24...